Yesterday, while I had an unfettered
home connection for about 36 hours, I got to look at the line-up of speakers at
the Festival for the first time in a while. I WAS BLOWN AWAY
– both by the quality and breadth, and also by the fact that ALL the main people who have been there for years will be
there THIS year (except Allean Hale), including
Annette Saddik, whom I have found to be the most FUN-LOVING of them all – and actually, I’d say that Thomas
Keith is number two in that category.
I knew it would be special when my
first look, months ago, showed that John Lahr, John Waters, and Gen. Russel
Honore, had signed on, and it has grown EXPONENTIALLY!!!
I do remember how in his first years
as Director, Paul was a bit nervous – and then after Katrina, he had incredible
challenges – but Paul Willis is DOING TENNESSEE WILLIAMS RIGHT!!!
And as to MY attitude
toward everyone there – who by definition love Tennessee Williams, although
there have been disagreements and strange pressures brought to bear on ALL of us, I stand with Senor Shakespeare: “All’s Well That Ends Well!!!”
I feel so much better, now . . .
Marma Duke – thanks for this.
To begin with, I replied an hour ago,
and although I have had a perfect internet connection for over 24 hours now –
including this morning until the MOMENT I tried to
send it – the DNS server went out immediately and has remained out. Since this
often happened when I used the iPad Mini before when the Windows computers
worked fine, I tried the usual tricks to get it back and they have not worked,
so I was WRONG that the hackers are not still limiting
my Freedom
of Speech – whoever they really
And anything Apple is more easily
corrupted than anything Windows – but is less noticeable and only matters if
one is politically active.
Also of note might be that your email
confirming the quality of that gift of pot I distributed in Chacala,
immediately disappeared yesterday, and is not in trash, spam or similar either.
And while I appreciate your saying I should keep every red cent – at least I
could buy you a case of Crunchy Peanut
Butter, no???
Anyway, I can’t access what I first
wrote, but can your email to me, so I will recreate in Word then send from
elsewhere soon. That email is STUCK in “sending”
on the iPad, so when I regain connection, you – and the several I copied – will
get it later, I bet.
I really appreciate that you understand
the situation so well. I doubt you are alone, but you aren’t afraid to tell me,
unlike so many others.
I did, a few minutes after sending
Jane my email, call my mother just to let her know that things have degenerated
between my siblings and I (Jane must speak for them all since the others are
silent), to a very sorry state, with Jane in TOTAL denial
of reality.
I told Mom how Jane had called Stone
Mountain Police to say I was desperate and suicidal and needed immediate
commitment, even though I’d had no contact with her for at least a week –
within minutes of Patrick Stansbury of having fired me, after having first
agreed to a stock buy-back at one price, then backtracking in steps to saying
he would not pay me a penny and that my family HATED ME more
than anyone else on earth (which has actually proved TRUE
– LOL!!!), and that I had NO OPTION
except suicide.
This is documented in a blog posting “The Evidence Against Patrick Stansbury”,
Anyway, Jane at least admitted to
this, claiming that she had gotten a desperate call from my then part-time
roommate Allen Rosen of Allen Rosen (video) Productions of Tuscaloosa, Alabama (whom I had only
days before caught changing my security settings of my computer, by hacking in
while in his parked van in my driveway). Since then, Allen has been
confirmed as CIA-associated, and his other person he watched most in Atlanta
was Tyler Perry, whom he often did work for.
to prosecute BOTH Jane and Allen
Rosen (who had not then had contact with me in at least five days), for
colluding with the CIA Narco-trafficking of Pentagon Publishing – which is EASILY provable!!! I dare say they BOTH
would spend some
time in jail – or pay a heavy fine.
I could hear Mom’s disturbed breathing
as she listened to all this, and then I heard silence when I finished, so asked
her what she thought. She said she was so sad that I “felt” that way, which is
Mom’s clear statement that she’s sorry I’m still ENTIRELY delusional
and psychotic.
By her words, Mom effectively cut the
umbilical cord between me and the entire family, and although I had “flash
anger” and told her she was just a “Swasticka-Licker” and I
hope she has a slow and painful death – as shocking as one could say to a
93-year-old mother – she only hung-up saying she didn’t have to listen to this,
so my SHOCK approach to both Jane and Mom did not work at all.
After hanging up, I realized I am now
free of them and their hatred of God, self, and country, and I really hope they
are happy in that world of loneliness, distrust, lies, and gnashing of teeth
that they have each consciously chosen.
I don’t have any time for them at ALL,
going forward – they are like the lying ghosts I have seen in movies, or the
constant idiotic chatter in the head of a schizophrenic -- and this will relax
me so I don’t easily go toward anger at the Williams Festival.

He should know!!!
He should know!!!
I’ve also decided that they have
crossed the line too many times and I will not give them a DIME of my winnings. Instead, that money will go to
organizations fighting the abuse of the Mentally Ill
– and those spreading
information about the whole issue.
MOST appropriate
alternative, no???
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:22 AM, marma duke wrote:
On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:22 AM, marma duke wrote:
When ever someone responds with that "Who ? Lil ol' me ? Why whatever have I ever done to you? " fucking bullshit. It boils my fucking blood.
I wont call her any names because she is your sister but she must fight daily to lug that train wreck of illusion up the dung pile of her life.
gosh and golly fuck.i am glad to see you dont take that shit.they got no strings on me
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