Saturday, March 28, 2015

I DROPPED THE BOMB That I Came to New Orleans to Drop -- SUCCESSFULLY -- PRAISE JESUS!!!

Thomas Keith

Thomas Elliot Keith

In perhaps the most intense (due to the quality of participants), panel discussion, "Tennessee Today: His Critical Reputation and Popular Image", a few minutes ago, I placed a THOUGHT/FACT BOMB perfectly, and it will continue detonating until Sewanee/The University of the South is DESTROYED for not only its WHITE SUPREMACY, but for its suppression of the TRUTH about Tennessee Williams.

The panel first discussed the suppression of Tennessee's plays, reseach by scholars, and books about Tennessee, by Maria St. Just who worked in conjunction with Sewanee -- although Sewanee's part was not mentioned, so in the questions period, I first mentioned that Thomas Keith had been contracted and DID edit my memoir (, and had told me two days ago he, too, was never paid, and I thanked him, John Lahr, and Kenneth Holditch for their very kind words about my memoir.

Then I mentioned it had been cancelled right before publication (but I did NOT mention I was never paid any of my then five months overdue advance, nor that my photos, when returned, had never been taken out of their individual sealed envelopes -- proving there had NEVER been any intention of publishing the book by Alyson Books, part of HERE Media), and said I understood the politics that had caused that, but I would NOT get into that.

I asked that since they were still suppressing the truth then in 2010, did anyone know of any other works that had been suppressed since (I already knew that it HAS happened since and that Thomas Keith had done it -- LOL!!!).

The ENTIRE panel looked more uncomfortable than I had ever seen five adults look -- they all staring at the table in front of them. So after a silence, Thomas Keith said he guessed no one knew of any, and I replied, "OK, well NO ONE would know more than YOU, Thomas!!!" and sat down, having done what I needed to do on this trip, so now all will JUST BE FUN, no???"


Kenneth Holditch (an honest man)

David Kaplan (Head of the Provincetown Williams Fest, who had totally snubbed me at Tennessee William's investiture to the Poets' Corner at Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in NYC in 2009 -- and since REFUSED to answer a single email I sent him personally, as well as Facebook messages to him and invite to friend on FB.)

John Lahr (Who did what he had to to publish his book, and he understands very well.)

Annette Saddik (Who John Uecker accuses f stealing his scholarship and who is friendly, but won't talk more than a few seconds with me.)

Thomas Keith, moderator (Who actually tried twice to shut me down during all this, but in a semi-loud obnoxious, bullying way -- and INSULTED John Lahr at least once, and it was John Uecker who had bragged to me that Thomas Keith had the DIRT to blackmail Lahr into towing Sewanee's crap, and Lahr did not mention some things -- but DID NOT LIE AT ALL in his biography.)

I did NOT mention that several top people long associated with this festival have intimated to me that THEY WOULD LIKE TO SEE THOMAS KEITH IN PRISON!!!

As all this continues to grow in its effect over time, I will soon enough bring criminal charges against the worst offenders -- and since my wealthy Kenan relatives have been proven to have given Sewanee and the narco-trafficking Episcopal Church nearly $100,000,000.00 over the last 90 years in support of their Confederate Mace which they only gave up in 2005, causing irate alumni to stop giving (and they are the TOP support of the Ku Klux Klan and Republican Party as well) -- and Sewanee alumni lawyers told me the proceeds of Tennessee's estate have been used to HIDE this drop -- when I SUE Sewanee and Episcopal Church for DAMAGES, soon enough, I will get either some of Tennessee Williams's estate -- or the wealthy Kenan's money.


Now, I can relax and have fun for the rest of the show, no???

You can BET YOUR BOTTOM DOLLAR that Thomas Keith will be certain my comments are edited out of the transcript and tape of that event. Doesn't matter, now.



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