Dear Mr. Stam,
I don't know you -- nor you me (that I am aware of), but what the DICKENS has gotten into your cotton-pickin' little head??? And actually, I did NOT mean your lower one -- believe it or not. I promised my blog readers this morning (each posting is emailed to 500 in US Press, primarily, and then gets 600 - 700 hits per day, worldwide), that I would email you today. Frankly, I'm too tired from fighting CIA, Republican Party, and Episcopal Church narco-traffickers here in Puerto Vallarta -- and YES, I am "one of those Kenans", but not as well-to-do, but I DO know Thomas S. Kenan III, who turned alcoholic after a Republican and Christian campaign forced him into the closet with his twenty-something year old boyfriend (whose Wilmington friends I met and they are just HIGH-END DRUG TRASH!!!), when in 1985, when I dated Tom's recent ex, Curtis "Robby" Anderson, now a teacher of music at Burgaw High School.
As you would know if you had been reading my 2,600+ essay length postings since 2008, I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams (a playwright -- look him up!!!), and at a party on January 11, 1982, Jackie Kennedy Onassis told us that the CIA and FBI with major help of the Episcopal Church and Republican Party would murder him because all knew he planned to change his will to leave all to Harvard, rather than Sewanee, the University of the South and seat of the South's ONLY Episcopal Church USA seminary. This is their symbol of power that when they FINALLY retired it in 2005, caused alumni donations to tank -- just like Duke Chapel dropped chiming occasional Muslim prayers due to Tom Kenan threatening them with withdrawal of Kenan money!!!
Additionally, my parents, first identified in 1990 to me by top Jewish business leaders in Atlanta to be America's TOP literal NAZIs (we had swastikas on dinner plates and daily beatings growing up), and then the Reiner Family of Hollywood (specifically Jonathan, who has his own Emmys now), made me an Honorary Jew in 2010, when I first blogged about it. And while it is TRUE that I can prove Mom got her orders from the last three Catholic Popes, she and Dad worked with these major Republican Operatives to grow the Narcotics Business which finances the Republican Party and clandestine CIA: Dick Cheney, Nixon Aide John Ehlichman, Newt Gingrich, Coach Lou Holtz, John Boehner, and the list goes on and on, and I met half of them, then.
I admit it was no surprise that Mom worked directly with Sean Hannity and Fox News, but a SHOCK to discover that she has been MORE effective at directing CNN to protect the NAZI PARTY USA, made up mostly of Republicans -- but DEFINITELY including the Clintons, Al Gore, Gov. Andrew Cuomo -- but NOT his Dad -- and Rahm Emanuel.
And I SURE had a time of it when Democrats D.A. Benjamin R. David, Sheriff Ed McMahon, and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous (who smoked crack daily in my friend's uncle's crack house in Wilmington, at least in 2011 and 12), jailed me five times on eight false charges (now dropped), and committed me twice to mental hospitals that the doctors immediately sprung me from. My parents actually SET UP the narco-operation in Wilmington when they lived there 1980 - 2000, and today, Wilmington receives more illegal drug deliveries by sea than any other US place -- even more than Miami or Los Angeles.
But that is no secret to anyone much -- anymore.
But DESPAIR NOT!!! The guy who sued me for LIBEL and got a conviction without legally serving me -- in absentia -- in Cook County (Chicago) Courts, among other things stealing all my copyrights in an attempt to GAG me for the Republican Party, Jamie Lee Sutherland, is an exec of Wells Fargo, Chicago (a competitor to Kenan/Sinatra-owned Bank of America), and if you follow the news, you know that Wells Fargo Chicago paid the LARGEST fine in US History in 2010 for laundering drug money -- about $200,000,000.00 -- HA!!!
But here is YOUR good news: Jamie Sutherland ALSO saw Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel in his private gay bathhouse, Man's Country, in Chicago a few times when Obama was a Senator. That Michelle and her mother helped the Republicans BLACKMAIL Obama into playing straight and narco-trafficking for the Republican Party proves she is just one of what I call "Christian Cunts"!!!
And then there is this, as well:
So I have abandoned Party Partisanship, and hope the best person wins each and every election. I will NOT vote for a single Republican as long as ANY Republican in a national or state race does NOT endorse gay rights and marriage. We do NOT need to turn bright people into idiotic alcoholics like Tom Kenan is today!!!
And for the record, according to Robbie Anderson, Tom is a TOP (think: "Greek Active"), but the two of us are bottoms (Greek Passive), but I being 6' 11" tall, got Robbie to do me with his WICKEDLY CURVED "man-stuff", that is nicely-sized, and protruding from a GINGER nest!!! The movie Blue Velvet was being made then (1985), using his Carolina Apartments (built by William R. Kenan, Jr.), for some of the scenes. SCARY, no???
So get over all this silliness and LET'S FIX OUR BELOVED "OLD STATE" FOR ALL -- no???
I remain loyal to God and Country -- in that order, and to Tennessee Williams, who has inspired me:
All best,
Scott Kenan
Puerto Vallarta
PS: My blog can be found at and this email will be posted there shortly.
PS: My blog can be found at and this email will be posted there shortly.
And here is how the STRAIGHT PEOPLE express their Christian Love!!!:

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