Netanyahu and His Wife Are Being Sued For ‘Racist and Physical Abuse’ of African Bodyguard and Maid>>> And I just got an email from Nancy Pelosi saying that Democrats plan to BOYCOTT Netanyahu's address to Congress. YAY!!!
>>> CNN HAS DOUBLED DOWN MORE AND MORE, spreading fearful lies and speculation in support of their NAZI Time/Warner bosses.
BIBLICALLY speaking, ALL employees of CNN and Fox News (I have little access to have an opinion on others), should be STONED TO DEATH, but 10 years to life for talking heads, writers, editors, and similar -- and one to two years for those with desk jobs, security, etc.
Anderson Cooper is the other best example of WHITE SUPREMACY in action at CNN.

NRA representative Charles Quigley - US, Senor Tension (aka Malcolm Tanton - CN), Andrea (Austria), Me - US, Stanley Winborne III - US, Colin Hamilton, UK from Africa,and Bonnie Dixon - US
They practically ran up to me like CHILDREN when they spotted me, and even though we had many things to discuss, we ended up with one asking if I knew WHAT the PVWG really is to me. I replied without any hesitation that they and the whole non-sense that has happened is the LEAST significant event in my entire life story, which is EXACTLY what they hoped I understood.
GOSH -- does that PROVE that some people are at least as smart as me -- maybe SMARTER???
Oh, say it isn't so!!!
Well, I was glad to finally connect in person with some members -- and glad that I have been right about so many things, too.
That's right, the Commission was TWO YEARS of fighting with Republican New Hanover County Commissioner Brian Berger (who is hopefully back in jail where he belongs now -- and double that for his buddy, Justin LaNasa):
TODAY'S DILEMMA is that County Commissioner Jonathan Barfield (Dem) and Vice-Chair Beth Dawson (Rep -- and an ELDER of First Presbyterian, PROVING she has to be a conscious and deliberate NARCO-TRAFFICKER in conjunction with Racist Rev. Ernie Thompson -- it was now deceased Rev. Jim Holderness who ADMITTED TO ME that he and Ernie Thompson made Benjamin R. David a DEACON to protect his narco-trafficking, so a HIGHER Elder HAS TO KNOW!!!

Anyway, Mr. Barfield is to give a State of the County address, and a "Loose-Cannon" type Republican wants to use county equipment to record his rebuttal -- no rebuttal to this speech ever having been given before.
Well, my point had been that the NHC Commission needs to work this out (perhaps the Commission will some day vote on whether of not to fund a rebuttal speech beginning next year, no???)
That's right, the Commission was TWO YEARS of fighting with Republican New Hanover County Commissioner Brian Berger (who is hopefully back in jail where he belongs now -- and double that for his buddy, Justin LaNasa):
Justin LaNasa is just a common TATTOO PARLORIST, and the drug-nuts who manned the bank of computers in his HardWire tattoo parlor on Front Street, cat-called me a CHILD-MOLESTER in front of Wilmington crowds.
That is one of the worse civil and moral crimes that can be committed, and I will somehow see that those who accussed me even of molesting THEIR OWN SONS -- but REFUSED to press charges when I demanded they do that, will get HEAVY criminal penalties (or Civil if I must), when I return to sue Wilmington Police, District Attorney, and Sheriff's Department of NH County (they are all Democrats!!!).
TODAY'S DILEMMA is that County Commissioner Jonathan Barfield (Dem) and Vice-Chair Beth Dawson (Rep -- and an ELDER of First Presbyterian, PROVING she has to be a conscious and deliberate NARCO-TRAFFICKER in conjunction with Racist Rev. Ernie Thompson -- it was now deceased Rev. Jim Holderness who ADMITTED TO ME that he and Ernie Thompson made Benjamin R. David a DEACON to protect his narco-trafficking, so a HIGHER Elder HAS TO KNOW!!!
Jonathan Barfield with "Tighty-Whitey" Dawson
Anyway, Mr. Barfield is to give a State of the County address, and a "Loose-Cannon" type Republican wants to use county equipment to record his rebuttal -- no rebuttal to this speech ever having been given before.
Woody White, the Republican Tea-Partiest who thinks John Boehner and Eric Cantor are as Liberal as President Obama (and when you think about it -- he actually has a POINT -- LOL!!!)
Obama's attitude EXACTLY through MOST of his presidency!!! How QUICKLY we forget how staunchly he has FOUGHT gay rights, income equality, marijuana legalization, anyone who shows PROOF he is actually homosexual, is terminated or jailed -- EXACTLY what that asshole has done to me REPEATEDLY, consciously and deliberately.
Well, my point had been that the NHC Commission needs to work this out (perhaps the Commission will some day vote on whether of not to fund a rebuttal speech beginning next year, no???)
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus