Guess where I am going tonight for a film shoot?#ghosttheater #ghostsigns #alisonstravels#annoyedcats
I'm not totally certain, but I believe I've read that Alison Fraser and her "Williams act", will be at the New Orleans Festival this year -- I HOPE so!!!
You can read my review on Amazon, which was voted "most helpful" (so far)!!!: http://www.amazon.com/Tennessee-Williams-Words-Alison-Fraser/dp/B00IBQ5OWY
Wilmington riverfront voted best in US
But the funny thing is, that nearly all the local comments on this article TEAR WILMINGTON DOWNTOWN APART for all the RAMPANT DRUGS AND VIOLENCE -- LOL!!!
I don't know HOW they ended up winning "hands down", when just a few days ago, Wilmington was BEHIND Spokane, Washington. And while Wilmington DOES have some very good restaurants, if you want guaranteed warmth of weather and PEOPLE (and a closer beach), look what Puerto Vallarta has to offer!!!:
And then anyone still FOOL ENOUGH to live in North Carolina nowadays, has to put up with THIS:
Republican Governor Pat McCrory has worked diligently to suppress the vote in NC -- but he's been so RUTHLESS, I think even FOX NEWS reports on that.
This video of Holden Thorp introducing Thomas S. Kenan III discloses MUCH about the Kenans and their relationship to UNC. It is RARE in that it does not show Tom Kenan drinking one form of alcohol or another.
So while 75-year-old "Alky-Tom" was swillin' and schtupffing his twenty-some year old boyfriend (whom he does not socialize with in public -- although in the 1970s and 1980s, Tom Kenan was the TOAST of Gay North Carolina), much was going to HELL, due to the Republicans and Episcopal Church feeding him LIES!!!
And then at the beginning of this year, the Republicans, who first had set it all up, had now-resigned (and utterly disgraced), Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, attacking the school over this and the Board as well.
And as PLANNED by the Republican Party, Gov. Pat McCrory, has jumped on that bandwagon, too, the PLAN being that they can fire most or all of the Board and replace them with BIBLE LITERALISTS who HATE actual education.
Thank God, Carol Folt does NOT appear to be one of these men and women.
And SHAME on the wealthy Kenans and their WHITE SUPREMACIST Episcopal Church, that not only is HEAVILY into narco-trafficking -- but murdered Tennessee Williams and stole his estate from Harvard as well!!!
Herbert "Holden" Thorp, a former holder of a Kenan Chair of Chemistry at UNC (and the literal godson of Betty Kenan, widow of Frank Hawkins Kenan and step-mother of Thomas S. Kenan III), was Chancellor (President) of UNC from 2008 - 2013, when Carol Folt (who ALSO tried to hide the scandal), took over.
This video of Holden Thorp introducing Thomas S. Kenan III discloses MUCH about the Kenans and their relationship to UNC. It is RARE in that it does not show Tom Kenan drinking one form of alcohol or another.
So while 75-year-old "Alky-Tom" was swillin' and schtupffing his twenty-some year old boyfriend (whom he does not socialize with in public -- although in the 1970s and 1980s, Tom Kenan was the TOAST of Gay North Carolina), much was going to HELL, due to the Republicans and Episcopal Church feeding him LIES!!!
And then at the beginning of this year, the Republicans, who first had set it all up, had now-resigned (and utterly disgraced), Republican NC State Senator Thom Goolsby, attacking the school over this and the Board as well.
Thom Goolsby: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2011/12/riding-wave.html
And as PLANNED by the Republican Party, Gov. Pat McCrory, has jumped on that bandwagon, too, the PLAN being that they can fire most or all of the Board and replace them with BIBLE LITERALISTS who HATE actual education.
Thank God, Carol Folt does NOT appear to be one of these men and women.
And SHAME on the wealthy Kenans and their WHITE SUPREMACIST Episcopal Church, that not only is HEAVILY into narco-trafficking -- but murdered Tennessee Williams and stole his estate from Harvard as well!!!

The Confederate Mace was Sewanee's (The University of the South's), SYMBOL OF POWER, until political correctness forced it to be retired in 2005.
Sewanee has the ONLY Episcopal Seminary to train Episcopal clergy in the "Old South".
I suppose "No one is PERFECT" -- as they say!!!
I REBUKE anyone who belongs to a Political Party in the USA, today.
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