1. First of all, it is QUITE POSSIBLE that Allen Rosen was NOT responsible directly for hacking my computer and changing its security settings -- which I actually watched live as it happened, so early one winter morning in early 2010 that neither dawn nor sunrise had yet cracked in Stone Mountain, GA.
I took a photo of the changing computer screen showing that, and then wondering what Allen was doing, found him in his truck in the driveway with motor running -- he working vigorously on his computer, connected to the internet via my house WiFi.
You see, the CIA, NSA, or other hacker, might have gotten to me through Allen's computer -- or maybe to my computer directly, but the coincidence, then, was extraordinary.
And never-the-less, it was only a week or so later that Allen, immediately after Patrick Stansbury fired me, called my sister and convinced her I needed immediate commitment -- despite his having no direct contact with me in at least five days. He very soon thereafter, moved out in a PANIC while I was away for a short time.
2. I still have not heard back from Tony Narducci whether John Lahr ever contacted him for an interview before publishing TENNESSEE WILLIAMS: MAD PILGRIMAGE OF THE FLESH, but that said, I asked the question in the title of a broadcast email to 500, and his settings might have sent that straight to spam or trash, so he may never have read it. I'll write him privately, shortly.
3. And I suppose I should admit to a fantasy I had quite strongly a few days ago (but that has weakened since -- like these things do with guys), that Tennessee Williams sure loved doing Tony -- maybe I should find out how he tastes, no???
4. And WHAT"S THE DEAL about the mixing of the Kenan and Kennedy Families??? Although it is REAL in terms of my own experience, I learned new things this morning. Can you believe THIS -- including BILLY GRAHAM,??? Oh, for Quetzalcoatl's sake, already!!!
1. First of all, it is QUITE POSSIBLE that Allen Rosen was NOT responsible directly for hacking my computer and changing its security settings -- which I actually watched live as it happened, so early one winter morning in early 2010 that neither dawn nor sunrise had yet cracked in Stone Mountain, GA.
I took a photo of the changing computer screen showing that, and then wondering what Allen was doing, found him in his truck in the driveway with motor running -- he working vigorously on his computer, connected to the internet via my house WiFi.
You see, the CIA, NSA, or other hacker, might have gotten to me through Allen's computer -- or maybe to my computer directly, but the coincidence, then, was extraordinary.
And never-the-less, it was only a week or so later that Allen, immediately after Patrick Stansbury fired me, called my sister and convinced her I needed immediate commitment -- despite his having no direct contact with me in at least five days. He very soon thereafter, moved out in a PANIC while I was away for a short time.
2. I still have not heard back from Tony Narducci whether John Lahr ever contacted him for an interview before publishing TENNESSEE WILLIAMS: MAD PILGRIMAGE OF THE FLESH, but that said, I asked the question in the title of a broadcast email to 500, and his settings might have sent that straight to spam or trash, so he may never have read it. I'll write him privately, shortly.
3. And I suppose I should admit to a fantasy I had quite strongly a few days ago (but that has weakened since -- like these things do with guys), that Tennessee Williams sure loved doing Tony -- maybe I should find out how he tastes, no???
In this recent photo of Tony, he looks short and squat -- like Tennessee's bulldog Cornelius (named for Tenn's dad), but he was slim, hot, and handsome then -- and a truly nice guy. Although two years older than me, I assumed Tony was about three years younger -- until he published his book.
Tony some time in the interim -- is he not rather ITALIAN HOT???
4. And WHAT"S THE DEAL about the mixing of the Kenan and Kennedy Families??? Although it is REAL in terms of my own experience, I learned new things this morning. Can you believe THIS -- including BILLY GRAHAM,??? Oh, for Quetzalcoatl's sake, already!!!
And this was actually PREVIOUS: John F. Kennedy speaking in Kenan Stadium, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, on University Day, October 12, 1961 - See more at: http://blogs.lib.unc.edu/morton/index.php/category/politics/#sthash.NyTnsV9C.dpuf
Well, so many Wilmingtonians told me that many Kennedys had purchased homes in the Frank Hawkins Kenan built Landfall Development, that I assumed they meant "Massachusetts Kennedys" -- and maybe they did -- but today, I learned that one of "Uncle Jimmy's" daughters married a different kind of Kennedy, and so there are now plenty of Kennedy-named Kenan heirs.
You see, the ODDEST THING about both the 1967 and 1999 editions of the book THE KENAN FAMILY, the revised edition by Marie D. DeLamar, then the world's top genealogy expert hired by the Kenans, are MISSING very key data from the very people in CHARGE.
Frank H. Kenan and his brother James G. Kenan together managed the family's vast corporate holdings and charitable foundations through the mid and late 1900s, and together they founded both Kenan Oil and Kenan Transportation, eventually combined and enormously expanded in www.theKAG.com, today.
Frank Kenan's five children are listed with birth dates -- mostly in the 1930s, 40s and 60s, Frank having married a much younger woman the second time, but only THREE of those are mentioned again -- and Thomas S. Kenan III is gay, so no issue, Elizabeth Price Kenan shows one daughter, Lily Annice Howell, born in 1996, and Owen, who emerged as a leader until his early death some years ago, had three children -- but ONLY their names are listed -- without even birth dates, and then THEY disappear.
Well, by chance while researching something esle, I found this deep in the UNC Chapel Hill archives that explains some of this:
Family members established two $1 million James G. Kenan Distinguished Professorships in English or history in the College of Arts and Sciences that honor the 1932 Carolina graduate, who passed away in 1999. The first professorship was established by the Spray Foundation in Atlanta, governed primarily by three of Kenan’s children, James G. (Jim) Kenan III ’68 of Lexington, Ky.; Sarah Kenan Kennedy ’71 of Atlanta; and Clay Kenan Kirk ’64 of New York City. Jim Kenan established the second professorship in his father¹s name. The professorships qualified for the state match through the Distinguished Professors Endowment Trust Fund.
Both professorships were established to attract or retain a distinguished teacher and scholar in English or history as determined by the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at the time of appointment. They will support teachers and scholars specializing in European or American History or 19th and early 20th century English and American literature, which are areas of interest to James G. Kenan.
“We did this as a way to honor our father who has such strong feelings for Carolina,” said Jim Kenan, chairman of Kentucky River Coal Corporation, in Lexington, Ky. “The professorships in English or history reflect his interests related to the liberal arts at Carolina.”
- See more at: http://college.unc.edu/foundation/distinguished-professorships/the-james-graham-kenan-distinguished-professorships-in-english-or-history/#sthash.HkGhJHXP.dpuf
So besides SWIMMING in the gas and oil industries -- the Kenan Family is HEAVILY into coal, as well. NO WONDER they are Republicans!!!
Do the Kenans NOT get updates from think tanks -- who all announced about six or seven years ago that secrecy is now POISON in this age in which everything is RECORDED???
It is understandable that people who are not particularly influential still believe in privacy -- but no one EVOLVED and SUCCESSFUL today believes in it AT ALL!!!
Do YOU???
I was actually digging deeper into the Kenan Research Center at the Atlanta History Center, when I chanced on the Anne and Jim Kenan Preschool at the world-renowned Atlanta Speech School: https://www.atlantaspeechschool.org/default.aspx?RelId=606417.
Now if you divorce the Kenan Family from its apparently GENETIC BOND to racism and slavery, their deeds are totally COOL!!!
Readers will recall, that after a magistrate in Dekalb County arraigned me and released me on my own recognizance on the first arrest for the TRESPASS charge in 1990, he casually asked me if I was related to the Kenan Family of Georgia -- and I said yes, but didn't know them. He said he was CONFIDENT that with my blood connections I would NEVER have another legal problem in Georgia -- although that did not exactly work out -- LOL!!!
But that was WHY I looked up and found that James G. Kenan was a lawyer, so I called and HE (then actually retired, and NOT ever in regular practice, except to handle Family matters), had me get in touch with his wife's nephew Gregg Loomis, a practicing attorney, best-selling novelist, race-car driver, and stunt pilot.
And it was when I kidded Gregg because BOTH Kenan books emphasize the Kenan name being important in the Old Testament -- and the Kenans got much of their sense of having a "Messianic Mission on Earth" from that (I did NOT yet know that according to the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, "Kenan" means "the Sadness" or "Unbridled greed and acquisitiveness"), that I wondered if we aren't blood JEWS.
5. This is all a TERRIBLE MESS, but we MUST transcend the past. Many Founding Fathers of the USA were slave-owners and even produced children by their slaves. We still honor their best parts -- and that is how we need to treat the wealthy branch of the Kenan Family.
They really DO need to clean up the University of North Carolina of all the names honoring some of the racist and Confederate gentlemen who built the university -- probably with a compromise of keeping names of those who were less a problem, but re-naming the others.
And there is the sports scholarship and academics scandal there too -- ALLOWED by the Kenan Family. And of course the RAPE REPORTING CRISIS. Someone's been asleep at the WHEEL!!!
6. And finally, some silly wag emailed me several days ago, saying that had my mother named me "Keenan Wynn Kenan" I'd REALLY have problems with them spelling it.
I replied that they would all spell only "Wynn" right -- and it was TOO LATE to do that, anyway.
And from "Super Lawyers": we find Gregg's son Kenan Loomis, whom I also consulted then -- when he just began his practice in Decatur, GA: http://www.superlawyers.com/georgia/lawyer/Kenan-G-Loomis/16f372f3-e2e2-4627-916a-77b80f596159.html
And it was when I kidded Gregg because BOTH Kenan books emphasize the Kenan name being important in the Old Testament -- and the Kenans got much of their sense of having a "Messianic Mission on Earth" from that (I did NOT yet know that according to the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, "Kenan" means "the Sadness" or "Unbridled greed and acquisitiveness"), that I wondered if we aren't blood JEWS.
Gregg nearly choked, and said NEVER to mention that to any Kenan -- as they hate NO ONE more than Jews.
5. This is all a TERRIBLE MESS, but we MUST transcend the past. Many Founding Fathers of the USA were slave-owners and even produced children by their slaves. We still honor their best parts -- and that is how we need to treat the wealthy branch of the Kenan Family.
They really DO need to clean up the University of North Carolina of all the names honoring some of the racist and Confederate gentlemen who built the university -- probably with a compromise of keeping names of those who were less a problem, but re-naming the others.
And there is the sports scholarship and academics scandal there too -- ALLOWED by the Kenan Family. And of course the RAPE REPORTING CRISIS. Someone's been asleep at the WHEEL!!!
Get in there and FIX it -- and STOP besmirching my Kenan name!!!
6. And finally, some silly wag emailed me several days ago, saying that had my mother named me "Keenan Wynn Kenan" I'd REALLY have problems with them spelling it.
Keenan and Ed Wynn together.
I replied that they would all spell only "Wynn" right -- and it was TOO LATE to do that, anyway.
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