No offense to "Lars" (of the last posting), but Alex Nicely is a man with a little SKIN COLOR -- and he lives on Wrightsville Beach (where I only wish I had seen him, nearly nekkid).
We'll get to the news about HIM, right after this:
1. I first rode into town to get some more fags (archaic term for cigarettes), and ran right into the twenty-something-year-old young man I'd met near ANOTHER Oxxo convenience store, about four days ago. He's 6' 5" and from some Great Plains state -- and just took an English and Chemistry teaching position at one of Puerto Vallarta's universities, so has moved here and is looking for an apartment.
1. I first rode into town to get some more fags (archaic term for cigarettes), and ran right into the twenty-something-year-old young man I'd met near ANOTHER Oxxo convenience store, about four days ago. He's 6' 5" and from some Great Plains state -- and just took an English and Chemistry teaching position at one of Puerto Vallarta's universities, so has moved here and is looking for an apartment.
NO, not just because he's too young -- but because I'm too old and cantankerous to live with nearly ANYONE.
Anyway, he HAS read parts of this blog, and said he's been too busy teaching and apartment hunting (and all the other things one must do in a new location), to have dropped me a note, yet. He's definitely looking in my neighborhood, because that's what he replied when I said "Stay away from where White People live."
2. When I returned, I discovered a late un-deliverable email to this address:, which at first I thought was North Carolina Senator Richard Barr, but seeing the CONGRESS part (and later noticing Richard is a Republican "Burr" -- in the saddle, as they say), realized it had to be my old buddy Bob Barr of Georgia.
I checked the news, and he has indeed LOST his Republican Primary -- I was SHOCKED!!! For all you voters asleep-at-the-wheel, Bob Barr was the PILLAR of the Libertarian Party, and ran as their candidate for US President in 2008 (while Cynthia McKinney, my former Congresswoman who had been drummed out of Congress -- mostly by fellow Democrats -- because she filed Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and four others, right when Bush had 85% approval for invading Iraq. Well, anyway, Cynthia McKinney ran for President in 2008 as well -- on the GREEN Party ticket.
But readers of this blog also know that although I did not actually PAL AROUND WITH Bob Barr, I had dealings with him in 1990, when he was the US Attorney covering Dekalb County, Georgia, and Dr. Edward O. Nix, working for Dekalb County Mental Health Services, prescribed 1,500 mg Lithium Carbonate to be taken ONCE PER DAY.
The situation was that Judge Linda Warren Hunter had FINALLY convicted me (nolo plea), of simple trespass after holding me in jail for 15 weeks and I filed Writ of Habeus Corpus to force a trial or release me. Simple Trespass. I had never had a problem with the Law before.
And Judge Hunter -- this entire series of court proceeding WAS available on the online County Court records up until nearly two years ago when it was ERASED, except the Writ of H.C. against Sheriff Jarvis, although I still have all the judge-signed legal documents here in Puerto Vallarta, and many screen captures of the changing records as well -- had declared I had to have a 0.7 Serum Lithium reading or higher, or lose the one year of HOUSE ARREST PROBATION I was given (for simple trespass, no previous trouble).
Of COURSE my parents had insisted on being not only in chambers with Judge Hunter many times before she concluded things, but with the psychiatrist (over my protest), as well. And it was MOM who insisted I would need so much and I should take it in one dose (so it was easy to remember). Later, we determined that I needed only 900 mg to reach a 0.7 level -- and later than THAT, Mom took her Lithium knowledge and MURDERED her brother Bob with help of a US Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi.
And in 1990, Bob Barr (this is what my mother told me), called Mom to ask about that dosing, since my contention was that seeing in psychiatric literature that 1,500 mg of Lithium can actually kill people if taken at once, I asserted mom was trying to MURDER ME. But he called, Mom said she told him I was just Bipolar and telling EVERYONE lies, so he dismissed any investigation and that was that.
Read more on Bob Barr here:
2. When I returned, I discovered a late un-deliverable email to this address:, which at first I thought was North Carolina Senator Richard Barr, but seeing the CONGRESS part (and later noticing Richard is a Republican "Burr" -- in the saddle, as they say), realized it had to be my old buddy Bob Barr of Georgia.
I checked the news, and he has indeed LOST his Republican Primary -- I was SHOCKED!!! For all you voters asleep-at-the-wheel, Bob Barr was the PILLAR of the Libertarian Party, and ran as their candidate for US President in 2008 (while Cynthia McKinney, my former Congresswoman who had been drummed out of Congress -- mostly by fellow Democrats -- because she filed Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and four others, right when Bush had 85% approval for invading Iraq. Well, anyway, Cynthia McKinney ran for President in 2008 as well -- on the GREEN Party ticket.
We all know who won -- the one I voted for.
But readers of this blog also know that although I did not actually PAL AROUND WITH Bob Barr, I had dealings with him in 1990, when he was the US Attorney covering Dekalb County, Georgia, and Dr. Edward O. Nix, working for Dekalb County Mental Health Services, prescribed 1,500 mg Lithium Carbonate to be taken ONCE PER DAY.
The situation was that Judge Linda Warren Hunter had FINALLY convicted me (nolo plea), of simple trespass after holding me in jail for 15 weeks and I filed Writ of Habeus Corpus to force a trial or release me. Simple Trespass. I had never had a problem with the Law before.
And Judge Hunter -- this entire series of court proceeding WAS available on the online County Court records up until nearly two years ago when it was ERASED, except the Writ of H.C. against Sheriff Jarvis, although I still have all the judge-signed legal documents here in Puerto Vallarta, and many screen captures of the changing records as well -- had declared I had to have a 0.7 Serum Lithium reading or higher, or lose the one year of HOUSE ARREST PROBATION I was given (for simple trespass, no previous trouble).
Of COURSE my parents had insisted on being not only in chambers with Judge Hunter many times before she concluded things, but with the psychiatrist (over my protest), as well. And it was MOM who insisted I would need so much and I should take it in one dose (so it was easy to remember). Later, we determined that I needed only 900 mg to reach a 0.7 level -- and later than THAT, Mom took her Lithium knowledge and MURDERED her brother Bob with help of a US Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi.
I sent all this info to Drew Griffin several times and through various channels, but CNN has NOT done a DAMNED THING ABOUT IT!!!
And in 1990, Bob Barr (this is what my mother told me), called Mom to ask about that dosing, since my contention was that seeing in psychiatric literature that 1,500 mg of Lithium can actually kill people if taken at once, I asserted mom was trying to MURDER ME. But he called, Mom said she told him I was just Bipolar and telling EVERYONE lies, so he dismissed any investigation and that was that.
Read more on Bob Barr here:
* * *
This is actually Brian Berger, the New Hanover County Commissioner who has spent so much time in jail, but has NOT left his position!!!
The INGROWN TOENAIL of Wilmington, North Carolina -- especially of Republicans.
>>> THE NEWS ABOUT HIM (Alex Nicely-Naturally-Tanned):
1. I should disclose that Alex Nicely never tried a case against me, and that he was Robbie Trayhan's contact in the D.A.'s office more than the actual D.A. Benjamin R. David, when Robbie admitted to me he got PAID by Ben David to spy on me in Wilmington in 2011, before he moved to Texas -- if Robbie told the truth.
2. In today's news round-up for Wilmington, NC sent to me by email, I see that although she-judge Robin Robinson (if I ever had her, it was with no important decision, and I have no opinion on her), gave Mr. Berger ANOTHER SECOND CHANCE at just Probation and to clear his name if successful, I COMPLETELY AGREE with Alex Nicely, the Prosecutor, that Brian Berger has more than proved he is not capable of handling it -- and should serve more time. It's not that much more.
This is the most PECULIAR situation I ever heard of in anyone's County Politics, but Berger was found not just breaking probation by being out of allowed geography, but sitting nearly comatose (drugged???), in failed 2011 Republican Wilmington MAYORAL candidate Justin LaNasa's leased mountain cabin -- after breaking through locks and surrounding himself with Justin's arsenal of weapons, including at least semi- (if not fully), automatic weapons, and I believe at least one explosive (like hand-grenade).
All perfectly LEGAL in North Carolina, now!!!

Justin Lanasa also ran for NC Senate in 2014, but lost the primary.
A "Common Tattoo Parlorist", as they say.
Read more on him here:
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