Nacho Daddy of Puerto Vallarta
>>> ADDED THE NEXT MORNING: At 4:45 PM yesterday afternoon, Elizabeth Ensor (one of the principals at Act II Stages), sent me this email message: "Correction: The Boutique is NOT moving into Nacho Daddy's. Some guys that produced a couple of shows there are using that space." READ MORE HERE:
Last night, I went to Act II Stages' Wednesday night of improv (which I'll get to momentarily), and met the owner of Nacho Daddy Mex-Tex restaurant and his wife, who told me -- and this seemed no secret, as well as nothing completely figured out yet either -- that he was confident that he and Boutique Theatre will work something out for them to use his upstairs space.
I have no idea what his space is like, or if this would be temporary or permanent, but at least they've got somewhere to land for now. As to my speculation about the fact that Boutique's owner was quite tight with Jim Wilson, the marijuana importer to Oregon, well Jim befriended me and helped me too (until he flipped and began removing wealth from me -- even meeting me in the OLD Nacho Daddy location in 2010, with a fairly giant THUG and THREATS, details in blog) -- and that didn't make ME a narco-trafficker!!!
Restaurants have no control over who eats in them.
And you can't walk 50 feet in Puerto Vallarta without bumping into SOMEONE who is dependent on or part of the Drug Mafia -- most of them quite nice and friendly.
1. Not only did the hole in my foot finally close up completely about five days ago (the carcinoma and plantar tissue were removed in mid-December 2013, and I have poor circulation in my feet, therefore slow healing), but my lungs/heart/stomach continue to do fine on severely reduced blood-pressure medication. I'm continuing to sort out REAL vs. PARANOID CONSTRUCTS, the natural confusion of spending the last four years fighting my previously deluded family and many in and out of THE LAW, because they don't like the truth of their pasts being revealed. This group includes or included virtually the ENTIRE Republican Party that knew of me, the ENTIRE Episcopal Church, especially Sewanee, many in FOX NEWS, and many in Dekalb County Georgia government (especially courts), and the State of North Carolina, County of New Hanover (and to a lesser extent, Wake), and the City of Wilmington -- nearly ALL appointed or elected officials I had to deal with in these places.
Essentially, they stripped me of everything -- except my MIND, which they attempted to, but were unable to break.
Their day will come (one way or the other -- LOL!!!).
Their day will come (one way or the other -- LOL!!!).
I published it online (as "CONSUMING BROKEN GLASS . . . "), because I thought I might get in trouble with Jamie Lee Sutherland of Chicago and Saper Law (owned by a minor FOX NEWS talking head, Daliah Saper), who had won copyright to my book after suing me for LIBEL for something NOT involving my book -- without serving me, and tried me in absentia, as well as the fact that Tennessee's friends had all told me that after I left his employ, Tennessee INSISTED that Gary Tucker and Skye Wyatt had begun feeding him GROUND GLASS mixed into his food and that was why his health began to fail.
No one, including me, believed that then or now -- but SOMETHING similar must have been happening. I left his employ on April 28, 1982, and when I saw him late June (with Gary and Skye), he was already going down physically -- and in a deep depression.
I published the memoir in blog form late August 2013, and in the first nine months, 1,018 people hit it, mostly the first month, but 113/month on average. In the last 30 days, 401 MORE have hit it!!! And BEST is that all the top ten search terms used to find it include part of its title or URL, meaning THEY SPECIFICALLY LOOKED FOR IT.
Impressive to me, is that not just the USA, but Mexico, France, and Indonesia have all hit it over 100 times, followed by Russia and Germany -- which reminds me that Tennessee and some of his business help (lawyer? accountant?), always insisted that his royalties in the Soviet Union were higher than in the USA, but the ruble NOT being convertible, he could not collect them. He and "Texas" Kate Moldawer often joked about flying over and coming back with a planeload of furs to sell.
So WHAT has happened to those Russian royalties??? ANOTHER question for Sewanee and the Episcopal Church.

I have to say I had a total BLAST last night at Improv, which I'd only seen once in Fairbanks, Alaska, 1977 -- where I made a bit of a fool of myself onstage!!! Danny Mininni (one of the principals in the theater), joined two other men and two women on stage (Danny, claiming it was his first time joining them). Another woman acted as Dominatrix-of-Ceremonies, in the intimate RED ROOM, where our writers group also meets.
Best was seeing how "THERE" everyone was -- their energy was awesome, if, as must be expected, it was uneven -- being improv. One of the men was a picture-perfect, idealized, handsome WHITE BOY, whom I'm sure we ALL ravished with our eyes -- although he was in no way salacious. At about 23 years of age, he was not as experienced in life or improv, but still got some GREAT ones in. And the crowd was quite impressive, considering how slow Puerto Vallarta has now become.
Actually, Mexico reports international arrivals here are up 14% over year-to-date last year, and I've seen two guest houses announce they are staying open year round now, due to having more business.
And this morning, I found another reason to love what Danny Mininni is doing. He directed the play of one of my favorite movies:
And I sat next to "Marsha" as I will call her, a completely American woman, though "Spanish-complected", a few years older than me, who dresses with scarves and dangling jewelry, which she sells along with Catholic religious medals at Paradise Community Center Gringo Market (now mysteriously closed). Her appearance is much like that of a Fortune Teller at a fair. She also writes a column in one of the free English-language weeklies.
I have known Marsha since I first returned to Puerto Vallarta in spring 2012, and have always liked her -- despite her being a rabid Catholic. I even bought a religious medal from her as a lucky charm that I kept in my pocket while collecting the rest of my belongings in Stone Mountain, Georgia in October 2012.
But last night, after I asked her about the Gringo Market closing -- she made certain I did not talk with her again -- HA!!! She DID act like she had no idea that Luis Melgoza and Salvador Fuentes of are CIA, but stopped short of any indication of not liking them -- when everyone else whom I met who sells there at least admits to, if not HATING them, thinking they are total ASSHOLES.
Of the several cancers threatening to spread and at least bring down Civilization -- if not END HUMAN LIFE ON EARTH -- one thing consistently running under the radar is the HUGE INCREASE in antisemitism, particularly in Europe. Huffington Post has been reporting on this regularly, but I see it few other places.
Americans can't separate Israeli Politics from Jewish People any more than they can separate President Obama's Politics from his half-white BLACK SKIN!!!
Did you know that DESPITE the difficulties in the Middle East, that Jews in France are SO TERRORIZED by public PARADES, even, against Jews, that they are NOW still FLOODING into Israel??? And two other countries are nearly as bad, including Italy, and I think the other is Spain.
I would like to recognize Don Lemon of CNN for some fine, thoughtful discussions of this subject on his show late last night (especially), and this afternoon as well!!!
Our Beloved Ginger.
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