1. I've been very impressed with the actions of the Presbyterian Church, USA, the past several days. The last time they voted on approving gay marriage, it lost by a very slim margin, and Rev. Ernie Thompson of First Prez, Wilmington, NC (who supported it the last time), told me it was certain to pass the next time it came up -- so that was no real surprise to me.
More impressive, really, was their vote to divest of certain assets that contribute to the immoral violence of the Israeli government. Fundamentalist Jews, Christians, and Muslims ALL AGREE that their view of what will "save the world" can only happen after a devastating war in the Middle East -- so they all PRAY for greater and greater violence and support Republicans in the USA who only want to profit from wars.
And if you think about it, the "Armageddon Conflict" promised in the Bible is VERY atmospheric -- modern scholars believe that has to do with cyber warfare that prophets of yore could not describe -- except in terms people then could relate to. I'm not saying that is correct, in fact I believe we'd be FAR better off if all the "Sacred Scriptures" disappeared and were forgotten. People could understand their meaning FAR BETTER by reading Charles Dickens.
But I'd also like to say that in 2009, the last time I visited Liberty Hall, http://www.libertyhallnc.org/, and was ALLOWED IN (twice, later, I was SHUT OUT -- the Duplin County Sheriff stopping by the second time to say that some hysterical females were for some unknown reason afraid of me, but to come back in a couple of weeks and all would be fine), I was allowed to open books in the library that were at least 300 years old. They were Presbyterian thinking -- and in slightly archaic language were SCIENCE OF MIND with a very thin veil of Christianity -- same was true when I studied at First Presbyterian.
I still don't worship the Prophet Jesus like an idol, but this philosophy that is what Jesus actually taught us -- is the VERY BEST!!!
Let the Catholics and Anglican Communion gnaw on the literal flesh of their savior -- all that does is degrade them into cannibals and if they actually BELIEVE in something as far-fetched as transubstantiation, then they set themselves up for MIND CONTROL by others -- a symbolic communion of the congregation sharing the gifts of bread and wine, is actually a beautiful thing, and something we should ALL do at every meal we share with others.
Give gratitude and appreciation.
2. No one showed up at the usual lunch place for Puerto Vallarta writers Group today except me. Only Colin and Stan were copied on my last blog post -- but I'm not sure they know what to make of me. There is a reason no young people stay in our group, and my blog is multi-dimensional -- like Picasso in his Cubism period, showing many angles at once on one canvas. Most older people are linear thinkers, which will not serve them well in this New Age of the Artist.

3. I stopped by Paradise Community Center for the Saturday Gringo Market, today. My Jewess friend with the chopped liver, chicken soup, and free advice had stopped participating -- and Luis Melgoza and Salvador Fuentes' PV GEEKS booth looked like they hadn't been there in some time. I did speak with my friend Peter, the goy bagel-maker, whom I had developed a HUGE crush on when I met him in 2010 -- then literally sexually harassed him for a time when I returned in 2012.
I had passed him on the Libermento (Tunnel Highway Bypass of downtown), yesterday, and saw him driving a white VW bug with roof over the front seats only, the rest of the roof scooped away. Today, I told him that anyone driving such an ugly, anti-sexy vehicle that is notorious for needing constant repairs could NOT be gay AT ALL, and he replied that his three kids LOVE IT, which I know I would have too at that age.
Now, I had a whole lot I thought I wanted to write about the PROCESS I went through since writing Julie, but I've decided to keep it more simple instead. I almost immediately realized I would NOT contact her employer -- both out of my EMPATHY for Julie's situation of being a victim of our upbringing -- and at five years younger than Mike, she had to GO IT ALONE, unlike the rest of us -- but also because to get vindictive would turn ME into my "enemy" (more my mother than Julie, in any case).
Also, Julie, before going rabid, conservative, Republican Catholic, like me, she experimented looking for an alternative to the authoritarian Catholicism of our youth. She had tried massage therapy as a therapist, Reiki (or similar), Native American Sweat-Lodging, etc., so I knew that unlike Mom, who has NEVER questioned the authority of the Catholic Church, she has an open mind (even if that part is dormant now).
Her husband does not have a college education and has had difficulty staying employed -- especially through this downturn. I could not damage Julie's family's income, deliberately -- NO WAY!!!
And then I realized I had actually GOTTEN EXACTLY WHAT I'VE WANTED FOR YEARS AND YEARS -- and it was NOT from Julie. It was from Mom.
You see, when I called Mom after leaving Julie the message, Mom FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE actually listened to me. I don't know if it was because some shred of mother-instinct had her concerned for her daughter's well-being, or if it was just SELF-PRESERVATION. But unlike when I have tried so many times to get Mom to see what she has done to ME, she GOT MY LOGIC and my SERIOUSNESS -- and she acknowledged that.
That is all I ever really wanted -- was to have been CLEAR ENOUGH to have made my points to her.
I did NOT need Mom's agreement, and did do NOT need Mom's apology -- just understanding, which I got and she can never revoke, AMEN!!!
So now, relaxed in a way I cannot ever remember being before in my life, I feel like every truck in the Universe has run over me, but I feel GREAT, if semi-terminally exhausted, and YES, the blood pressure meds contribute to this, but I have an AIR CONDITIONED bedroom/office to rest up in, and a beach for fun and frivolity.
As soon as I feel up to it, I will resume straightening out the LEGAL MATTERS in Chicago -- and certain matters of law enforcement and courts in both Wilmington, North Carolina and Atlanta, Georgia as well.
I expect to end up quite wealthy.
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