1. While not what this posting is really about, a MOST embarrassing thing happened this morning -- and I AM TO BLAME, so I might as well just admit it. When I opened the back door to my large walled garden, my alpha cat, Melanie, ran out and took a dump in the giant pot of a palm.
Clearly, the litter box is overdue for maintenance!!! Since she already dumped and the beta cat, Pecas (freckles), is not so bold, I can wait until after blogging, no???
2. But here is my concern -- beyond those voiced by other thinking, educated people -- about the SCOTUS ruling re: Hobby Lobby. The four items these Faith-Basers object to, they object to because of the "potential" to cause loss of life -- this is the word that both the Green family and their lawyers always use, "potential" -- and they NEVER (that I have heard), claim these things DO definitively cause loss of life. Now this idea of them causing loss of life or abortion has always been said to CONFLICT with science which claims this is NOT true -- and NO ONE on either side has disputed that science AT ALL.
So if the Supreme Court rules on something that science says is not possibly true -- as if it IS true, than Religious Superstitions TRUMP ALL SCIENCE -- according to the Supreme Court.
Now, THAT is scary.
And REALLY, if the Green family believed in the power of their INTERPRETATION of "The Will of God", they would simply indoctrinate their employees with reasons NOT to use these items, which their employees would see the wisdom of and therefore not use -- and if their employees don't use it, then the money they pay for coverage would just be profit for their insurance company and SURELY it is better for the insurance company to have profit than for the employees to use these items.
So WHAT'S the big deal??? "Sin" is in the actual action and NOT in the availability of "sinful options", no??? Sinful options are ALWAYS around us.
This pie chart illustrates what has happened in DUMBED-DOWN America, dumbed down thanks to organized religions. And this is what made me so angry last night over the idiot who commented on my Facebook thread as reported here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/06/whilest-procrastinating-writing-rev.html. He had NOT read or studied the Bible, but chimed in from his superstitions that he could not support and expected ME to defend my position which he was in no position to even understand -- due to his WOEFUL IGNORANCE!!!
I'm not putting up with that anymore -- especially on my Facebook threads or blog comments left by others. My ENTIRE LIFE people have aggressively bullied me, usually calling me FAGGOT or MENTALLY ILL. They REFUSE to engage in intelligent, logical (preferably loving), discussion of CONCEPTS and IDEAS.
And the FACT OF THE MATTER is that they don't so much have a problem with my sexuality -- it is with my educated intelligence, which they are afraid to debate. Even the friends of Justin LaNasa, failed 2011 Republican candidate for mayor of Wilmington, NC (and common tattoo-parlorist), with Frank Delia who owns the Italian Market and Coffee Shop on Front Street, CAT-CALLED me a child molester in public MANY TIMES -- some claiming I had molested THEIR young sons.
Justin LaNasa
MORE can be read halfway down here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/06/recently-there-has-been-some-confusion.html
And at one point, I was so freaked out by that that I pow-wowed with my first public defender, Emily Zvejnieks (who was often hostile to me), and the Head Public Defender, Jennifer Harjo -- as I was realistically concerned about my physical safety.
Jennifer took my case from Emily, and conceived the idea for me to spend a week or so "hiding out" in a drug and alcohol dry-out program -- which I did for a couple of days until it proved not really to be practical, since everyone else was there for a specific and important reason, so THEY conceived the idea of me admitting myself to The Oaks mental ward at Cape Fear Regional Hospital, which I agreed to do.
There, waiting what eventually was over 24 hours, for admittance (had to wait for an open bed), a doctor asked me a couple of questions and WITHOUT TELLING ME, involuntarily committed me to the ward!!! I was given Police Guards!!! And I had been patiently waiting to self-commit -- which EVERYONE there knew, and I showed and had NO REASON not to continue to wait and commit.
Dr. Martin DID with his very first words to me say that he removed that involuntary commitment, and I DID remain there about a week before being released to my own recognizance.
Do YOU not believe I will make a FORTUNE suing various authorities in Wilmington??? Not as much as I will make off suing Jamie Lee Sutherland, Saper Law, Daliah Saper, Jeff Duncan, Rishi Nair, and Nair Law -- if they don't come to their senses and settle with me within DAYS (or show in good faith we are headed to a quick, fair settlement). I will go to the TOP of Wells Fargo Bank for resolution -- and keep Bank of America in the loop. BoA's only problem is the GREED of my distant Kenan relatives who SQUASHED Sinatra Family Values -- which I hope to eventually help restore as well.
Life should be a LOT OF FUN going forward (and rather profitable!!!).
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