1. It's good to see that "Faggotty Obama's" (as we call that blackmailed homosexual here in Mexico), TOP BED MATE from North Carolina, Republican Senator Richard Burr (like Obama's PROVEN gay lover, Reggie Love -- DUKE graduate), is getting hit HARD by vets, whilest Obama goes to Afghanistan to pick up another load of Opium -- the ONLY reason we are at war there -- to protect the CIA cash-cow crop.
>>> ADDED LATER: I did NOT correctly understand this article about Sen. Burr when I posted it. You should click the link to discover what it is ACTUALLY about!!!
>>> ADDED LATER: I did NOT correctly understand this article about Sen. Burr when I posted it. You should click the link to discover what it is ACTUALLY about!!!
With Presidente Enrique Pena Nieto of Mexico.
2. And speaking of Mexico, Senor Pena Nieto's programs are WORKING!!! CIA Drug Cartels are now on the RUN (why lime prices have recently fallen):
With Cartels On The Run, Mexican Lime Farmers Keep More Of The Green
Well, I WAS going to report on my DISGUST at something Jill Abramson said in her HuffPost op-ed -- I mean NO ONE in NYTimes history could have hated God more than the Gelbs -- Jews gone TOTALLY BAD:
Arthur Gelb
While Arthur Gelb ran the NEW YORK TIMES, he had a campaign to DESTROY the reputation of Tennessee Williams, and adding insult to injury, he PROMOTED the most EMBALMED of the "White Bread Dramatists", Arthur Miller.
Arthur Miller pretended to be a heterosexual -- but could NOT satisfy Marilyn Monroe like JACK KENNEDY DID!!!
And WHO THE HELL is producing Miller's plays today -- HUH???
>>> TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH, while I worked for Tennessee Williams (1981 - 1982), he RAVED against "THE GELBS" and "NEW YORK TIMES JEWS" so frequently, I thought he was anti-semitic -- until I noticed that so many of his best friends were Jews!!!
4. And here is WHY I didn't want to spend time telling any more stories -- WOOF!!!

Joan Collin's son (so he says), Sam Kalidi (according to research she has no children by that name) -- and it is HARDER for women to hide such things than for men to, although if Collins spent enough time in Lebanon where Sam was born to hide "beginning bulge to out-pop-ment", then it COULD be true.
Nevertheless, he clearly sprays THE WORLD'S HOTTEST PHEROMONES!!!
>>> DON'T FORGET: Neil Armstrong's illegitimate black son was incarcerated with me in Dekalb County, Georgia jail in 1990 -- both of us for political reasons -- and he ASKED to be sent to the ward I was going to with me, until SOMEONE told him that was for people with AIDS, homosexuals, and NUT-HOUSE CASES (me being sent for the last two) -- LOL!!!
Androstadienone found in armpits has been shown to attract heterosexual females and gay men. Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images
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