In recent writers group meetings here in Puerto Vallarta, a couple of UK citizens have brought up something that they say has been much discussed in the UK and European press -- but NOT the press in the USA: not only that the missing Malaysian jetliner was bought in a tandem deal including a second Boeing 777, but that the deal was financed by Kenan-owned Bank of America.
I don't know that that is particularly suspicious -- because I have not really researched this, although some in our group insist it is relevant -- but the fact is (and I HAVE seen reference to this on the Internet but again have not followed it far), there is a new "stealth technology" that is considered to be the most powerful yet, and the rights to it are owned by five Chinese nationals, but should THEY suddenly disappear, rights revert to The Carlyle Group, controlled by the Bush, Cheney, bin Laden, and Saudi Royal families -- the same group that planned and had executed 9/11.
All five of these Chinese nationals were aboard Malaysian Airlines flight 370 when it disappeared. YOU do the research, I'm too busy with other things.
I have often tried to make clear that regardless what the wealthy Kenans do with their personal money, their charities cannot be beat!!! The Kenan Family charities have been the largest private support of university education IN THE WORLD for 101 years now, and the largest, only actually founded in 1965, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust (the Wikipedia listing on Kenan not only has some errors, but is inadequate: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_R._Kenan,_Jr.) -- this is a good book on Kenan: http://www.amazon.com/Across-Fortunes-Tracks-Biography-William/dp/080782268X, but I just saw that MY review of it has been REMOVED! (from the hard cover edition -- but not the soft -- STRANGE!!!), has a current valuation of assets of $524,202,072.00. It has no website.
Thomas S. Kenan III's Charitable Trust (also no website), is, among other things, preserving native languages and cultures in Latin America.
The Kenan Institute Asia, the largest private/governments partnership in the world (http://www.kiasia.org/web/), which had for years emphasized providing clean drinking water, education, and small loans to sustainable green businesses in seven countries in S.E. Asia (including part of China), has shifted emphasis recently to this, from their website:
And the KENAN INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS at Duke University (https://kenan.ethics.duke.edu/), is a think tank devoted to ethical issues in government, education, and business -- and personal life. Jimi Soni, Managing Editor of Huffington Post and Alisa Worth, Executive Director of Nevada State Democrats are two of the more interesting Advisory Board members.
Thomas S. Kenan III's Charitable Trust (also no website), is, among other things, preserving native languages and cultures in Latin America.
The Kenan Institute Asia, the largest private/governments partnership in the world (http://www.kiasia.org/web/), which had for years emphasized providing clean drinking water, education, and small loans to sustainable green businesses in seven countries in S.E. Asia (including part of China), has shifted emphasis recently to this, from their website:
And the KENAN INSTITUTE FOR ETHICS at Duke University (https://kenan.ethics.duke.edu/), is a think tank devoted to ethical issues in government, education, and business -- and personal life. Jimi Soni, Managing Editor of Huffington Post and Alisa Worth, Executive Director of Nevada State Democrats are two of the more interesting Advisory Board members.
BOTH the Head of the American Psychiatric Association who oversaw Homosexuality being DROPPED from the DSM as a mental illness in the 1970s, AND the shrink who oversaw collection of data to DECIDE THIS, were BOTH descended from the original Thomas Kenan who landed in North Carolina in the 1730s -- the progenitor of the wealthy, prominent branch of the family.
And it took one of my DRUG MAFIA CAPTORS here in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, a Canadian woman, to be browsing the book THE KENAN FAMILY, 1999 edition, Mercer University Press, who FOUND THIS INFO, HA!!!
>>> JUST DISCOVERED: The original 1967 edition of the book THE KENAN FAMILY is published on the Internet for ALL TO ACCESS FOR FREE: https://archive.org/stream/kenanfamilysomea00regi/kenanfamilysomea00regi_djvu.txt
Martin Lamb of off-shore Panama, who bragged to me that he launders the great bulk of the Bush Family narco-money (see here and other places on this blog: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/05/on-eve-of-opening-of-911-museum-in-new.html), is with Oxford Financial and Investment Services (http://www.oiia.com/), and from their site you see their association with Allianz -- Insurance, Asset Management, Banking.
Fernando Merino, who got me in 2010, to sign a contract to sell $7 Billion worth of Mexican real estate to wealthy Americans, primarily, and is the literal son of Colombia's largest cocaine exporter as well as the Godson of "Hector-the-Engineer" (built the new road and bridge from Puerto Vallarta to San Sebastian del Oeste -- as well as placed the booby-trap in the Chunnel between England and France which Fernando told me was for the CIA to collapse the Chunnel to fake another TERRORIST ATTACK -- which was found in 2010 and the Chunnel was shut down for a few months while it was removed), did ALL HIS BANKING at an Allianz office here in Puerto Vallarta.
Fernando claimed that my signing this contract BOUND ME FOR LIFE to the CIA -- I ignored that.
Just days ago, I saw the Allianz sign on the same building here in town. So I guess this connects all of THEM, no???
And here is link to that contract I signed, which shows Fernando's FAKE Mexican name and Hector's REAL NAME: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2012/01/my-contract-with-cia-controlled-mexican.html

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