Believe it or not, one of the members of my Puerto Vallarta Writers Group (a WWII vet), EMPLOYED Maya Angelou in his Miami night club as a DANCER in the late 1940s!!!
Dear Mr. Nair:
This morning, I discovered that overnight the hold that had been on my Bank of America accounts has been lifted, and I show a positive balance in my checking account of about $95.00. Because my accounts showed that WITH the hold, my balance was NEGATIVE $694.83, and with miscellaneous bank fees plus a Benefits Management deposit of $125.00 AFTER these dates, that would mean roughly, that you must have CANCELLED the attempt to take my SSI Disability money from Bank of America, so I told a few friends that – as well as some members of my Writers Group.
However, on closer examination today, I discovered that either you had TWO demands of BoA for my money and one was cancelled – or CEO Law, Chicago, who BoA INSISTED had served them the papers until just a few days ago, had one and you had another, one of them CANCELLED. As you can see below in the screen capture, $582.81 (plus $100.00 bank fee), were deducted on 3/17. And then as you look at the top, their total, $682.81 is charged AGAIN as a “BALANCE HOLD”.
The accounting is quite CLEAR as following the Available Balance, BOTH were deducted. The $284.29 and $8.53 appear to relate to one of the medical bills I charged on my debit card before your Order reached the bank. And I have to also say that Bank of America CHANGED THE DATES of many of these transactions after the fact, which cannot be attributed to you, but I have screen captures and Bank Statements to prove that.
Could you please answer these questions or explain these anomalies:
1. Did you put TWO holds on my accounts (or perhaps you put on one, and CEO Law put on the other), and if you did, did you cancel YOURS, or are we to assume CEO Law cancelled theirs?
2. All your paperwork that I have received from you refers to Bank of America holding “$616.67” or “at least $616.67”, but BOTH holds by BoA are for $582.81 (plus the Bank’s fee of $100.00, which was NOT held for you). The bank-held figure is LESS than all your documents state, and YOUR number is reflected NOWHERE in any statement or document of BoA.
3. Most important is DID you receive, or will you soon if it has not transferred electronically yet, funds or a check? I simply cannot tell from BoA’s BIZARRE accounting, and you would have no reason to lie about that. I cannot reach “deep accounting” at the Bank until after the weekend.
Click image to EXPAND.
Thinking that you had CANCELLED the hold, I had planned to REMOVE Jamie Sutherland, Wells Fargo Advisors, Rishi Nair, and Nair Law from the more recent blog posts today, and then we could come to a new understanding of some proper compensation for me – and a reasonable plan to keep these same people at least off my blog and broadcast emails, although as I’ve said, if the illegally and unconstitutionally achieved LIBEL conviction is NOT overturned, I will sue Saper Law, Daliah Saper (who is ALSO an employee of FOX NEWS), and Jeff Duncan for HUGE AWARD – and that will likely necessitate my suing Jamie as well and perhaps Nair Law.
Now, before I go further on that, we could get back to my removing those parties I had planned to remove today and then work out further resolution – if you send me the proceeds of the Court Order or show that you CANCELLED it, and it was CEO Law’s earlier order ONLY that was paid. I think this would be best for ALL of us.
In doing Legal Research, I see that either CEO Law and Nair Law BOTH filed with BoA against me – or BoA has been lying through their teeth to me. Two parties is all one needs to file a lawsuit under RICO (Racketeering Charges), and NO criminal charges need be proven, although I will do that ALSO to aim for a total of $50,000,000.00 damages from the lot of you, which would be expanded to include one or both of Wells Fargo Advisors and Wells Fargo Bank – and perhaps parties in Wilmington, North Carolina, since Saper employee Jeff Duncan not only worked for Saper in Chicago during this legal travesty I have endured, but ALSO worked as an intern for New Hanover County North Carolina District Attorney Benjamin R. David while the D.A. filed EIGHT false lawsuits against me (now all dropped for lack of evidence), had me in jail five times totaling over two months , had me committed to mental hospital TWICE (the doctor letting me right out), and even had Dr. Carrie Menke attempt to commit me to the NOTORIOUS Cherry Hospital, put in restraints and FORCE MEDICATED until I came to my senses – the judge just LAUGHED at that joke.
As you know, in 2010, Wells Fargo Bank’s Chicago office got the then largest fine ever from the US Government for Laundering Drug Money ($200,000,000.00, as I recall), and it was in spring of 2010 that Jamie told me he averages income of $23,000,000.00 per month. I hope for his sake that that shows on his tax returns!!! But these things considered, I doubt it would be difficult AT ALL to include some part of Wells Fargo as well as D.A. Ben David in a suit.
As you likely know, RICO allows only a TREBLING of damages to be awarded, so in the strictest accounting that would be $582.81 times three – BUT, it is VERY SEVERE on Prison Penalties, so you and yours might want to avoid that!!!
Please give me some kind of response by end of business this coming Monday, June 2, 2014. I realize you might not yet have received the funds from BoA (if they are coming to you), but you know if they are and can decide if you will send them to me and we can continue a FRIENDLY, less litigious, and less IN THE PRESS route toward resolution. As to considering what kind of compensation your side would offer me, I realize Jamie will need to discuss this with his employer, Wells Fargo Advisors – and perhaps Wells Fargo Bank as well (and Daliah Saper or Jeff Duncan will need to see what Ben David will pony up – possibly Daliah’s employer FOX NEWS, too – come to think of it THEY belong in this suit, wouldn’t you agree???), taking a week or even two to come up with a figure.
All best to all of us – and may we find a speedy and fair resolution that does NOT destroy the careers of anyone (or REALLY put the onus on Wells Fargo Bank, Chicago – already having been CONVICTED of laundering drug money in 2010).
I look forward to your reply.
Scott David Kenan
Puerto Vallarta, México
