Friday, January 10, 2014

And the Beat Goes On . . . (to WHERE will be determined by the American people)

>>> THIS JUST IN: Although search engines CLAIM to scan the entire internet every seven days to pick up new material (at least this is Google's claim), it has been MORE THAN TEN DAYS and NO ONE has found this blog via ANY search engine.


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1.      This has nothing to do with democracy, but I did see my skin doctor today. While the foot wound is clean and the cancer gone, the healing is very slow – due to two things. Since Falconer de St. Just began his extraordinary (but frankly WEIRD), generosity a little over two years ago, I have been smoking about two packs of cigarettes per day. I know this is due to stress (like too much late-night-only drinking, as well), but I always thought I’d be PAST all this much earlier, and I have “self-medicated” similarly for stress several times in the past and easily reduced both after no more than a month or two. The good news is that while I’m not down even half in the drinking department, I AM down, spontaneously, and will gradually CONSCIOUSLY reduce the cigs as well, now – and give them both a little time before going INTERVENTIONIST on myself and quitting either completely and COLD TURKEY. The other cause is the damage to my circulation and nerves in my feet from 30 years of Lithium.

In other news, my OTHER foot has GROWN its fungus, the cream I was using was NOT effective enough, so I will be on a 30 day course of pills for that. The doctor says I that one of the warts I had burned off my right hand needs more burning, but we FORGOT to do that simple thing before I left, and I’ve called and scheduled an appointment next week, early, for that. As you might imagine, this has gone beyond the usual follow-up checks, so I spent a total of $80.00 USD today on visit and meds.

2.      As I said a day or more ago, Jeb Bush is already being “fake drafted” to run for Prez, and the ONLY REASON so many Republican Apologists (at least on CNN), continue to hold out faint hope for Christie is to make the planned and deliberate Bush/Cheney DESTRUCTION of Christie less obvious. As predicted LONG AGO and not just by me, the Narco-Trafficking at the very HEART of the Republican Party/Episcopal Church guarantees their continuing cannibalistic self-destruction – which is, due to MORAL or GOD’S LAW, absolutely unstoppable now.

I did NOT say – and do NOT mean – that those in the Republican Party have nothing GOOD to contribute. Their problem is that until they divorce themselves (and hopefully, too, the CIA and NSA) from RUNNING ALL THE HARD DRUGS, which few rank and file Republicans have any idea of, God will provide their manner of “death” of power in ITS OWN TIME and by continuing surprises. As many have said for many years, the Dems understand PEOPLE better, the REDS, money and how to make it. BOTH are important and must be in balance. Right now, the MOST CORRUPTED Republicans STILL CALL THE SHOTS. If and when the REAL REPUBLICANS purge themselves of the deliberate narco-traffickers, then people will LISTEN TO THEIR IDEAS – Praise JESUS!!!

I’m not certain how this will transpire, and until Americans develop enough SELF-ESTEEM to live without (or with reduced) hard drugs, the supply CANNOT be cut off cold turkey. REMEMBER, these are mostly the DRUNK and/or METH-CRAZED white, Christian Republicans who are ARMED TO THE TEETH. We do NOT need to put them suddenly in WITHDRAWAL.

3.      The jury is TOTALLY still out on Barack Obama. Although HuffPost, NEW YORK TIMES, and several others reported the meeting before the 2008 primaries in which Bill Clinton’s TOP GUYS, Al Gore and Rahm Emmanuel, with then Mayor Villaraigosa of L.A. and Obama himself, SOLD Obama to top Wall Streeters and Big Banks (Bill SCREWING his wife’s chances to win in 2008), I still have seen NOTHING to indicate that Obama expected to do anything but make sure THE RICH GOT RICHER, and, according to SOME press, it was ONLY at his first Inauguration that George W. Bush sprung on him that this meant PROTECTING THE CIA’S NARCO-TRAFFICKING, assisted by the US Military.

And they put him on notice that they HAD THE GOODS on his Chicago gay bathhouse activities – as well as using Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s NOTORIOUS call-boy service ONLY for married black professionals with children. So whether or NOT Obama comes clean about his sexuality, he can STILL KEEP HIS WIFE for appearances – a VERY common Republican strategy (includes some Dems, too, like D.A. Ben David in Wilmington, NC). He just needs to tell them to FORGET the blackmailing – he’s OVER IT!!!

And don’t forget too, that as reported in the WALL STREET JOURNAL on or near January 1, 2013 (after the then BIGGEST threat of shutting down government funding to that time, solved by an income tax compromise that has ROBBED all but the richest and paid off the Bankers, etc. (the CIA-controlled Press made it look like Obama did NOT screw the REAL PEOPLE) – most have forgotten this HIGH DRAMA only a year later -- given what we’ve withstood since), that John Boehner is QUOTED as crowing how the BANKS and WALL STREET have gotten FAR MORE from Obama than they ever got from GW Bush.

Well, this crap must END!!!

4.      As to the upcoming Obama decision about what to do about the overreach of the NSA, it makes LITTLE DIFFERENCE. That system was SET UP so that the people in management of it CANNOT TRACK WHAT EMPLOYEES (and more so contractors, like Ed Snowden was), do or DID. So whatever techniques the NSA has come up with will CONTINUE by anyone employed currently or recently who cares to – and the SYSTEM of it makes it nearly impossible to police, assuming they want to.

FRANKLY, I think this is what happened to ME. Rogue elements in the NSA and CIA worked together to try to kill or shut me up. They are STILL AT IT, but with reduced effectiveness, and THANK GOD I am now retired from this. My blogging about it now is only to explain to some of my slower readers.

REMEMBER, just like abortion (which can go back to the coat-hanger days if it has to), once someone knows how to do something – they learn how to get more sneaky at it. Privacy is a THING OF THE PAST – PERIOD. If you don’t like what might get out about YOU, behave so that you have nothing to fear. I couldn’t care less who spies on me. Company secrets should be on “Eyes Only” paper (only) – but WATCH OUT for those HD cameras which are EVERYWHERE!!! They can READ paper.

Like it or NOT, until Americans (especially the Protestants who, primarily, believed that Native Americans were SAVAGE SUB-HUMANS that Jesus directed them to SLAUGHTER, rather than people that Catholics were converting in Latin America), ACKNOWEDGE THIS FACT and attempt to make REASONABLE AMENDS, the USA must BY GOD’S DECREE, continue to SELF-ANNIALATE.

ALSO, ALL Protestant Denominations (and their derivatives), operating in what is now the USA during the GENOCIDE of NATIVE PEOPLE (to say nothing of kidnapping and enslaving of black Africans), absolutely MUST confess to this HIGH CRIME AGAINST GOD AND HUMANITY and make amends as well.


And CNN’s fave NO NECK MONSTER (as Tennessee Williams would point out), Jeffrey Toobin, as well as MANY both Red and Blue partisans as seen on CNN – but ESPECIALLY Senators and House Nuts – who have VEHEMENTLY insisted that the Head of the NSA who BOLD-FACED LIED to not only Congress but the President -- and/or Bankers and Wall Streeters who all but DESTROYED the economy for THEIR PROFIT ONLY, should NOT got to prison, but be “reprimanded” only, are the TRUE TRAITORS TO AMERICA and OUR CONSTITUTION.

THESE are the people who need to be removed for the country to heal – FORGET about anyone’s Political Party.



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