Thursday, July 21, 2016

Some Overdue Appreciation for Wilmington, North Carolina's First Presbyterian Church (and so many of its members)!!!

My intern Audra Jackson led Democratic Interns in their own selfie 2day showing

And THIS should ADD TO THE FUN!!!:
Donald Trump's Ex-Wife Ivana Has Joined Hillary Clinton's Campaign In Efforts To Stop Donald
In Her Press Release She Noted - "I am SICK Of Donald and I Will Expose His Racism, Bigotry And His Small Penis"

Hey, Hillary's allies are takin' the HIGH ROAD (or at least are amusing those of us who "smoke the bowl") -- LOL!!!

Ivana Trump and Hillary Clinton have teamed up and are MOCKING...


Kenan Steeple with the "Six-Foot Kenan Cock" weather vane -- actually a Wake-Up call ROOSTER, symbol of the Reformation -- seen from my apartment window.

When I arrived in Wilmington about the beginning of 2011, I decided I needed to check out the church that was so heavily endowed by my wealthy Kenan relatives. I began by attending early services in Kenan Chapel, where the first two weeks, District Attorney Ben David and his family sat nearly alone in the sideways pews in front facing the pulpit.

Congregation member David Nash was ALREADY prosecuting me on a false charge of Cyber-Stalking, and for THAT reason, Ben David could NOT speak with me without violating the LAW -- something I did not KNOW, until much later, a Deputy delivering a summons to me explained that. I had ALSO tried talking with Ben at the social gatherings after church, but he refused, and I thought he was just being an ASS -- and likely also a NARCO-TRAFFICKER, not to want to GET all the evidence of similar crimes I was trying to offer.

Then Pastor Ernie Trice Thompson was the GREATEST guy to get to know because of his honesty about HIS not quite certainty of Jesus's "Divinity", and he ALSO was very helpful while I was homeless, giving me at least $2,000.00 of church funds, and allowing me to sleep in the Columbarium under my father's niece's, Nell Smith's, husband's ashes -- Fred being the FIRST person in my Kenan side of the family to say it was COOL that I am gay -- that back in 1978.

Col. Fred Smith had TAUGHT at three schools whose yearbooks I'd sold ad space in while I worked 18 years for and Patrick Stansbury: The Air Command and Staff College, Air War College, and National War College. But Patrick ALSO distributed the drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from foreign countries to Maine to Florida, but ESPECIALLY to politicians and Christian Churches in Wilmington, NC. And my buddy Even Fish was MURDERED by Wilmington Police, then the Wilmington Star News COVERED IT UP for years!!!

Evan Fish

Although this APPEARS to still be online, I am currently PREVENTED from opening it:

Here is one of MY accounts:

But the IMPORTANT THING was that SO MANY CONGREGANTS THERE were HIGHLY intelligent and did NOT have "LAZY MINDS". I did not agree with ALL of them and probably no one always, but in our Discovery class of usually about a dozen, we ALL had so much fun discussing Theological Points, and THIS is where I discovered that Presbyterianism is like my beloved Metaphysics -- with just the barest of Christian veils imposed over it.

So knowing I will miss some important ones, I will mention some of those I felt really close to: Lou and Linda Lombardo (who had previously belonged to the Religious Science Church in Colorado, and spontaneously gave me 40 bucks one day on the street), Charley Boney, "Lacemaker", Dennis Decker, "Big LOUD Fred", and others.

This was the FIRST (and none since), group of people as intelligent, thoughtful, and CARING as my closest "intellectual group" friends in College. Remember, I was tied for highest College Board Scores in my high school, and quickly rose to IQ of 12 points above Genius after I was taken off Lithium Carbonate in 2008.

And I went to THREE services at St. Mary's Catholic (the denomination I was raised in), and Father Bob Kus's homilies were as boring and idiot-based as "Dick and Jane" grade school primers!!!

But there were seriously EVIL people at First Prez, and I just saw that Judge Lindsey Luther is now an ELDER -- but I have no interest in returning to services, so I won't run into her there -- THANK GOD!!!

Lindsey Luther's ADVERTISED CHRISTIAN VALUES that she shares with her husband Evan Luther:

And the BEST DAY I had there, was the day I presented to Charlie Boney the bottle and the message I found in it in the arms of the soldier of the Confederate Monument in front of church:

And my blogged story about all of that:

FINALLY on Presbyterianism (they voted 89% in FAVOR of Gay Marriage -- as a Denomination!!!), there are GREAT "Frozen Chosen" (as they call themselves), JOKES, this being my favorite:

Whenever there are four Presbyterians gathered together, there is ALWAYS a FIFTH!!!

(Ask an old fart like me -- if you don't get it.)

But I CANNOT leave this subject without mentioning the woman who handed out loaves of banana bread and similar to NEW visitors to Kenan Chapel, who KNOWING I was homeless but dressed to fit in, ALWAYS gave me a loaf (and sometimes TWO).

Today at lunch at Jesters Cafe:

 . . . I ran into that "Bread Woman" who works there as hostess -- in fact SHE had introduced me to the restaurant back in 2011.

I had a TRULY DELIGHTFUL lunch, and a nice talk with its owner as well -- who was VERY happy to see me!!! And my Shrimp Salad was to DIE FOR!!!:

THEN, I walked down the street and caught up with my old friend Michael Moore of his antiques store, and met the young women getting a new Yoga Studio together in an old church.

They invited me to their OPENING at the end of the month, and Mayor Bill Saffo is scheduled to speak.

LORD -- I hope Bill Saffo and I will be able to handle all this EXCITEMENT!!!

And on THAT note, I'm leaving POLITICS to its own, but I might paste in a few "thingies":

Michael Moore (the NON-Wilmingtonian) has come to the same conclusion as me -- and for the same reasons:

On a special online broadcast of 'RealTime With Bill Maher' on Wednesday, filmmaker Michael Moore predicts that Donald Trump will win the 2016 election…

Scott Kenan shared a link.
5 hrs

Conservative radio personality Laura Ingraham closed her Republican National…

Scott Kenan shared Sandra Beckham's post.
2 hrs
Sandra Beckham
2 hrs
“Be a sinner and sin boldly, but believe and rejoice in Christ even more boldly.”

― Martin Luther Duffy Odum's Love Child #3

Scott Kenan shared Sandra Beckham's post.
2 hrs
Sandra Beckham
2 hrs
“The only sin is mediocrity.”

― Martha Graham

Scott Kenan shared Sandra Beckham's post.
4 hrs
Sandra Beckham
4 hrs
“There is no sinner like a young saint.”

― Aphra Behn




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