Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Comforting "Testosteroni" / I'm MAD AS HELL, and NOT Taking It ANYMORE!!!

Good Morning, Testosteroni!!!

I hope you quickly came to your senses last night and had a big LAUGH and a swig of that rather expensive Kentucky Mash Whiskey that you recently bought (to enhance yer "manly self-manipulations"). As you told me you learned, likker itself is a DEPRESSANT, causing you to soon tire and climb into bed for SLEEP. And this PROVES that you will do anything for a "penile thrill" -- since you told me you had expected it to IMPROVE your PLEASURE.

Can't say I BLAME you for that attempt, but PLEASE research how these things work before trying them. Alcohol ENHANCES sex with OTHERS, by reducing inhibitions, which you did NOT need to reduce with yourself (I suspect).

Of course the IMPORTANT thing here is that you and I have these MAJOR BLOW-UPS every few months, our natures being diametrically opposed to each other, and since I WARNED you I was drinking "prune juice" -- just the other night -- you and I BOTH knew "something would be coming out". NEITHER of us knew it would be aimed at you.

But then you twisted my words to "Suicide-Lite", and I RAN WITH IT -- LOL!!!

As I have said MANY times before, I am your Loyal Friend, and when I am NOT feeling THREATENED by your off-based ideas and actions -- I would stand up for you before ANYONE of my family, including my mother. I have offered you any and every thing I have -- including my sexual slavery -- in appreciation of your financial help, and I would FIND a way to protect you, even if YOU don't cooperate.

Now, because you keep twisting normal reality into SEVERE NEGATIVITY, I am leaving my last blog posting, http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2016/05/i-found-my-best-anti-depressive.html, as it is. It TOO will soon sink from the top of the list, which is what has FOOLED YOU into thinking those old postings revealing everything in yesterday's posting no longer scare you. It will NOT take long, so just hold on and try to breath until then. You claim to have no friends, and you've been a recluse for decades, so HARDLY have a GRIP on "normal reality" TODAY.

Also, I think it very peculiar that you had NOT told me you grew up largely in Key West until a couple of days ago -- you had told me you grew up on a hardscrabble farm in Alabama -- and I know as a "military brat" (later serving four years in the Army), you've lived a lot of places.

I just hope you enjoyed the title of my email of that blog post, in which I S-T-R-E-T-C-H-E-D the facts to speculate that you had a BUM SEXUAL EXPERIENCE in your youth with Tennessee Williams -- you MUST have at least seen him about town, if not met him.

I do NOT ask you to clarify that, now. Just enjoy the HOOT of it as speculation for your peculiar behaviors -- a sort of "Sex Object's Revenge" after many, many years.


I hope you quickly understand what I am now typing, as we continue on like "Twin Stars".

BTW: While I was typing this, TWO techs from Dr. Sauer's Office -- who HAD to have gotten my voicemail FIRING THEM, that I left about 4:00 yesterday afternoon, called, acting like NOTHING HAD HAPPENED, wanting to go over procedures before a Colonoscopy (which was not scheduled until nearly the middle of June). To the first one, I was explaining my reasoning when the second one came in on top of it. MORE OF THE SAME!!! CALLING FROM THE SAME OFFICE AT THE SAME TIME!!!

I got FED UP, and blessed the second one out ROYALLY -- before hanging up on her.

If you REALLY want me to delete or mask something in yesterday's post, reply with specifics, and I'll see if I can accommodate your request.

All BEST (really)!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Testosteroni
To: Scott Kenan 
Sent: Mon, May 23, 2016 6:27 pm
Subject: Fw: My afterthought

On your blog, delete the unwarranted UNFRIENDLY OBJECTIONABLE rehash about me and my living quarters. Yeah, such has already been preserved in your blog, because I haven't specifically objected at every reiteration. 

Unfortunately you are again demonstrating that you cannot realize at time of writing or a few hours later that I will not put up with this indefinitely, so you should desist.

----- Original Message -----
From: Testosteroni
Sent: Monday, May 23, 2016 4:22 PM
Subject: Re: My afterthought

Understand that I am just trying to be supportive.

As you blog today, please suppress any urge to wound me...you know I have my own discomforting problems of procrastination right now.


Michael Thomas Ford
2 hrs
I've been seeing a lot of posts this week from writer friends talking about feeling like "failures" because they aren't "successful" enough. Usually this translates to "not making a living from my writing." 
Somehow, a lot of us have been tricked into confusing "writing things that matter to me and to my readers" for "selling a lot of books." Without dwelling on the hideous realities of the marketplace, and while acknowledging that we all want to make a living at what we love to do and in a perfect world would be able to, I want to gently remind all of us who work in the arts that measuring our self-worth in terms of awards, money, and number of books sold is a surefire way to feel inadequate
And those other writers you think are doing so much better than you are and are walking around all day filled with feelings of well-being and contentment? Probably not happening. 
Life would be nicer if we all stopped chasing joy and looked for (it) where it already exists. (This message brought to you by coffee and my last royalty check.)
Scott Kenan I was the last assistant to Tennessee Williams, and HE had plenty of money, Awards, fame, etc., but his Life was a MESS

Made it HAIR-RAISING to work for him -- LOL!!! 

My copyright to this book, which by contract was to headline Alyson Books' 30 Spring 2010 releases, was STOLEN from me by an exec of Wells Fargo, Chicago with a lawyer also a Talking Head on Fox News 

-- so I published it as a blog -- HA!!!

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Sandra Beckham
“The truth is always an insult or a joke, lies are generally tastier. We love them. 
The nature of lies is to please. Truth has no concern for anyone's comfort
― Katherine Dunn, Geek Love

Pretty cool -- and the City wants Citizens' Input!!!

The future site of North Riverfront Park, just north of the PPD building in downtown Wilmington. Photo by Hannah Leyva.The City of Wilmington is looking for…

Scott Kenan What do you think?

The city wants to know what residents think about the proposed riverfront park’s design and they’ve opened an online survey, which may be accessed until May 31 by clicking here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/VVYTQM8.

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The investigation aims to verify whether Google Ireland failed in its fiscal obligations in France.
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