Thursday, July 30, 2015

After Emailing the North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation -- and Governor McCrory as Well -- I Sat Down to Some "Thom Goolsby" Brand Sausages that I Had Bought at Costco!!!

Only $7.95 for 2.5 pounds!!! 

I'd never SAUSAGE a thing . . . before!!!

(With apologies to Charles Quiggley of Puerto Vallarta Writers Group)

And I SURE hope the former Senator enjoys his PERSONAL sausage, but he never acts satisfied, so I doubt it.

(With apologies to "South of the Border" on I-95)

Stanley Winborne with Colin Hamilton -- of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group

The most important thing to say, is that overnight, my two most recent postings regarding Colin Hamilton ZOOMED to the most hit in a week -- yesterday's having HUNDREDS of hits, and the Search Words used to find my blogs included that Colin was KILLED this past Sunday, July 26.

And "Christine Hitchens" emailed me in ABJECT PANIC, claiming things were CRAZY in Puerto Vallarta since then. I've heard nothing from her regarding my reply, asking for WHAT KIND of troubles.

Then, I Facebook messaged Stanley Winborne, letting him know that -- and offering to help his and his wife's return to North Carolina -- should they TOO feel too uneasy. I forgot to mention the Oregano Festival we are having here in Wilmington, though.

I also called my mother (before calling and leaving voice-mail for Testosteroni), and we had a one-way talk of me letting her know that I'd emailed the NC SBI and Gov. McCrory -- suggesting she get my sister Jane to show Mom what I had actually written, and NOT telling her what it is (nor did Mom ask).

Mom thanked me for that, and we parted quite cordially -- NEITHER of us telling the other we love each other -- HA!!!


For the FIRST TIME EVER (except for loving my Tennessee Williams memoir), he COMPLIMENTED me on my writing -- and on the missive just mentioned!!!

And he even expressed hope that it is effective toward MY goals.

Not only THAT, but he clearly laid out how he felt about his financial commitment to me (past and future -- but not present), even clearing up a legality, which I'll accept on his word.

But he STILL showed not a SHRED OF EMPATHY for what I have had to do or my current situation of still having a SMALL need to finish replacing what I consider essentials, and they are FAR LESS than what he has happily paid for before -- WHEN I intended to stay in Puerto Vallarta, IN HARMS WAY!!!

So, I REFUSE to prove to him what he presented as an OPEN need of his, meaning he can ALWAYS CLAIM I HAVEN'T FULFILLED IT!!!

It appears he is getting writing lessons from Dr. Kevin Shrum, as documented here:

So I've decided I will NOT argue with a legal drug addict -- an 81-year-old recluse with a hat shop for THUGS, online -- who not only gets injections of Testosterone, but takes Daily Cialis so he has more fun with his Old Pecker -- his ONLY source of pleasure that I'm aware of!!!


Considering that I have RECENTLY been able to get access to EVERY EMAIL I've sent or received -- beginning in about 2007 -- this includes TONS of emails with Patrick Stansbury, Mike Massicott, Lee Gosney, the double-agent Geraldine Flynn and her "hairless-but-hot", Italianistic, too-thick-to-fit-in-Gerry's-vagina husband, Joel Miller!!!

-- including where Testo ADMITS to getting instructions from my sister Jane -- I've decided that his today-provided further PROOF of his commitment going into the unforeseen future of financial assistance -- and his record of throwing me MORE MONEY than I would ever have asked for -- as well as spending at least $600.00 to send a wooden table that he KNEW would not pass Mexican Customs, so they TRASHED IT, and he's sent MANY items of little cost that were not only commonly available in Mexico, but due to WEIGHT, cost as much as $60.00 per box to mail to me, I will initiate a lawsuit for PALIMONY -- as well as one for PSYCHOLOGICAL TERRORISM, which is what my sister Julie and my mother use as their PRIME way of spreading their CATHOLIC SWASTIKAS!!!

Swastika RECLAIMED by Testo's BANK (The Bank of the Rockefellers!!!)

* * *
I actually agree that MOST monuments should remain as part of the Historical Record, but must be AUGMENTED by equally impressive monuments to the REST OF THE STORY!!! Some should be moved from "too prominent places".

Under pressure to take action from groups on both sides of the Confederate symbols debate, North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory responded Thursday by...
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  • Oscar Hayes Fisher Another idiot republican standing in the way of enlightenment.
    Like · Reply · 2 hrs
  • Oscar Hayes Fisher Wouldn't it be funny if Jesus told all the republicans that they had to ride in the back of the bus on the way to heaven Becuz of their stupidity in life !!
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
  • Oscar Hayes Fisher AND when we got to heaven, GOD looks like James Brown !
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 2 hrs
  • Oscar Hayes Fisher I despise SMUG idiot republicans who act like revelation of truth ias something sinister and unholy
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
  • Scott Kenan I still think we need to ADD monuments to the TRUTH, but leave the better (artistically), of the old monuments as part of the historic record, moving many to less "respectable" places. Check out what I mean about artistic ones here:

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  • Scott Kenan

    Located at the plaza of South Third and Dock Street in downtown Wilmington, North Carolina, the bronze and granite Confederate Memorial stands honoring Confederate soldiers who fought for the Confederacy.[1]
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  • Oscar Hayes Fisher They know which is which but in their classic bs smirkish ways they always try to create a red herring to make an "idealistic" stand . I will be glad when they are completely obsolete!
    Like · Reply · 1 hr
  • Oscar Hayes Fisher Which will be very soon
    Unlike · Reply · 1 · 1 hr
    • Scott Kenan

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  • Scott Kenan Yes, Oscar Hayes Fisher -- I agree!!! And like the Model T Ford, we continue to honor their PLACE IN HISTORY, although not their original power!!!
    Like · Reply · 13 mins
  • Scott Kenan Oscar Hayes Fisher, my biggest concern about your above opinions, is that YOU seem to believe that these monuments have POWER (which they do still to self-hating White Supremacists -- primarily God-Hating Christians), but the POWER is in those people's MINDS and NOT in these inanimate objects that are incapable of thinking, themselves. That is what the Bible refers to as "worshiping graven images". But I assign no such power to them, so my only interest is in the beauty of the sculpture and even poetry (which can be interpreted many ways), well illustrated by this one. YOU are enslaved to emotional upset by them -- if I am correct -- but I am NOT!!! I am a FREE MIND (inhabiting a host body), and even if you don't see my point, I am not arguing further. I am free and trust you will be free, also, one day. Surely you would not freak out about the Zeus-believers when you see a sculpture of Zeus -- or do you??
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    • Oscar Hayes Fisher They hold no power in my mind but I think people who are citizens of the USA have spoken and made it perfectly clear that they DONT want STATE or govt sanctioned representation of such images in the same
      Way that church and state should not be intermingled. I also don't understand why we have the words "In GOD we TRUST" on our currency and yet rely more on military might to defend ourselves than the tenets of diplomacy and spreading peace . I just don't care for BS draped in patriotism!! It's a sham scam Sam. I don't care what the bible says specifically because that's another misinterpreted sham scam too . An etiquette book created to control the uneducated masses . What I do believe in is the universal LAW of Attraction. Do unto others ... 
      And for all the people who pay taxes , fight in our military for a biased body of representation, work long hours for low wages , and are disproportionately jailed for senseless crimes (ie black Americans) I stand with them if they say that the symbol is offensive to them , then it is also offensive to me . It's just that simple . We didn't keep many of the symbols of England rule when our nation won independence yet that also was a part of out history . I Say some things are purdy obvious and long overdue. Getting rid of confederacy once and
      All is the rIgHT thing to do .
      Like · Reply · 5 mins
      • Scott Kenan

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    • Oscar Hayes Fisher The model t ford wasn't offensive to anyone that I am aware of
      Like · Reply · 3 mins
    • Scott Kenan Thank you for sharing. I agree with nearly everything you wrote, although I do NOT freak when I spend cash saying "In God We Trust", and having spent EIGHT YEARS studying metaphysics (Science of Mind), under its then President, Dr. J. Kennedy Schultz, YOU are confusing the Bible's Golden Rule with the Law of Attraction, a very different thing. So go to school or do some research before displaying your ignorance and emotional slavery again, please.
      Like · Reply · Just now

. . . if sometimes tough.



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