Phonetically, this sounds like "Hoosier Daddy", which might refer to former Sen. Richard Lugar, Republican of Indiana, who is at the CENTER of the blackmailing of President Obama -- a CLASSIC CASE of JEW GONE BAD!!!
On February 26 in Naples, Florida, Dick Lugar will deliver an address to "Denison Everywhere", on the absolute necessity of the United States leading the world. I cannot now find the talk's exact title, but if he means "the Principles of the US Constitution", then I agree, but if he means what Republicans mean, "American Christianity should continue to try to drive the world into total NAZI domination", then I do NOT agree!!!
As readers know, the William R. Kenan, Jr. Charitable Trust gave Denison University approximately $2,000,000,00 in 1974 or 75, in the school's LARGEST drive to raise the endowment ever (or so it was billed back then). Only one other entity gave a higher amount. This had NOTHING to do with my having just graduated, NOR would I call Denison one of the 68 Kenan Universities (schools who get their greatest private donations from the various Kenan Charities), and I might as well come clean, when I first read about that, I was so PROUD of my distant relatives, I transposed the numbers to 86, figuring I could get away with it -- LOL!!!
And my degree is in Art (print-making), and my senior year, 1973, the Great Lakes Colleges Association had a contest in which students could submit up to three prints, with maximum of three accepted -- to be used to decorate walls of US Consulates and Embassies, worldwide. I was the ONLY one who had all three submissions accepted, and Hilary Russell, one of my partners in www.WhalesTaleCapeMay.com had one of hers accepted too!!!
We had to give ten copies of each, so my work landed in 30 State Department offices, and I have hoped to one day find them -- LOL!!! I know many have disappeared over all these years, but I would sure like to find a copy of Racing Fate, an op art simplicity of orange and blue that vibrates. University President Joel Smith's wife (and I knew the two of them fairly well, having been invited to eat with them and other officials at the Granville Inn, the FIRST time I visited campus with my parents), bought a copy of it to give Joel for his birthday -- because he liked it so much.
And here is the eighth most popular blog posting of all time, which INCLUDES my email sent to Dick Lugar, which was confirmed to be received, but which he never replied to -- please remember that it is old and some things have clarified since I wrote it in 2010:
>>> MY EMAIL EXCHANGE THIS MORNING WITH FRANK K. MEYER, DDS (of the Puerto Vallarta Writers Group):
Hi Frank, and it was a nice surprise to hear from you directly!!!
I'm a little confused by your email -- and for two reasons.
1.You don't tell me what you forgive me for, and all that I can think of is that I repeatedly used that photo that I knew was of you showing off how much weight you'd lost after your pituitary or similar was removed. I knew it was sort of puerile of me to do that, but it was a great photo to have a little fun with, and I doubt that what I did with it is a crime -- or even a sin, really. I trust you feel I harmed you in some more substantial way, so please elaborate so I know what you are talking about.
2. There is no point in making statements like "Jesus has forgiven me," without also saying WHAT he forgave you of. I assume it must be quite substantial for you to include that statement, but the statement remains meaningless, as is.
AND, one of my pet peeves is people who don't add an object to "God bless," which grammatically DEMANDS one, but you have done so, and I'll also say your use of grammar is FAR superior to the NRA's Charles Quigley -- OY VEY!!!
3. In any case, I am only looking for amends from the group as a whole. I long ago began laughing at my wishing to remain in the group. I wouldn't associate with that group if my life depended on it. Criminals and Cowards, is all it is. White Trash (and White Trash wannabes)!!! Well, it will be fun to picket your Conference!!!
4. Mexico is all but completely suppressing the Drug Mafia Kidnapping this past Friday being in the news. Understandable not to want to harm the tourism business, but I have gotten some inquiries from various sources asking what else I know. I remain confident of the Army and Marines officers with whom I exchange all the details that I don't think best to blog about. And the Puerto Vallarta Daily News which broke the story, now is asking anyone who knows anything to get in touch with authorities, so it IS a serious story -- just being kept hushed up so businesses aren't harmed.
And in closing let me say that I've been a little rough on your current (fourth or fifth now, right???), wife Conchita. Never having met her, THAT was unfair of me, so I DO apologize for that.
I look forward to your elaborations!!!
"Ye shall know the Truth and it will set you free" -- I can't remember which New Testament verse this is, but I think it is most appropriate as criminals are unmasked and brought to Civil Justice -- don't you???
In our shared hope for a saner society,
On Sun, Jan 18, 2015 at 11:16 PM, Frank K. Meyer, DDS wrote:
I forgive you Scott as Jesus has forgiven me.
This is the day the Lord has made, rejoice and be glad in itGod Bless you. Frank M.
Could also be labeled "RELIGION", no???
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