Married White Wilmingtonians loose enough to BOTH offer their arm pits for sniffing or licking to passing walkers and drivers. And YES, this is on Wrightsville Avenue just a block from my grandmother's house, that after Annie (Childers) Kenan's death was sold to the Episcopal Church and functioned as the FIRST The Good Shepherd Homeless Shelter, until the neighborhood GENTRIFIED, and it's now a private residence with renter on second floor and current owner on first floor -- just like Grandma did. This according to today's owner to me.
So THANKS to Mark Darrough of Port City Daily for this photo of a PERFECT MAN for MY TASTES -- handsome, perfect chest hair, and fit without being a "Gym Bunny".
"Mr. Wilmington" Contest Winner, 2012 -- OBVIOUSLY, Wilmington loves HOMOSEXUAL DRUG-MAFIOSI, no???
Michael and his son, Ocean Lopez
Hyper-Homo and Meth Addict Michael Lopez, owner of Alpha Mortgage, sponsored this contest -- through Gold's Gym where straight married guys meet in showers or parking lot to pick up MEN!!! It was the SAME in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico when I lived there -- BOTH CITIES known for being VERY GAY!!!
There are many photos of this TOTALLY COOL neighborhood in Mark Darrough's article:
Cute -- but with no hair on his chest -- Mark Darrough FINALLY married a woman a few years ago, but LOOK at the very FIRST photo Mark posted of himself -- in bed with a MAN-- when he first established his Facebook Page -- LOL!!!
Now, let's look at some FACTS about Wilmington, North Carolina. My father was born in 1918 and grew up here. Dad said Wilmington was ALWAYS VERY GAY, and Dad had sex with BOTH men and women.
William Scott Kenan in center, with two buds in NYC in the 1930s.
It is WELL KNOWN that the TRADITIONAL PLACES for Gay Guys to LIVE FREE (-ish), were as Roman Catholic Clergy, to Join the NAVY or MERCHANT MARINE, or to live in a SEAPORT full of horny, homo SAILORS.
THAT is why Wilmington (NC more than DE), NYC, San Francisco, Key West, New Orleans, and Puerto Vallarta are ALL SO GAY, TODAY!!!
When I first moved to Wilmington about the first of 2011, two of the FIRST people I met -- in front of Slainte Irish Pub on Market Street -- a HUGE DRUG MAFIA and PROSTITUTION hangout, then -- HOT, Fit, Hairy-Chested Guys -- told me they make a FORTUNE screwing Christian White Women -- because EIGHTY-FIVE PERCENT of White Christian Men in Wilmington are TOO GAY TO SATISFY THEIR WIVES!!!
>>> YES, that is what they claimed, but in MY experience it is OVER 50%, but not 85%!!!
When I frequently visited my parents here in the 1980s and 1990s, there were EIGHT GAY BARS, three of them on MULTIPLE FLOORS. Today, there is ONLY Ibiza -- and it remains CLOSED for COVID-19.
NO WONDER with all of that SEXUAL FRUSTRATION of gay Christian husbands and straight Christian wives, that Wilmingtonians DRINK AND DRUG LIKE FISH -- and have SEX IN ALLEYWAYS with the Homosexual Homeless Men -- who will have sex for as little as $10.00 -- the price of a CRACK ROCK.
Readers know that in early 2011, I ALSO met two ROCKERS in front of Slaint Irish Pub, who claimed that in summer of 2010, District Attorneys Ben and Jon David -- both DRUNK AS SKUNKS -- had DEMANDED they tell them -- this at their gig in Carolina Beach (part of "Pleasure Island"), WHERE they could get "COCAINE AND PUSSY"!!!
District Attorneys and Identical Twin Brothers, Democrat Benjamin R. David and Republican Jon David -- in COURT!!!
Photos, phone recordings, and FaceTime videos, oh my!
SC wildlife experts warn that people may not want to go swimming near these creatures as they swarm coastal waters.
Top Fan
I've had MANY VERBAL FIGHTS with Stan Johnson -- check out his FACEBOOK PAGE -- where DONALD TRUMP IS STILL GOD:
>>> But it COULD BE WORSE!!!
A Suriname toad mother carries her young embedded in the skin of her back. After mating, the eggs sink gradually into the female's back, & a skin pad forms over the eggs. The froglets emerge over a period of days, thrusting their head & forelegs out first, then struggling free.
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