Curtis Robbie Anderson, who dated Thomas S. Kenan III of Chapel Hill long enough to go to quite a few Society Parties with Tom, where "everyone" stopped Tom to ask for an organ or a piano for their church -- that a habit the Kenans got from Henry Flagler as he developed Florida, building only the infrastructure (water, sewer, gas, and electric companies), but gave FREE LAND to any Library, School, Philosophical Society, or House of Worship -- as well as a choice of organ or piano.
Then I met Robbie in David's Bar, longtime fixture in Market Street 1.5 blocks from the Cape Fear River, and dated him in Carolina Apartments in 1985, while the sign "Deep River Apartments" covered the correct one -- for the filming of David Lynch's BLUE VELVET -- commuting from Atlanta, and staying with my parents who lived here then.
I just called my landlady, Gold Walker, who had managed Carolina Apartments years ago for George Cutter (who evicted me in 2015 on FALSE CHARGES, because I was onto his and so many of his residents' narco-trafficking and whoring), and she said she managed it about 2000 -- until he FIRED HER for siding with tenants over him -- LOL!!!
But she is SURE George Cutter owned it while I dated Robbie there.
A misspelled Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler PUSHED the much older Henry Flagler to build his lifelong dream of the Oversea Railroad to Key West, and they are seen here arriving on the first train. In gratitude, he left her his ENTIRE estate when he died in 1913.
But Mary Lily Kenan, who attended Peace College in Raleigh, was a great singer, and was known as the "Songbird of the Carolinas". Her branch of the Kenan Family founded UNC Chapel Hill, and were ALWAYS known for their love of music, so MIGHT have given that "keyboard generosity" to Henry Flagler!!!
In any case, Robbie Anderson -- as I knew him and he is still known -- was found by me when I was researching First Presbyterian, and First Prez, Burgaw, NC popped up and I remembered that Robbie had worked there, so I got to searching for HIM -- and FOUND HIM!!!
I've gotten his street address, email address, and phone number, all of which I got from the realtor, MaDONNA McMAHON, in 2011, but Robbie CHICKENED OUT on meeting me, and I am CERTAIN it was because I was HOMELESS and CRAZED, back then -- LOL!!! He CLAIMED I would NEVER recognize him, and that THAT was why, so I figured he was FAT and BALD, but he's NOT. He's just as cute as he ever was -- with a TOTALLY WINNING SMILE (and eyes) -- but his hair is now WHITE, not RED.
He is such a nice guy, I'm sure he's partnered now, if not married, and SO MUCH TIME (32 years), has passed. So I am NOT expecting to rekindle old FLAMES, but in my 66 years, he is ONE of the only THREE truly wonderful guys I ever dated, and it would be FUN to compare NOTES, no???
FIRST, I'll paste in what I wrote about the Pastor and Church he is now associated with -- and then what I found on him. AFTER that, I'll send him an email, privately:
Approaching Easter, I RECOGNIZE Some TRUE CHRISTIAN CLERGY and Congregations / ON Easter, I'll TRY to Visit Donald Trump's Son, Eric -- Who Lives and Politics from WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, OK???
Saturday March 26, 2016 (Donald Trump had announced his Candidacy for President on my 64th Birthday, June 16, 2015.)
St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Wilmington, North Carolina
Rev. Mark Opgrand
March 26, 2016
Dear Rev. Opgrand,
It was a pleasure meeting you and your associate minister in Jason’s Deli, as we all had our “Good Friday” lunches. Of course the most important thing is that I finally met top people from your St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, who FED ME WHEN I WAS HOMELESS, at Mercy House Shelter – as well as at Mother Hubbard’s Cupboard.
I have been wanting to thank your congregation ESPECIALLY, as your people seem the kindest and most considerate to those of us who were so needy then – and you continue – but I have found my way to a better station in life now, and I hope you can spread this inadequate thanks among your congregation – or at least many of them.
As I mentioned yesterday, God blessed me to perfectly push for a more humane – Godly, if you prefer – approach to Politics in the USA. In 2010, I was by complete surprise to me, thrown into a sewer, with no understanding of how to get out of it or even WHY I was tossed into it – mostly by my immediate family, but with help of POWERFUL people in Politics, and YES, even in Religion -- especially in Wilmington.
But as Yoko Ono once said, “It’s just a story, now.”
I have documented my story in over 3,200 blog postings, and hope to go on to attract the right kind of tourism to Wilmington, and REDUCE the narco-trafficking here – or at least separate it from Government.
Throughout my quest, I have TRIED to “walk with God”, and when I left that path, I sure got a THRUMPING – but nothing I could not survive, and more importantly, learn from. I figured that indeed, “turnabout is fair play” – with the exception of physical (or for that matter, sexual), violence. On the five occasions I was beaten severely by American, Mexican, and Colombian citizens in service to the Kenan/Clinton/Bush/Cheney/CIA Drug Mafia – in the Mexican states of Jalisco and Nayarit, I ALWAYS clasped my hands behind my back and they could NOT punch and kick me long enough to do more than bruise some muscles, all of which healed within six weeks. Even THEY had SOME dignity, beneath the fear and hatred.
I thank God that my mother was a nurse who taught me how to know if a bone is actually broken or an organ damaged.
So I salute ALL of you, and as I said, Father Bob Kus and Sister Mary Isaac Koenig of St. Mary’s Catholic are allies with me for JUSTICE, but I add the two of you, too (not able to identify your associate, yesterday), because you clearly have the same values, and unlike your Catholic colleagues, you do NOT take Vows of Obedience, which prevent the Catholic clergy from speaking with me DIRECTLY. I felt yesterday like we were “Old Chums”.
And I hope to be able to add more local clergy – Christian and non – who live within the “Love of the Christ” – to me a consciousness, not unlike “Buddha Consciousness”, taken on by the man Jesus; to Christians the literal Son of God.
You can read more of my story in my blog:, but be FOREWARNED that I use much “colorful language” and tell “shocking tales” more often than, say, a Catholic Nun should ever read!!! (And I’m gonna copy Father Bob on this to give HIM a good chuckle too.)
Carry on, sir, and may the Peace of the Lord illuminate ALL of our Days!!!
Thanks again,
Scott David Kenan
From here:
And the listing of Robbie from the church's site:
Curtis R. (Robby) Anderson - Music Associate
He recently retired from the North Carolina public school system after 33 years in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools and Pender County Schools teaching vocal, instrumental and general music in grades K-12. Robby has played trumpet in the Wilmington Symphony since 1976 and currently participates in other community groups such as the Salvation Army Brass Band, Harbour Towne Fest Band and Cape Fear Chorale.
He comes to St. Paul's after ten years as choir director with Burgaw Presbyterian Church. Previous experience includes directing choirs at Zion United Methodist Church (Winnabow), Pearsall Presbyterian Church (Wilmington), and singing in the choir of St. James Episcopal Church in Wilmington in the 1980s under former St. Paul organist, Charlsie Harris.
Robby's association with St. Paul's goes back several decades, playing trumpet in many Christmas Eve services. Some folks may remember his aunt Vernelle, who was secretary at St. Paul's in the late 1970s.
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