ONLY the shooting at Steve Scalise (and others), today, DISGUSTS me MORE than the CONTINUING HATRED OF WOMEN by hand of CHRISTIAN, MALE REPUBLICANS:
“Every human body has its optimum weight and contour, which only health and efficiency can establish. Whenever we treat women's bodies as aesthetic objects without function we deform them.”
― Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch
As ALWAYS this is ALL the NAZI PARTY (Republicans and Christians) EVER have to offer, and I BET that is all they will offer today!!!
Growing by the hundreds, this group wants to ‘get the H out of Wilmington’
May the Lord KINDLY RESTRAIN ME from making AGGRESSIVE HOMO-PASSES at Mook Cahill, who is so HANDSOME, and has my FAVE CHEST HAIR PATTERN!!!
This article has link to their Facebook Page, and they are growing SO FAST, they have not yet been able to get their Website up!!! They appear to have TWO arms, one to COORDINATE info to ALL the Federal Task Forces down to local Police and Sheriff's Deputies -- because NONE OF THEM COMMUNICATE WITH EACH OTHER (are you SURPRISED, non-Christians???)
This is where I can help most, and ALREADY let them know my parents set up the Christian Drug Mafia here with Father Bob Kus, Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, PPD, and others, now RUN my Mayor Saffo, District Attorney Ben David (and his brother), and Police Chief Ralph Evangelous, and many -- if not MOST -- of the Christian Churches of ALL TYPES.
Haston Caulder, followed by his "girlfriend" Carla McCall, who texted me that she charged Haston $80.00 just to take her and her mother to LUNCH (PLUS he had to pick up the bill). Joseph Faulk in NYC LOVED THAT -- he paid for Haston's WHORING and DRUGS, sending him $7,200.00 in one month (while Haston ALSO claimed to make a lot of money at his job).
Heather Blackstone, another of Haston's girlfriends from that time, who texted me with THREATS if I kicked Haston OUT, at the same time Joseph Faulk was ALSO sending me similar threats.
The other arm is to reach out to Heroin Addicts (and perhaps Crack and Meth addicts, too), to help them in any way with some work, food, and ENCOURAGEMENT -- "recovered" addicts can best help in this part, but I DO have a room I could rent to someone who would HAVE to have a decent Education, and APPRECIATION of History and Culture. I do NOT need another Haston Lavern Caulder II in my house -- HA!!!
Last night, I sent Joseph Faulk an email, CLEARLY EXPLAINING what I will do -- a SERIES of steps, culminating in giving the local FBI Task Force all the HARD EVIDENCE I have his his supporting the Christian Drug Mafia, Haston now identified to me as as DANGEROUS a CRIMINAL as Joseph "Joey Spaghetti" Christopher Spagnolo, whom I spotted in town a couple of weeks ago -- I having taken him in as my live-in lover in 2012 -- and my report on THAT got more blog hits than ANY OTHER in about half a year:
Joseph has until THIS FRIDAY to show me evidence he has RETURNED TO HIS SENSES, after HUGE infatuations -- like TRUMAN CAPOTE falling in love with the CRIMINAL in ln Cold Blood, but before that with Dewain Joseph Hall:
Dewain was ADMITTEDLY a Heroin Addict, Haston never ADMITTED what he was addicted to.
And today, I got an email from Brian M. Williams, representing Spectrum Cable -- which hit me out of a CROSSWALK on 2/13/2017, saying it would be about two weeks before he finishes gathering all my medical bills, and then we can proceed from there -- VERY SANE, best I can tell!!!
Now, while THAT is on track, I also had, this morning, thanked Joseph Faulk for paying for my extractions and new lower denture that will snap onto my jaw so it does NOT flop, like it does now, but it takes time to complete. The total for both Dentist and Oral Surgeon was about $7,200.00 (same as Joseph Faulk sent Haston Caulder in ONE MONTH just to LIVE ON), and TODAY, had my first of a few appointments with my Dentist, the Oral Surgeon's work now complete.
That went very well, and I was PLEASED to see that he had REPLACED all his staff with FAR BETTER and more PROFESSIONAL people, but as I left, the new woman at the desk said I needed to PAY. To her credit, she's been on the job just two weeks and was NOT aware of my past there, so said she'd research it and call me.
At the time I got all the charges in advance because Joseph needed to know the absolute totals to plan how best to send it from his accounts, and then did so. What is ALSO true, is that not only was the previous staff not too professional, but I was still VERY CRAZED, so a misunderstanding is POSSIBLE -- and I DO have the sheets they gave me listing all the costs, so I could research that too.
If it turns out I really do still OWE HIM -- and he does not finance his services -- he just got impressions today, that will keep, I imagine, until I get settlement from Spectrum Cable, now expected by the end of August, and do the rest of it THEN. I was responsible for getting those costs, so I feel it not FAIR to ask Joseph to pay any more for my TEETH!!!

Notice I originally posted this on DONALD TRUMP'S SIXTY-NINTH BIRTHDAY -- LOL!!!
Don't you dare MESS with my son's HAIR!!!
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