Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Tale in One TWO-WAY Email -- LOL!!!

Joseph Faulk lives in the top apartment, #5, at 14 W. 95th Street, New York, NY 10025. TWO of his windows are not stuck to an air-conditioner, so he COULD JUMP TO HIS DEATH onto a HUMAN -- and harm him or her!!!

What on EARTH are you typing about??? Have you completely lost touch with reality??? I've blog-posted your name, address, and phone number -- as well as photos of your apartment building -- MANY times before and people HIT THOSE POSTINGS every day. Google Statistics shows me that info at any time I want to see what is being hit from the past -- but they only show me the TOP TEN being hit, at any time.

I have posted my OWN signature many, many times, as Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing (now shut down due to my blogging and reports to Law Enforcement), made us all use electronic facsimiles of our signatures to sign all letters and emails from Pentagon Publishing, Inc., when that was first possible -- but everyone later got away from it as everyone reading them knew it was just an electronic file.

Additionally, only a year or so ago, my good friend Elizabeth Redenbaugh, then still Head of the local County Democrats -- as well as recipient of a 2011 Kennedy Profile in Courage Award, used HER signature which I SAVED, but I have NEVER used it to impersonate her -- nor to steal her identity -- and since she sent it in many THOUSANDS of emails to Democrats (many here being SUPER-FELONY criminals -- narco-traffickers, mostly), NONE of those TOP CRIMINALS have tried to steal her identity, either.

Routing numbers are published all over the place and EVERYONE at Chase bank SHARES that number with you. You're NOT as SPECIAL as you seem to believe -- you are a NARCISSIST like Donald Trump -- LOL!!!

Let me know when you're "financial ruin" occurs, and I'll be CERTAIN to send you a financial donation, commensurate with my ability when it happens. I EXPECT to cause it MYSELF through the Courts.

Well NEITHER U.S. Consular Agent Kelly Trainor nor her boss, former Kenan Top Exec and current Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are CURRENTLY on my "enemy list". YOU don't follow the news, but Tillerson is lobbying Trump to KEEP the Paris Climate Accords, and today it was reported that at the just concluded Exxon-Mobil Shareholder's Meeting, 62% voted for CLIMATE CHANGE SCIENCE TRANSPARENCY by XOM (market abbreviation), compared to 38% just one year ago.

Since you feel qualified to diagnose that I have a "long-term mental disorder", you must NAME IT!!! I'm not qualified to diagnose anyone, but I DID name your illness as NARCISSISM:

-- and I KNOW DAMN WELL that you would NEVER have made this claim WITHOUT speaking first with my mother, brother, or one or more of my sisters -- so DISCLOSE WHICH ONE (or ones), IT WAS.

And JUST FOR THE RECORD, I passed within twenty feet of D.A. Ben David today (N.W. corner of Third and Market Streets -- at about 1:18 PM) -- and he never SAW ME, nor did I think it wise to call to him since he was with some TOP LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS -- HA!!!

I will continue to keep calling you, and now in this EMERGENCY SITUATION, be certain to do so daily (or more often), to be sure you have not had a stroke, heart-attack, or successful on unsuccessful suicide, and call NYC authorities to check you out in the manner Psychologist Ben, living behind me, has said would be the FASTEST!!!

All my Love,
-----Original Message-----

From: Joseph Faulk <>
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Wed, May 31, 2017 6:54 pm

Subject: I see you have blacked out my account number...

 . . . but I do not want you to show my routing nr, name and address, check sequence nr, and my SIGNATURE. You are exposing me to major identity theft and financial ruin. Of course your 100-150 earlier mailings of the confidential info cannot be recalled.

In addition your blog and distributed mails continue to defame me and reiterate your contempt for me, although I have gifted you with a pretty good lifestyle for 5 1/2 years.

I think you should return to treatment of your long-term mental disorder. Otherwise, relating to you is impossible because everyone ends up on your enemy list and subject to your vengeance.



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