Re: Your objectionable stance
From | Scott Kenan scottdkenan@aol.comhide details![]() |
To | Testosteroni |
Cc | scott,jkenan02, kenan5, duffyjr3,breakingnews, scoop, editorial |
Please stand down from your taking things too seriously. Have you NOT read that the PRIMARY purpose of my blog is HUMOR???
Well, perhaps it will "humour" you to know that before I opened my computer and found this message from you, I had had TWO what I would call "break-through heart-to-hearts" with Shake, and then while on the porch with him a few minutes ago, Darrell came in and I found him in the bedroom -- he ADMITTED being the cause of last night's problems -- before I said a thing, and I withdrew the necessity of an Authority refereeing us.
THIS because I actually KNOW what their experience is like and am not afraid to use TOUGH LOVE of discomfort to lead a fella to THINK!!!
And it worked. Darrel and I had a wee bit of a private hug-a-thon, and I swear he nearly kissed me.
He and I agree that you should pull out the poppers, think of Darrel and him -- and I've added Dewain Hall, now of Kansas -- and shoot the BIGGEST ONE IN A DECADE (or two).
In case you've forgotten what the Dewain you "fell for" looks like.
We ALL look forward to your thoughtful packages.
Pleasant DREAMS!!!
From: Testosteroni
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 14, 2016 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: Your objectionable stance
-----Original Message-----
From: Testosteroni
To: Scott Kenan <>
Sent: Sun, Aug 14, 2016 6:32 pm
Subject: Re: Your objectionable stance
You are over-empowering yourself. Shake is impaired by a serious head injury, is compelled to talk, and needs tolerance. He has episodes of narcolepsy, maybe impacted by his careless drug regimen. He's doing pretty well on his job. He has a good buddy in Darrell.
You are presumptuous to insist he see the minister with you. You are threatening when you indicate you will report him to the probation officer with possible dire consequences.
I asked that you retract your ultimatum to his face so that he can enjoy dinner, sleep peacefully, and go to work tomorrow, and not be tremulous as an old dog that he will be ejected from his new "home" Friday morning.
This isn't a time for LOL.
"Thank God our NARCO-TRAFFICKING with the Kenan Family of Chapel Hill, North Carolina TRUMPS Donald Trump!!!"
Mercy ME!!!
"Cincinnatus Retorno" -- REMEMBER???
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