Bob Jones (aka "Body-Odor Jones" -- in this blog ONLY), in the play ADULT MEN (best I can tell).
February 2, 2016
Hi Bob – I had intended to write this missive last night after dinner, but a “Funny Thing” walked in my door, and I really had to deal with it the best I knew how:
This morning, Dewain was soberly interested in finally, actually, applying for food stamps today, and chasing down the four leads he has of job possibilities. I CANNOT recommend his services to our landlady – until he has at least a month of sane behavior, unbroken. And again, when in this sober mood, he uses language to speak with me that I can only call pre-pubescent Southernese, with worse grammar and pride of ignorance than he usually displays – a product of mis-learned Christianity so common now in our country. He seems to think that in acting like a “bad little boy, repentant” – WITHOUT repenting, that like a stupid Fundamentalist Christian, I will say, “All is well.”
My parting words to Dewain, this morning, were that nothing and NOBODY, were going to hold me back – not even corrupt Wilmington Politicians and Christian Leaders, or even live-in Drug Trash – and if he can find a way to stay out of my hair, that will be fine. If not – OUT WITH THE TRASH!!!
The biggest thing I wanted to say is that I was TOTALLY BLOWN AWAY after you Facebook friended me and I was off the phone to explore. A woman popped right out as I read her depths, so well captured in photos – but she did NOT have your last name and it took some exploring to find she is your wife, indeed. And I LOVE the books she has recommended on her website!!!
And your daughter, too, is drop-dead gorgeous – but best is the consciousness that permeates your entire page. And YOU look so healthy in all ways – particularly compared to that only picture I previously had.
And you seem to have had some success as a THESPIAN!!! (how appropriate – given your “class clown” behaviors in our youth)
And I got a feel for the life of sane success that you now enjoy, and which was robbed from me by my parents and siblings, especially, and ALL my mother’s allies who worship the Swastika too – whether they admit that or not. If Jesus actually died through great suffering to “pay the price” for all sinners (a common and evil misunderstanding), then I am happy to suffer what I have suffered so that good and decent people – by learning from my example -- needn’t go through what I have been through.
And this only works as I become better and better known as an uncommonly insightful writer – which is undeniably happening.
Right now, I have an interesting idea that I think would be fun to discuss with you and your wife. While many singers and musicians strive to play pure higher and higher notes, when they accomplish that, they do not discard their lower range, as ALL the notes are important. In the spiritual quest – also fairly termed the psychological-growth quest – while the novice seeks higher and higher levels, once sufficient progress is made, they recognize the FULL RANGE is equally valuable, depending on immediate circumstances.
This explains my differing views of people and happenings – expanding on which Level of Consciousness I am writing from. Think of a pipe organ. WHO would remove even one keyboard, stop, or pedal???
Kenan Organ (2004) in All Saints Episcopal, Atlanta – the church where I worshiped for some months in about 1984, NOT knowing that my distant cousin James Graham Kenan was a prominent member then. It was “Uncle Jimmy” – as he was known – who sent me to his wife’s cousin for legal help when my parents, with others (including Lawrence Buchthal who filed the charge), had me jailed on false charge of trespass in 1990.
That did NOT work out, and after 15 weeks held for a first offense, ever, WITHOUT BOND, I FORCED Judge Linda Warren Hunter to trial by filing Writ of Habeus Corpus against Sheriff Jarvis – the only thing left on that Dekalb County record, after systematically and over two years, nearly everything else was DELETED – or in the case of American Express Bank, BACK-CHANGED to change the verdict – LOL!!!
Another example I learned was from Lillian Gish, whose performance in Swasey Chapel at Denison I documented in my book – as well as my interaction with her at the 1981 Kennedy Center Honors:
And as I believe I found on your wife’s site (I’m not naming her as I will publish this – and the new photo of you is NOT image-searchable to your identity, because of where I got it), this is one of the MOST IMPORTANT ideas afloat – although I have seen minor variations: “Nobody changes until the pain of remaining the same exceeds the fear of changing.”
And in closing for now, I’m adding a link to photos taken at the Bishop’s Reception after Tennessee Williams’s induction into the Episcopal Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine’s Poets’ Corner in Manhattan, showing many of the theater, especially, luminaries, but also me and a spattering of top Narco-Traffickers.
Renee Claire Bergeron added 49 new photos to the album:Tennessee Williams induction at Cathedral of St. John the Divine.
November 5, 2009
November 5, 2009
Vanessa Redgrave was at the ceremony, earlier (with an entourage of 50, which she had DEMANDED, knowing it was the Episcopal Church, especially Kenan-supported Sewanee, who had murdered Tennessee Williams and stolen his estate from Harvard. Gregory Mosher (who had produced A HOUSE NOT MEANT TO STAND at the Goodman Theatre in Chicago in 1982), made a point of publicly greeting me in the Cathedral, but ALSO did not attend the reception.
Episcopal Church flunky, Thomas Elliot Keith (who blackmailed John Lahr into NOT telling the full story of Tennessee’s murder and the theft of his estate in his biography), was there but not pictured – with his Narco-Trafficking boyfriend, Arturo, not only of Colombia – but his family lives in Stone Mountain, Georgia, directing much of the narcotics operation there.
And just for a HOOT, I’ll throw in a link to how Elton John lost most of his “Gay Cred” – when he played at Drug-Rush Limbaugh’s DRUG-SATURATED fourth serial wedding at Thomas S. Kenan III and Betty (Price) Kenan-owned The Breakers Hotel, Palm Beach!!!
I’ll shortly post this with other fun things on my blog.
A Dios – for now – mi Amigo!!!

Hi Linda LeBoutillier, I am THRILLED to be back in touch with you -- and I contacted you yesterday because you are working on a BOOK. My own book ran into some "political troubles", but is now available online for free. John Lahr and top Tennessee Williams scholars gave it RAVES, and I'll post a link should you care to read it.
But I REALLY wanted you to know how much I admired Waterloo Gardens and your grandparents (although unlike the rest of your family, I never met them). I posted tributes on my blog here (see middle of posting):…/i-should-not-have-been-sho…, as well as here:…/not-my-waterloo-but-im-envi…
The Pet Shop Boys: "The Last to Die":
We took the highway till the road went black
We marked Truth Or Consequences on our map*
A voice drifted up from the radio
We saw the voice from long ago
We marked Truth Or Consequences on our map*
A voice drifted up from the radio
We saw the voice from long ago
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The kids asleep in the backseat
We're just countin' the miles you and me
We don't measure the blood we've drawn anymore
We just stack the bodies outside the door
We're just countin' the miles you and me
We don't measure the blood we've drawn anymore
We just stack the bodies outside the door
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The wise men were all fools
What to do
What to do
The sun sets in flames as the city burns
Another day gone down as the night turns
And I hold you here in my heart
As things fall apart
Another day gone down as the night turns
And I hold you here in my heart
As things fall apart
A downtown window flushed with light
Faces of the dead at five (faces of the dead at five)
A martyr's silent eyes
Petition the drivers as we pass by
Faces of the dead at five (faces of the dead at five)
A martyr's silent eyes
Petition the drivers as we pass by
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die
The last to die for a mistake
Whose blood will spill, whose heart will break
Who'll be the last to die
Who'll be the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Darlin' your tyrants and kings form the same fate
Strung up at your city gates
And you're the last to die for a mistake
The last to die for a mistake
Darlin' your tyrants and kings form the same fate
Strung up at your city gates
And you're the last to die for a mistake
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