TRAVEL ADVISORY: Due to a flurry of New Year's resolutions, the Road to Hell is currently closed for repaving. Please take an alternate route.
1. And speaking of resolutions, the whole situation in Puerto Vallarta has become so compound/complex that people and situations I thought I understood a month ago, I no longer do, so I am TRYING to stay away from accusing people of crimes -- unless I am really convinced of that.
And call me "Tippi Hedren", but this morning when I opened my front door, I found a large black bird (almost crow-sized), lying chest up in front of my door. Either it had been shot or some "Aztec" had just grabbed its little heart out, but it was meant to make a point, and since I last looked out to that space at dusk last night and it was not there, that gives the time frame. It was too big for my cats to get -- they tear the few small birds they've gotten apart -- and it was a hole at the heart.
While I feel sorry for the bird dying so some nut-ball could scare me, not only am I USED to this kind of thing (it happens about once per month -- dead animal, mini stone-or-poop cairn or pattern, etc. in front of my door), but I was off to Costco, which was MOBBED. There, I engaged with English-speaking tourists (which I did today to see if I am off about it becoming common knowledge in the USA -- not just Canada -- that the Episcopal Church USA is into narco-trafficking).
Well, I didn't speak with but four couples, so not a valid sample, but it looks like word is getting out, but what has REALLY changed the last two months, is instead of people being afraid they might be harmed by Mafia if they are seen talking to me, they just shake their heads because while next to none know the specifics I know, they DO NOT (with almost no exception), find my story surprising at all.
BOTTOM LINE: The political story of my specific tale is BECOMING COMMON KNOWLEDGE among Americans living in the USA!!!
2. I called my Mom this morning, and all is going really well. The only surprise is that I REALLY don't think my siblings have discussed my recent challenge to them with Mom at all -- or she's a DAMN good actor. I've known her for 63.5 years, now (as an "outie").
3. And here is the LAUGH OF THE DAY:
Some nut-ball emailed me today, asking about Benjamin R. David, the District Attorney in Wilmington, North Carolina. I'll leave our complete thread intact (one email each), and YOU decide what you would make of it. I think that Ben David wanted to FISH to see more of my strategy, and had an INCOMPETENT email me. On the other hand, maybe this guy IS actually investigating Ben. If so, Mr. David will surely WIN!!!
But not against me.
Hello Derek,
Funny, the "Rhino Club" rings only the dimmest bell for me, so I can't help you with that specific issue.
And you did not BOTHER reading my blog, or you would have a good idea what issues I have with Ben David. They are more than issues, I expect to have him at least locked up and awaiting trial within six months.
And you give me NOTHING that can be googled up to indicate you are real: no last name, nothing shows by googling for your email address and why use something obscure like "DXS" for a handle, and what made you decide to call yourself "scurvy 666 4" -- at yahoo, at least???
Inquiring Mind wishes to know!!!
However, if I am mistaken and you wish to know more about my beef with Ben David, simply google my name in quotes with Ben David's name -- VOILA!!! Answers.
Best of luck, and if you have SPECIFIC questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
On Wed, Dec 31, 2014 at 12:00 PM, DXS <scurvy6664@yahoo.com> wrote:
Hello Scott,
I live in Wilmington, NC and I am doing research on The Rhino Club and how it was handled by the police and the DA, Ben David. I obviously stumbled upon your blog and was wondering what exactly you know or issues you have about Ben David.
Thank you in advance,

Benjamin R. David being originally sworn in by Judge James H. Faison III, who is also Christian Pastor of a church near Wilmington.
Ben David might only be a little shorty -- but I BET he has GOOD CHEST HAIRS!!!
I wish I had thought to ask Lee before he ran out of town in his new pick-up truck, bought by his lover, Benjamin R. David.