And then there are OTHER loves as well:
And don't forget the Love as expressed by American Politicians:

I include ALL US Politicians -- Dems and Reds alike -- BECAUSE many significant leaders from several countries come and go in my Writers Group here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, and to EVERYONE WORLDWIDE (except the LYING American Press -- including Kenan Family associated Huffington Post and CNN), it is a DONE DEAL that Putin/Russia is going to KEEP the Crimean Peninsula and NOBODY WILL DARE STOP THEM!!!
Because Russia might be backward and have little respect for Human Rights under Putin -- but it simply WILL NOT give up the only port on the European end of the nation that is ICE FREE year round for its Navy.
Putin knows that the Russian People are perhaps some of the LONGEST SUFFERING people on earth, so will sacrifice ANYTHING in the way of sanctions or deaths in warfare (should it come to that) -- and NO ONE in the West is prepared to go anywhere NEAR as far as he and Russia will go WITHOUT EVEN FLINCHING.
Do sanctions if you want -- but Europe NEEDS Putin's natural gas as well as oil, and will drop sanctions as soon as the heat dies down just a little.
And someone PLEASE tell Barry Bam-Bam to STOP trying to get Vladimir to shove it up his arse -- he should stick with his OWN PROVEN MALE LOVER: Reggie Love:
Although it is NOT FAIR as well as ILLEGAL, since the West is NOT going to effectively STOP Putin, stop wasting time YAMMERING, and cut a deal that saves the most people and countries the most face.
End of story.
Mother Dearest (2008)
TODAY, I called Mom to tell her I am now WELCOME in Mexico -- officially -- and have been DEBRIEFED by two groups of Mexican Military Officers, and the WRITING IS NOW ON THE WALL for the future of Mom and her NAZI US Republicans (and faggot Dems like Obama).
Mom cut me off just as I was finishing reporting to her what I documented here: http://theweathercontinues.blogspot.mx/2014/03/meeting-with-several-levels-of-mexican.html .
My mother said she really did NOT want to hear about any of that -- and hung up on me -- LOL!!! I TOLD YOU she's a fucking cunt!!!
BECAUSE I am now DIRECTLY giving information that I have been blogging about for FOUR YEARS to Military Officers in Mexico (as well as other ways to Presidente Pena Nieto and many other politicians here) -- and I ONLY have taken that route because the following people have REFUSED TO LISTEN:
Barrack Obama (email attempts)
ALL Senators on the Intelligence Committee (every one of them by secured email form and getting confirmations of receipt from all) See: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/08/now-all-intelligence-us-senators-have.html
ALL House Members on Homeland Security Committee (and Senators on theirs too) -- ALL by secured email form and ALL sending receipts of have received my emails: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/07/after-my-testimony-to-both-house-and.html
Gov. Pat McCrory (Republican) of North Carolina by BOTH phone to his top assistant and emails.
TWO US Attorneys -- one in North Carolina, the other in Chicago: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/07/us-attorney-thomas-g-walkers-office.html as well as http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/07/after-contacting-gary-s-shapiros-us.html
TWO North Carolina office chiefs of the FBI: the one in Wilmington and the FORMER one in Charlotte -- by phone several times and they REFUSED to believe me and said I should be committed to a mental hospital (which I was TWICE in 2011 in Wilmington, but got right out since I was not mentally ill).
DEA Agent Jeff Grant in Wilmington, NC TWICE -- once in person in his office in 2011, then just a few months ago, again -- by phone, and Jeff said that if I was gonna talk like THAT to him (give evidence against his allies), he would NOT LISTEN and he hung up on me!!! See THIS posting that includes account of smoking pot OPENLY on the grounds of the Federal Building with Frank Sinatra's heirs -- LOL!!!: http://scottkenan.blogspot.mx/2013/07/wormwood-wilmington-nc-looks-pretty.html
US COAST GUARD Drug Interdiction Officer for Port Wilmington -- who refused to listen.
Wilmington Mayor Bill Saffo (Dem) -- many times by phone calls to Dawn Grants, Saffo's secretary who said the Mayor REFUSED to listen to me and referred me to Wilmington's Risk Manager, Jack Stein -- who took ONLY my first call and REFUSED to take any subsequent one, or answer emails.
What the hell ELSE could I do when my own Government on SO MANY LEVELS all PROTECT the CIA/Republican Party/Episcopal Church narco-trafficking -- ALL under my own mother's direction BY COMMAND of the three NAZI Popes in Rome: Paul VI, John Paul II (JPII was Mom's TOP commander and I can PROVE she visited him in Rome one-on-one THREE TIMES that she told me about), as well as Benedict-the Ratzinger.
What connects ALL these people???
They CLAIM to believe that Jesus is the LITERAL Son of God, breaking God's FIRST COMMANDMENT.
And NO CHRISTIAN CHURCH has a problem with their NAZI WAYS.

Oh well -- guess I'll have to work with FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS since the USA is all but TOTALLY NAZI-"CHRISTIAN" now.
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