Michael F. Easley, Jr., Attorney
McGuireWoods LLP
501 Fayetteville St # 500, Raleigh, NC 27601
Cc: Joe Biden, President of the USA
Michael C. Sluss
Writer-Business Publications & Media
September 30, 2021
Dear Mr. Easley,
My name is Scott David Kenan and I now live in what is to be part of your District, Wilmington, NC. So let me first CONGRATULATE you on the Nomination -- and since two of NC's BIGGEST CRIMINALS -- Sen. Thom Tillis and Sen. Richard Burr -- think you are GREAT, I ASSUME they figure you will continue to protect all of the CIA's and Christian Churches' Hard-Drug Trafficking, set up years ago in Wilmington and Atlanta, GA by my parents with Nixon's Aide John Ehrlichman, whom I knew well.
My father always claimed that HE was most instrumental in putting Sen. Jesse Helms into office, and we were raised with Swastikas on our dinner china and daily beatings for Jesus, even living across the street from Coach Lou Holtz in Columbus, Ohio in 1968 and 1969, when the Holtzes and my parents planned the NAZI TAKEOVER of the USA by BOTH PARTIES -- as long as they were all CHRISTIANS!!!
Mom got Holtz his first Dream Job at Notre Dame, and her brother Robert J. Meyer, DDS, the job of Official Dentist to the Fighting Irish -- but after Uncle Bob let my cousin Jan marry a JEW, Mom MURDERED HIM with the help of a Veterans Hospital in Lower Mississippi (now closed).
And Mom conveyed Pope Francis's COMMAND to shut down and then reopen the US Government in 2013 -- because the Catholic Church DOES NOT SUPPORT "Obamacare" or similar (like "Romneycare").
As Joe Biden made CERTAIN everyone knew when he jumped into the Democratic Primaries, that HE does not support Universal Health Care like every other developed Nation has -- because it would be "an INSULT to my DEAD SON!!!"
Here is some documentation of my parents' crimes, so you can see they are as they claim, DEVOUT CHRISTIANS (although Dad died at 96 in 2014, Mom lives independently in Raleigh, today, and is nearly 99).
While it is TRUE that I was born, raised, and educated a Yankee, I'm also related to Thomas S. Kenan III and dated his ex-boyfriend Curtis "Robby" Anderson in 1985 -- while he lived in Kenan-built Carolina Apartments and BLUE VELVET was being filmed there!!!
My FIRST visit to Wilmington was at the age of six weeks. I've lived here (with a 3+ years SECOND Political Exile 2012 - 2015 -- thanks to D.A. Ben David!!!), since the middle of December 2010, when my parents sent me money to drive back to Raleigh from Puerto Vallarta -- where Colin Powell's retired CPO, Army Col. Dorothy Newman, had to get me to Political Exile after my parents and siblings with my employer of twenty years, Patrick Lee Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing, Inc., of Snellville, GA -- with help of the Republican Party of GA and the CIA (this according to Col. Newman and the Dekalb County, GA Mental Health Nurse who came out on THREE of their FIVE tries to COMMIT ME in one month), intended to MURDER ME.
And Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel -- with Fox News and an exec of Wells Fargo, who now works for Ameriprise Financial in Chicago -- AND Wilmington, North Carolina's Democrat District Attorney Benjamin R. David, STOLE copyright to my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams in Cook County, Illinois District Court -- when Scott Rudin and the Producers of most of the Harry Potter films were looking to buy movie rights.
And JUMPING AHEAD to how Wilmington's Democratic Mayor "Bill" Saffo with Democratic City Councilman Charlie Rivenbark MURDERED my friend Evan William Fish on September 3, 2011 -- because Evan could PROVE that Patrick Stansbury supplies all the Politicians and Christian Churches/Clergy with HARD DRUGS -- and when I went to confront Saffo, they had a SPECTRUM TRUCK try to kill me in the crosswalk in front of City Hall on February 13, 2017:
Please notice that Google/Blogger put a WARNING on this posting -- only one of TWO where they discourage people from opening one of my over 6,000 postings, and I've had over 5,000,000 views of my blog, so far!!!
I think you will have your HANDS FULL -- if you are HONEST (like my buddy NC Atty. Gen. Josh Stein)!!! Gov. Cooper and other top Dems are TOTALLY into my Kenan Family of Chapel Hill's HARD-DRUG TRAFFICKING!!!
D.A.s Jon and Ben David have ENOUGH SCANDALS to deal with ALREADY -- and they need to be PROSECUTED TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW!!!
This also has info on my friend whom I BET YOU KNEW!!! Bert Bennett, Jr., owner of Quality Oil (Shell), in Winston-Salem, who as HEAD of the Democratic Party of North Carolina got not just TWO DEM GOVERNORS elected TWICE EACH, but got NC to go for JFK for President in 1960!!!
>>> BTW: My parents were protected by NAZI-Christian Raleigh City Police.
That time they paid for me to get back from Puerto Vallarta, they got ANGRY because I wanted a Psychiatric Diagnosis BEFORE my mother DEMANDED THE DOCTOR diagnose me Bipolar I and force me back onto Lithium Carbonate that Mom had me on for a FALSE DIAGNOSIS of that in 1978 -- until my Shrink Nurse (Alexandra Widdon of PACT-ATL in Decatur, GA), took me OFF in early 2009 -- because she had NEVER seen a sign of Bipolar in me in eight years.
Three years ago, I was properly diagnosed with COMPLEX PTSD -- due to YEARS OF ABUSE by my parents and siblings and the US Government -- especially the CIA.
One morning, I was awakened by a male Raleigh Police Officer, who had come with a female Officer, and told me my parents -- without telling me a thing -- had gotten a RESTRAINING ORDER with Ex-Parte -- in Wake County District Court -- and gave me a few minutes to pack up and CLEAR OUT!!!
However, they NEVER GAVE ME ANY PAPER -- and after I soon motored to Wilmington to live in my car in a WARMER CLIMATE (December 30, 2010), I soon called Wake County and they had NO RECORD of any action against me -- including Restraining Orders!!!
So, ANYWAY, I am TOTALLY on the side of ENFORCEMENT of the US and North Carolina Constitutions -- and Bodies of Law!!! PLEASE CALL ON ME if I can be of any help!!!
And here is the skivvy on Gov. Roy Cooper and former Sen. Deborah Ross:
All Best -- and may WE ALL SALUTE NORTH CAROLINA!!!: