Wednesday, February 28, 2018

FINAL DRAFT of Letter to New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, Kenan Institute for Ethics, and Tennessee Williams Literary Festival -- to Be Snail Mailed Tomorrow (Friday):

Mayor Mitch Landrieu
1300 Perdido Street
Suite 2E04
New Orleans, LA 70112

March 1, 2018

Dear Mayor Landrieu,

The following is my somewhat edited email of yesterday – with a couple of corrections and MANY additions, the additions mostly in the bottom half. You can see to whom I copied it at Kenan/Ethics (who were mass-emailed it like the others of my 220+ Political Contacts, so they had an idea of what I’m up to – when we spoke in person at a lecture there a year ago, I found NONE of them knew much about the Kenan Family AT ALL!!!), as well as at I recommend you read it as I post it on blog with added graphics and possible late-made corrections, here – I updated the Letter, but URL remains:

My name is Scott David Kenan, both the last assistant to playwright Tennessee Williams and distant relative of the wealthy Kenans, whose Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University you will speak at this Friday evening, March 2, 2018. The MOST important thing for me to write is that KIE, although begun by and largely financed by my relatives – many of whom I know – does NOT reflect the totalitarian values of the wealthy Kenans who put Donald Trump into power to destroy Democracy, and with Kenan Family lifelong employee Rex Tillerson (best friend and awardee of Vladimir Putin), to profit from developing Russia’s oil reserves – Kenans controlling Standard Oil since 1913, now Exxon-Mobil, Kenan Advantage Group (largest trucker in the USA, Canada, and Mexico – mostly of petroleum products), Bank of America, and other companies.

Frank Hawkins Kenan with James Graham Kenan about 1990.

James Graham Kenan and his brother Frank Hawkins Kenan – who led the Kenan Companies and Charities until their deaths a few years before the year 2000 were both members of the Ku Klux Klan, and Frank the most powerful Republican in North Carolina and considered the Christian Spiritual Leader of the Republican Party. And in 1990, James Graham Kenan’s nephew, Gregg Loomis, still alive:, told me when I met him for legal advice, that the wealthy Kenans hate only Jews more than they hate “niggers”, Kenans being the reason “Silent Sam” remains on the UNC Chapel Hill campus (now protected by legislation by Republican Legislators).

In fact, in 2015, I chance-met a recently retired exec of Exxon-Mobil who told me which members of my Kenan Family with Rex Tillerson, Exxon-Mobil, the CIA, and Hillary Clinton State Department put Enrique Pena Nieto into power, he then changing the Mexican Constitution so that Kenans and others could again get Mexico’s oil. Former President Vicente Fox – who has ties to Cincinnati, OH where I was born – was an exec of Kenan-controlled Coca-Cola (Kenans have a HUGE block + plus control of many local bottlers, not actual control, after not just inheriting Henry Flagler’s entire estate, but that of Frank Hawkins who put the Phoenix in Atlanta after the Civil War), before he was Presidente.

I also was good friends with Dr. Valdemar Salazar of Colima, Mexico when I lived there, and he introduced me to the Governor of Colima State and was the best friend of Presidente Salinas, he and Salinas sneaking out of the Presidential Palace in cognito to view all the CIA Narco-Trafficking in Puerto Vallarta and crying as they could do NOTHING about it. I ran afoul of the Governor of Nayarit State when I lived in Chacala where the Governor had a house and shipped much hard drugs out from there – with some top people of the Episcopal Church USA, who BRAGGED about that, and when I published on blog photos of a couple of their USA car license plates after I witnessed them transferring 24 two-kilo bags of Meth between vehicles to ship to the USA, I was called into Court, but they did NOT scare me, and I moved back to Puerto Vallarta ASAP!!!

It was Colin Powell’s retired Chief Protocol Officer, Army Col. Dottie Newman, a close friend in Atlanta in early 2010, who got me out to Mexico for most of five years after my parents with my sisters and my former employer, Patrick Lee Stansbury of – as well as good friends of Sean Hannity – tried to commit me to a mental hospital five times in one month in early 2010. 

At the 2015 TW/NOLA Literary Festival, I met Lt. Gen. Russel Honore’, who knew all about my Kenan Family running the Drug Mafia in Atlanta – and many OTHER Kenan/Exxon-Mobil Crimes. I met John Lahr there, and he acknowledged I am the authority on the last two years of Tennessee Williams’s life. Mr. Lahr and I had a “secret correspondence” while I wrote my memoir ahead of his writing his bio on TW.

However, John Uecker, who likely smothered Tennessee with a pillow, told me in 2009, that Thomas Elliot Keith – big at the Williams Festival in NOLA and worker for Sewanee where the Confederate Mace is held as symbol of Episcopal Church temporal power, Sewanee having received nearly $100 million from Kenans that I have documented over the last 100 years – had the PROOF of John Lahr’s sexual infidelities and the Episcopal Church had guessed that they could control him NOT to tell the whole truth about Tenn’s murder by that Church – or even mention my name in his bio. They were correct!!!

I was PROUD to see you seemed to rid New Orleans of statues of traitorous Confederates with minimal fuss. We could SURE USE YOUR HELP in North Carolina – especially here in Wilmington, where in 1898 my relative William Rand Kenan, Sr., the ONLY Confederate credited with breaking Washington, DC defenses and taking a clear shot at President Lincoln, was the primary cause – with First Presbyterian where he was then an Elder – of the Wilmington Insurrection, the ONLY successful Coup d’Etat in US History.

Today nearly all local politicians of BOTH Parties and MANY Christian Churches and Clergy ARE the Wilmington Christian Drug Mafia which was founded by my parents with Fr. Robert J. Kus (now at St. Mary’s Catholic Basilica Church), Nixon’s Aide John Enhrlichman (both of whom I know or knew well), and Wilmington Pharmaceutical giant PPD, co-founded by the Bush, Cheney, Bin Laden, and Saudi Royal families – the last two selling out after 9/11 to make it less obvious. 

My parents raised me with Swastikas on the dinner plates and daily beatings. Some of my parents’ close friends were Sen. Jesse Helms, the Bingham Family of Louisville, who murdered Mary Lily Kenan to get a $5,000,000.00 codicil to her will in 1917 (in 2018 dollars, more than 95 million), Coach Lou Holtz (John Boehner’s top co-strategist), Sean Hannity’s best friends, Nixon Aide John Ehrlichman, and Patrick Stansbury of Pentagon Publishing as well as his employee Lee E. Gosney, Jr., who made the deals to distribute the drugs flown into Maxwell AFB from Maine to Florida.

And it was in early 2010, that my then Facebook Friend Imran Anwar, the “Father of the Internet” in his native Pakistan and then a frequent contributor on Fox News and CNN for over ten years,, told me that EVERYONE at both those networks knew at the time that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., had planned and caused 9/11 with the Bush Family’s long-time business partners, the Bin Laden and Saudi Royal Families. He said it was just a SHAME that Americans are TOO CHRISTIAN to care about the TRUTH.

And it was a top Wells Fargo Advisors exec, Jamie Lee Sutherland, who told me he had seen both Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel many times in his Men’s Country gay baths in Chicago when Obama was an Illinois State Senator (his marriage to Michelle was arranged by Jesse Jackson and Rev. Jeremiah Wright). This is well known in other countries – but the Christian CIA controls US Media.

In 2012, I met George W. Bush’s top Narco-Dollar launderer in a sushi restaurant in Colima, Mexico. After Martin Lamb learned I was a Kenan from North Carolina, he ASSUMED I had MEGA Drug Cash and he wanted to launder it!!! He owns a private island off Panama with jet port, and said George W. Bush flies down in small jets regularly filled with $100.00 bills for him. Then I BLOGGED about that in an outdoor café the next morning, he and a friend showed up two tables away – and he SAW THAT. I saw his face at that moment, and just having paid the bill, I skedaddled, but he had his goons chase me in a car. I lost them halfway from Colima to Manzanillo on mountainous roads.

My last overnight date was 18 months ago with George Bush’s distant cousin Bill Toups, who had sought me out after reading my blog. Bill is also descended from Confederate President Jefferson Davis’s brother – and Confederate General Toups, who was big in defense of Fort Fisher and Wilmington before the last port of the Confederacy fell. We stayed up laughing all night over the HUGE Traitorous Drug and White Supremacy Crimes the Bush and Kenan Families have committed over the decades.

Bill Toups

But I must also credit the wealthy Kenans for stellar work, not just with the Kenan Institute for Ethics, but for,,,, and the BIGGEST of them all, founded by William Rand Kenan, JUNIOR, whose “horsey” wife died early, and he moved in with his life-long male secretary, Schuyler Beatty, for the rest of his life, continuing to run all of Henry Flagler’s enterprises (except Standard Oil, run by J.D. Rockefeller), including after Mary Lily (Kenan) Flagler inherited ALL of Flagler’s estate, and the New York Times declared Mary Lilly “The Wealthiest Woman on Earth.”

Also, a Canadian national who was part of one group of Narco-Traffickers who held me hostage in Puerto Vallarta in 2010, was fascinated by my Kenan genealogy book, and discovered that the Head of the American Psychiatric Association and the other shrink who collated all the studies to decide this, and they REMOVED Homosexuality as a “mental illness” from the DSM in 1973, were both blood Kenans with different surnames.

New Orleans people I know who could tell you a little about me include Paul Willis, Director of your city’s Williams Festival, Kenneth Holditch, Bev Marshall, Janet Daily Duval, and others. At the Kenan Institute for Ethics, I have spoken at some length with Philip Roth and Bashar Alobaidi, with major Duke Donors Aziz and Vahdat Ahmadieh, who have their offices within the Kenan/Ethics offices.

My memoir can be read here:, including reviews by three people I have mentioned and Amazon Customer Reviews. My experience of first visiting New Orleans with Tennessee beginning Ash Wednesday 1982, his tour for me of where he wrote many plays, etc.:

And as I told April in your office, I am happy to be of any assistance to New Orleans – something that would likely fall under a Cultural Department. I am an easy public speaker, articulate, spontaneous, yet also possessed by diplomacy – although you would not believe that reading much of my blog.

Because the wealthy Kenans – especially – Republicans, and Clinton Democrats HATE me so much for exposing their Narco-Trafficking and White Supremacy Crimes that they claim to do in the Name of Jesus Christ their Savior (actually for money, power, and to keep voters too drug-addled to insist on TRUTH from the News or Politicians), I am considering moving out of Wilmington and North Carolina where the Wealthy Kenan Family through control of NC Republicans and MANY Democrats – and the national Republican Party as well -- CHOKES Truth, Liberty, and Justice, and I have ALWAYS loved New Orleans. They have jailed me on false charges five times, convicted me of false charges (I eventually forced Democratic District Attorney Benjamin R. David to ERASE all of that), and Republican Judge Sandra Ray (previously also Criner), committed me to the Mental Hospital on word of a huge CRACK distributor, who soon enough was convicted of Drug Distribution in South Carolina and spent several years in prison.

THIS is Wilmington Christianity!!!

Although I was raised devout Roman Catholic – wanting to become a Jesuit priest in junior high -- and STILL loving the Catholic Values I was taught (but not worshiping Jesus), I usually am most comfortable with practicing or former Catholics, as well as Jews. And actually, I studied many years in Metaphysics (Science of Mind). As my favorite teacher there loved to say, “God loves the Atheists best – because they never fell for any of the BULL SHIT!!!”

This letter will be published on my blog here: I am well on my way to 2,000,000 hits to my blog now.

Scott D. Kenan

Wilmington, NC 28403

Cell: (910) 200-XXXX


I Will MISS New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu's Talk at the Kenan Institute for Ethics This Friday Evening -- but His Office Is THRILLED that I Will Write Him and Copy Kenan/Ethics and the New Orleans Tennessee Williams Fest as Well!!! / Aborted SHOOT-OUT at St. Mary's Catholic School, Wilmington, NC:

New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu

, the matter of the aborted shooting at St. Mary's School, yesterday. After writing Mayor Landrieu, I will write the Management of both St. Mary's and First Presbyterian, whose entrance to their pre-school is directly across the street from St. Mary's.

And I am THRILLED that just a couple of days ago, I discovered that District Attorney Benjamin R. David -- whose boyfriends while he is married to Stephanie David (a TOP Republican Fundraiser and Strategist for both Lamar Alexander and Mitt Romney), I have known and one TOLD me he was Ben's lover (, as well as his Narco-Trafficking with his brother, Republican D.A. Jon David from across the Cape Fear River -- and deliver it around town by hand.

Scott Kenan commented on a link.
56 mins
This is particularly disturbing to me, because only one house separated my last apartment from St. Mary's School. I assume this happened between people lined up for Tileson Charities (Sister Mary Issac Koenig's former work before her retirement)

I tithed to that Charity from my book sales while my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams sold on Amazon -- until local D.A. Ben David with a Fox News talking head and lawyer -- with a top exec of Wells Fargo, Jamie Lee Sutherland (my Kenan Family controls Bank of America​), filed LIBEL charges against me (for publishing that that Wells Fargo exec had seen Barack Obama​ and Rahm Emanuel several times in his Chicago gay bathhouse), never legally served me, then convicted me In Absentia -- STEALING copyright to my memoir, that Scott Rudin and the producers of the Harry Potter films were considering to make into a movie

But a few days ago, I saw that D.A. Ben David was REMOVED from the roster of Elders at First Presbyterian (nearly across the street from St. Mary's), so PROGRESS IS BEING MADE!!!

WILMINGTON — An attempted shooting on the campus of St. Mary Catholic School in downtown Wilmington was prevented by a faulty firearm this morning. Maurice…

Now, the actual reason I will miss this talk, is that my new roommate has only paid me a little of this week's rent, but will pay the rest from his first pay check that he gets Friday -- too late to put the transportation money in my pocket -- even if it is "cash-convertible" the same day. 

But thinking further -- and after discussion with my mother, Ruth Anne (Meyer) Kenan of Raleigh (whom I would visit with as well as my sister Jane Ann Kenan BEFORE that talk), Mom is somewhat under the weather right now, and I would NOT have time to speak with either Mayor Landrieu, or the several people I got to know at Kenan/Ethics, including Bashar Alobaidi, Brian Roth, and ESPECIALLY major Duke Donors (whose office is within KIE), Aziz and Vahdat Ahmadieh:

The Ahmadiehs with their portrait.

Last night I became aware of my own confusion about the nature of the character Mac in Tennessee Williams's In Masks Outrageous and Obscure -- who was based on me. Although with others at Tennessee Williams's house, I occasionally participated in READING parts of this play so Tennessee could hear how his characters sounded, I was NOT then aware of much about the plot or the characters -- and I was UNABLE to get the director of the production in NYC (or anyone else there), to send me a copy of the script -- it's an UNPUBLISHED PLAY, even today -- so I could read it. I was still close to homeless in Puerto Vallarta when the play was staged -- and it closed about a month later.

I found THIS, this morning:

"Trying to figure out why they’re there and what’s going to happen to them, the dyspeptic three only succeed in getting on each other’s last nerves. Also wearing them down are Babe’s randy maid Peg Foyle (Pamela Shaw), Babe’s strapping mechanic swain Joey (Christopher Halladay) and next-door neighbor Mrs. Gorse-Bracken (Alison Fraser, looking more like Angela Lansbury than ever) and her bird-imitating swishy, slicker-clad son Playboy (Connor Buckley). Later, the hijacked three are invaded by growling black man Mac (Jermaine Miles) and his dwarf interpreter (Jonathan Kim)."

And FUNNY, that I just now noticed this was written by David Finkle -- my LONG-TIME Facebook Friend!!!:

Also, this morning, I AGAIN had to FORCE REBOOT my Windows 10 computer -- BEFORE I was allowed to comment on Facebook -- and when I listed all the email providers (in the title of my broadcast emails of blog-postings), to whom my emails are BLOCKED when I send out from my GoDaddy/Microsoft email -- as well as those that get blocked from sending from my AOL address, I FORGOT to mention that AOL blocks all to Gmail addresses -- as well as to EVERYONE at the New Orleans/Tennessee Williams Literary Festival, and also their director, Paul Willis's PERSONAL email address -- and Paul and I have spoken MANY TIMES since the Festival CANCELLED my participation in three Panels at the 2010 Festival on DEMAND of Thomas Elliot Keith and the Episcopal Church/Sewanee, that holds the RIGHTS to all of Tennessee's plays.

As my Readers know, Tennessee Williams Scholar and fourth cousin, Kenneth Holditch, told me in person at the 2015 Festival, that Thomas Keith had gotten his contracted book on Tennessee CANCELLED -- just as I had TOLD HIM would happen -- and I had FORGOTTEN I had told Kenneth THAT!!!

A Tennessee Williams panel discussion -- Kenneth Holditch on left, one of the people from the Provincetown, MA Festival, my personal friend John Lahr, who publicly recognize me in a different talk that year as the authority on the last two years of Tennessee's life, Annette Saddick, and Thomas Elliot Keith.

Sandra Beckham
5 hrs
“Cope or die.”

― Joan Bauer, Rules of the Road

SO, since I spoke with Mayor Landrieu's Admin April for six minutes -- explaining much about my history with Tennessee Williams, the History of the TRAITOROUS Kenan Family -- but EXCELLENCE of the Kenan Institute for Ethics, and she is VERY EAGER to get my emailed letter (which I will also send by tracked US Mail), I'd better get some lunch and write THAT Letter, no???

I promised her I will ALSO copy top people at the New Orleans Williams Festival -- and also at KIE -- which she said have been WONDERFUL in helping to set up this talk, Friday!!!

My FAVE GRAPHIC from a few years ago of the Ethics Institute.
