Thursday, January 7, 2016

A Few Problems for "Testosteroni" and my Roommate Philip Rosario -- as WELL!!!

>>> ADDED @ 1:18 PM:

HACKERS have removed TWO IMAGES and messed with other FORMATTING -- as well as REMOVED software from this computer so I cannot now connect via WIFI.

I am NOW going to try to repair that connection!!!

Philip Rosario's Holy Catholic Altar to FUNLAND and himself, was packed up for moving, days ago. At the moment, he is loading some boxes of his stuff into a vehicle owned by one of the owners of Betsy's Crepes -- the business so legitimate that SEVERAL major drug dealers work there, and the email address for owner Betsy Markey DOES NOT EXIST.

I just now tested it:

Scott Kenan shared a link.

By taking away the city's clean drinking water in order to "cut costs" and then switching the city's water supply to Flint River water, you have allowed massively unsafe levels of pollutants and lead into the water that travels in to everyone's…

The most REMARKABLE thing about all of "Testosteroni's" claims to me -- and OPPOSITE of good advice -- is that he NEVER bothered to mention that in cases like mine, the very FIRST thing one learns is that a FLAT FEE is paid to the lawyer which covers EVERYTHING until resolution -- whether the plaintiff fails to appear and it is DISMISSED, things are continued, or even land in a higher Court.

So WHY was Testo so hell-bent on my having NO REPRESENTATION in this "first" hearing???

I did.

Anyway, the lawyer I hired and paid for already, will for now remain unnamed. But speaking with my friend and next-door neighbor and SUPER LAWYER (and advocate for a CLEAN local Democratic Party as well), Oliver Carter, was MOST IMPRESSED -- and claimed I had hired THE BEST!!!

I've written enough about Old Testosteroni, who is even NOW sitting in a pile of "crusty towels" -- and my Readers will know just what I mean by that, so let me document Philip Rosario's behaviors the last two days:

1. Well, Betsy's Crepes's employee Logan was by yesterday to buy drugs from Phil -- as I reported on blog earlier. At that time, Phil told me that Logan had AGAIN had to change his phone number (third time in as many months, I believe), but that Phil would give it to me before he finishes moving out -- so I can buy marijuana from Logan.

I don't THINK so!!!

Also, last night, Phil claimed that Logan wants to give ME "manly benefits" -- which I SUPER-SERIOUSLY doubt!!!

2. Last night Phil played a lot of MIND GAMES with me, stealing something of no value because he is "ADDICTED" to its aqua-blue color -- a LARGE BIC lighter -- while Phil prefers the smaller, which all his others are.

I got him to give me a black one -- not wanting him to be DEPRIVED of his color -- LOL!!!

3. Several times -- and for the first time ever -- Phil faked that he was going to beat me in the head. I actually did not even FLINCH. I've told you that I can handle stress quite well, now!!!

4. Last night and again this morning, Phil LOUDLY insisted that I have NO IDEA what I have brought down on MYSELF -- and any JAIL SENTENCE I get tomorrow will be JUST THE BEGINNING!!!

He said the POWER he, Phil, has is greater than any I have ever known.

I explained to Mr. Rosario that I've heard that TIME AND TIME AGAIN -- since Geraldine "Gerry" Flynn-Miller of told me right before I fled Georgia with help of Colin Powell's people in 2010, that Patrick Stansbury had told her I have NO IDEA how big this "THING" is against the US Government and ME -- but that Patrick had told her several times that they plan to KILL ME!!!

Well, they HAVEN'T, have they??? 

At least I am UNAWARE of it!!!

The most recent photo I have of Patrick Stansbury shows the DEVASTATION to his face caused by long-term METH use.

And before going FURTHER, I want to state once again, that I have RELAXED about Judge Chad Hogston -- although someone else might be switched in at the last moment, I suppose.

Now, before my personal friend, former Congresswoman, and 2008 GREEN PARTY Presidential Candidate, Cynthia McKinney, was elected to my district:

. . . we had Republican Patrick Swindal, Pat the then-equivalet of a TEA PARTY REPUBLICAN, who EVERY TIME he was embroiled in SCANDALS (of a "swindling" kind -- like Thom Goolsby here in Wilmington), ran his campaign with PROMINENT images of his PREGNANT WIFE which got him an "empathy vote" -- but that might have just been coincidental in Judge Hogston's case -- and I am aware of NO SCANDALS associated with him!!!


1. Yesterday morning, Gold Walker, my landlady, told me that she was then going out of town until Sunday, but that maintenance man Thomas would be around. Thomas always ANGRY about something -- and frequently RAILING about "niggers" -- which Gold was unaware of.

2. While Philip Rosario was carting his boxes to load the Betsy's Crepes alleged "pick-up truck" that Phil claimed he had borrowed this morning, THERE WAS NO TRUCK OR OTHER VEHICLE parked anywhere near my house (but plenty of open parking spaces), and Phil took too much time for each trip on the stairs.

Additionally, NO VEHICLES pulled away when Phil last left the building.

I suspect that either he took them a short block to Logan's apartment at 5th and Orange, or worked a deal with Thomas to temporarily store some stuff -- UNTIL I WAS IN JAIL!!!

I am NOT crazy about the fact that I could be sent there -- if I am -- right way. Dewain could fend for himself, fine, but the idea of Philip Rosario still having keys and possession, so that he could then destroy or steal my property -- ESPECIALLY all my stored EVIDENCE, is not one I want to think about, and if Judge Hogston is made aware of that PROBLEM, perhaps he would delay my incarceration, should he decide I deserve that.

Readers will recall that the very MORNING I first lived in the rented house on S. 8th Street in 2011, Police arrested me on David Nash's BOGUS CHARGE, and I remained in jail for about two months before the trial was held in Judge Hogston's Court. At that time, the cops were nice about the arrest, allowing me to put some refrigerated things into the freezer -- and REMINDING ME to be sure all of MANY locks on the back door were LOCKED!!! (included manual hooks that had to be unhooked from inside).

One of the BIGGEST SHOCKS of that whole event, was that ALL the back door locks were UN-LOCKED when I got out of jail -- and I had had NO roommates yet, and had given my keys to NO ONE!!!

Jennifer McCracken/Christine Hitchens/Tamira Blakeman is EXPECTING to have me in jail -- TOMORROW (or so the EVIDENCE suggests, no???)

One final thing: Philip Rosario has been TRASHING Dewain frequently, especially the last week (instead of remembering that he is supposed to SHIP OUT on a SHIP -- LOL!!!). Dewain has ONLY said to me of Philip, "I sure hope he is OUT before I move in!!!"

And last night, Philip BRAGGED to me about a major cocaine deal he was party to a couple of nights ago -- but at a friend's house (and that he did a line or two).

He ALSO forgets, that even though he claimed yesterday that he will NOT let me know where he is "moving to", he previously told me it was with an older married Italian couple (one of them named Angel), on Dixie Avenue -- just off Wrightsville Avenue -- and I found that on a MAP!!!



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