Freedom at Last!!!
This morning, I awoke truly refreshed and feeling unburdened -- and with my first cup of coffee and cig, I realized that in finally severing ties to my swastika-loving immediate family (who NECESSARILY have acted in full consciousness of their even capital crimes against me), I had freed myself to be truly loving with my REAL family -- WILMINGTONIANS!!!
First result of image-googling "Wilmingtonians" -- a film I'd never heard of -- and it's about Texans moving to DELAWARE -- LOL!!!
I also immediately realized that in KNOWING my own family consciously and deliberately committed their crimes not only against the United States of America, but against me, I have ASSUMED too much about the conscious knowledge of Wilmington Politicians (or at least what they can get away with pretending they don't know).
Also, anyone reading even a SMIDGE of my blog knows that I have a nearly unbelievable number of direct sources (or only "once-removed"), in the highest realms of Earthly Power, so it is UNDERSTANDABLE that so many would rather call me insane than face facts and logic.
Now that I am NO LONGER dragging my thoroughly evil, Catholic-POPES-directed immediate family around like a ball and chain, I am free to easily be more patient with those who have been so bamboozled by the CIA/NSA control of US Media. It really is all a matter of this:
The bottom line DEVIL WORSHIP of the Idol Jesus by MOST American Christians GUARANTEES that they will act LIKE DEVILS, no???
So let's take a few people "off the hook", as they say. Father Bob and Sister Mary Issac Koenig at St. Mary's apparently do believe in the actual "sonship to God" of Jesus -- and in the literal changing of a wafer and wine into Body and Blood of the man called Jesus. Episcopalians, and all stripes of the Orthodox faiths believe in this ALSO.
But as Jesus made perfectly clear, he had no time for the Pharisees who argued points of religious law -- AT ALL -- and despite his claiming that it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle (rich Wilmingtonians and those in other locations might ponder the meaning of this), than for a rich man to get into heaven, he was talking about the rich man who LOVES MONEY -- rather than uses it for his own and others' good. Jesus was FREQUENTLY taking his band of disciples to eat, clean-up, and get refreshed in the homes of supportive rich people. Money itself is not evil -- only how it is used.
Not unlike guns. But then no one seems capable from keeping those guns from the hands of lunatics or children, so guns are not as simple -- especially since there is not ONE documented case of an innocent person ever actually defending his home or family from an intruder of ANY stripe with a gun in all of US History, although recently they thought they'd finally found one, but it proved not the case.
This myth is comforting to those who do not understand the Nature of God or Love, and is a GREAT way for gun manufacturers and sellers to INCREASE PROFITS.
This myth is comforting to those who do not understand the Nature of God or Love, and is a GREAT way for gun manufacturers and sellers to INCREASE PROFITS.
I was very pleased to learn from the woman in charge when I entered church offices a few weeks ago, that she claimed they are WELL AWARE of the HATERS claiming Catholicism to hide behind -- but they could do nothing about it. At the time, we were talking about my parents' co-strategist for the Swastika Cause of the INSTITUTIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH (not the Catholics who heed Jesus's Teachings) -- Coach Lou Holtz -- and others like John Boehner, most of the Catholic Supreme Court Justices, Paul Ryan, etc. -- but usually WORSE are those like Newt Gingrich who on a Catholic Law technicality, converted and married his current wife, a Catholic, although while impeaching Bill Clinton for a Monica Job, was fucking his now wife while married to his second wife, still.
I think everyone knows that Jeb Bush is another Catholic Convert.
Much of this recounting of facts from history will be an EYE-OPENER for the Prudish, Protestant types. Catholics actually have a "leg up" on most Protestants, because even in Catholic Grade School the nuns were honest about the EXTREME CRIMES of Popes and the Institutional Church over the centuries -- but Protestant Churches are so relatively modern, that their adherents tend to DEFEND all the Protestant Crimes (and MANY think that simply publicly claiming Jesus-as-Lord, they go straight to heaven without ANY personal responsibility for how they tend their Minds and their Actions).
And of course in the New Testament Jesus FREQUENTLY warns people about those who pray PUBLICLY, so what are Wilmingtonians whose Christian Churches ARE often Narco-Traffickers doing -- with the support of Politicians???
Prayer vigil to honor victims of gun violence
In an effort to remember victims of local shootings–and show unity towards ending gun violence–more than 15 area faith communities and grassroots organizations are coming together for a candlelight prayer vigil next month.
The vigil is set for 6 to 6:30 p.m. at Bailey Theater Park, 12 N. Front St., on Monday, Dec. 14–the two-year anniversary of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newton, Connecticut.
This year, similar vigils will be held in 36 states to remember all victims of gun violence.
“Some 30,000 Americans die every year of gunshot wounds,” said Don Arabian, a member of Wilmington Faiths Against Gun Violence, the group organizing the event.
Roughly 3,000 are those are children, he added, and 60 percent are suicides.
According to Arabian, the vigil arose from discussions about gun violence that began earlier this year among a number of Episcopal churches in the area. Those talks evolved into an interfaith effort of individuals from Christian, Jewish, Muslim traditions concerned about gun violence, regardless of the “politics of the gun debate,” he noted.
“We are working hard to bring together all points of views, all sides of the issue,” Arabian said. “We are trying to get past the polarizing nature of the debate. We need to begin a dialogue about gun violence. As people of faith we can’t stand by silently. If we do that, we condone it.”
The vigil will feature prayers from local clergy, lay people and children for victims and their families, as well as those working to curb gun violence locally and for the courage to stand together against the issue. Candles will be lit in memory of victims and the vigil will conclude with a bagpipe solo of “Amazing Grace.”
Sponsoring faith communities and organizations currently include: Church of the Servant Episcopal; St. James Episcopal; St. Mark’s Episcopal; Winter Park Presbyterian; Temple of Israel; Church of the Good Shepherd (Episcopal); Warner Temple AME Zion Church; B’nai Israel Synagogue; St. Paul’s Episcopal; Tauheed Islamic Center; Holy Cross Church (Episcopal), New Covenant Holiness Church; Moms-N-Mourning; St. Philip’s Episcopal in Southport; God’s Comprehensive Outreach Coalition; Grace Church (Episcopal) in Whiteville; and St. Luke AME Zion Church.
Beyond that, the VERY HEART of Episcopalian Education and Power in the Old South -- where the rich Kenans have given nearly $100 Million in the last 90 years -- Sewanee (The University of the South), is EXACTLY the organization that murdered Tennessee Williams with help of the Republican Party, CIA, and FBI -- exactly as Jackie Kennedy Onassis warned Tennessee would happen at the party where I met her on January 11, 1982.
Sewanee's Confederate Mace was its SYMBOL OF "GOD"-GIVEN POWER until "Political Correctness" forced its retirement in 2005. At that time, alumni donations TANKED in protest, and in 2008, Sewanee Alumni who are lawyers in Birmingham, Alabama contacted me after finding this blog -- to say that Rt. Rev. J. Neil Alexander had taken to using Tennessee Williams's estate (re-named the Walter Dakin Fund, after Tennessee's much admired by Tennessee's GRANDFATHER, who graduated as an Episcopal Priest there).
However, Walter Dakin was ANYTHING but a Saint!!! He had sex with men through out his adult life, and foolishly lost all his savings late in life to a swindle -- and lied to his wife, "Grand", as Tennessee called her.
This is all documented in MANY books, but the best documentation is in my friend John Lahr's book:
Doesn't Tennessee look here JUST LIKE Kevin Spacey, who would be perfect in the role of Tennessee Williams -- which reminds me, I still need to contact the company who bought the movie rights to this book, recently:
And while I DO believe that Mayor Saffo has balanced well (given all the hatred coming from the "Christians" in Wilmington) the DEMANDS of the Bush/Cheney/Clinton/Kenan Family Drug Mafia with IMPROVEMENTS to Wilmington -- he could ONLY do that by having a very DEEP knowledge and understanding of HOW THE DRUG MAFIA WORKS!!!
I assume this is why he -- or at least his recept Dawn Grants -- REFUSED to set up a meeting between him and me when I returned to town. City Council members ALLOWED the Mobile Whore Houses to come to Wilmington during their watch -- and gave them their CHRISTIAN BLESSING -- until I blogged about that in 2011, and D.A. Ben David's use of them to pay off criminals for spying on me.
They allow TIME/WARNER Cable to financially SCREW Wilmingtonians, even today. Wilmingtonians are too alcohol and drug-addicted -- and make FAR too much money off Narco-Trafficking -- to care one bit. Charlie Rivenbark (from my personal experience of speaking with him by phone from Mexico a few years ago), is PROBABLY the most corrupted of the bunch.
Anyway, I plan to go to this prayer meeting -- to take documentary photos, and to ask the Episcopalian clergy WHY they continue to be so thick in Narco-Trafficking. Readers will recall, that is was Ben David's freeloading-in-my-house SNITCH, Christopher Wright Rogers, who went into a PANIC when the one Episcopal Priest at St. James with whom HE dealt with in narco-trafficking was being TRANSFERRED, and was afraid the operation would be left RUDDERLESS.
The praying itself is certain to provide a kumbaya moment.
And if the people in attendance begin finding their common cause, they will DEMAND that local officials prosecute THEMSELVES for addicting our children and FUTURE to the drugs our Government imports.
This morning as I was discussing this all with "Testosteroni" by phone, my brother Mike called at about 8:30 this morning -- and just now, checking my calls on my cell, NEITHER the call I placed to Mike last night, nor his to me this morning show AT ALL!!!
I have an AT&T phone, and as I've blogged many times, Mike Massicott, who actually RUNS was TRAINED by AT&T Matrix in Atlanta -- and AT&T is the MOST NAZI of all cell carriers.
Mike first asked if I had "settled down" -- funny, since I had not hollered or been illogical in my call to him last night. I explained that no, I was not upset at all last night, and in the writing of my last blog posting, I came to realize I was wasting my LIFE trying to re-gain my blood family.
So he asked "What changed???" And I told him NOTHING had changed (since I had blogged and called him last night), and that was the problem. Please recall that Mike is shown by TWO "spy-ware" companies to own a house near his in Berwyn, and to work from there -- independently, although he claims to work in oil refinery accounting, like he did previously for Sunoco. Mike continues after three years to REFUSE to tell me for whom he works.
I told him nothing had changed about my plans for today, so please call Mom, Jane, and/or Julie, to let them know I would NOT be showing up today (or ever), and WHY.
Apparently he did NOT, because Jane called me at 1:24 PM today (and her calls DO show on my cell phone's log), to ask if I was almost there. I told her what I thought and then Julie quickly texted me that she's sorry she won't see me.
A couple a quick back and forths -- all of which proved that NONE of them read my blog or emails of it to them -- although Jane has occasionally shown she does some of them.
Bottom line is that it is BEST that we FORGET we ever knew each other -- until I drag them all into Criminal or Civil Court.
HERE is why I know they are now COMPLETELY sold to "The Devil" and have no HUMANNESS in them now AT ALL!!!:
Originally published here:
Hi Jane,
First of all, I apologize for not getting to you sooner, but although gmail shows you sent this at 5:17 PM yesterday, your time, I did not receive it by the time I went to bed at 11:15 PM last night -- but it had arrived this morning. ONLY emails that I would like to receive are typically delayed -- up to 2.5 days -- and the nut-balls calling me names get theirs right through every time -- LOL!!!
And then I had a long comedy of things needing attention that delayed me further, but nothing remarkable -- and THAT (the boring-ness of the things needing attention), is a sign of progress in MY life, as I bet you would agree.
Anyway, I'm not sure what got me on the subject yesterday -- perhaps the election which ran redder than I had imagined in my worst scenario (but also has silver lining to its dark, dark cloud -- the Republicans now have to PROVE they can govern responsibly, as the likely-voting public in the 2016 PRESIDENTIAL election cycle will guarantee the near END of that party if they don't), but even though I had pretty much gotten past blaming you, Mike, or Julie, even, for any of my difficulties (which all of you contributed to, but NOT with malice), the ONE THING I had gotten NONE of from any of you is empathy of any kind.
That's all I have ever wanted and I don't think any of you owe me an apology, amends, or similar -- we were ALL victims of our upbringing, and I took the lead to really explore it, so naturally, the rest of you must be or have been a bit shocked -- to say nothing of sometimes embarrassed or inconvenienced, but NOTHING like the complete loss of my wealth, attempts on my life and freedom AT ALL -- or that I had to flee the United States to take cover under Mama Mexico's skirts -- just to NOT be murdered by the US Government, so I never understood why you had no empathy to express to me. I trust none of you had to live under a bridge with real criminals, all armed and some of them REALLY mentally unstable. Miraculously, while those idiots peed in the space people slept in, they had the sense to go away a bit to defecate -- LOL!!!
I would also like to say that I think YOU have a basic understanding of many of these things -- you used to report how Mom and Dad sat around in their early 90s bitching about being poor as children, and how mean and nasty Mom typically was toward Dad. YOU always loved J. Kennedy Schultz's talks at Atlanta Church of Religious Science in the 1980s. And Mike has (since about two years after he was mad about my causing Connor's marriage to not happen), always been encouraging by his tone of voice, but never, ever, ever his words.
Julie is the "caboose", five years younger than Mike, and left to deal with those two on her own. That said is enough to call for a moratorium on ANY kind of criticism of Julie -- and to blanket her with unconditional love, letting her develop from that as she may. Some of the most fun I've had in recent years was the time I got stuck in New York, due to the blizzard of 2009, when I had gone to Mark Beard's Christmas Party after delivering final manuscript to Don Weise of Alyson Books (and before I returned home to find my computer TOTALLY HACKED and ALL files regarding my book and its drafts (safely hidden elsewhere), had been removed -- and nothing else. I took the train to Philly, and spent Christmas there at Mike's, before returning to Atlanta.
Only Allen Rosen was in the house to turn on my computer so it could be hacked by outsiders -- or he did the actual work, himself. I don't have time to tell you his wife Linda Rosen's connections to Republican top operatives and judges in Alabama, and the HATEFUL Christianity she actually espoused.
And after that tornado in Tuscaloosa (2011 or 12 -- even a bunch of people I knew at First Presbyterian, Wilmington went to Tuscaloosa to help with that mess), and I kept writing him asking if they were OK, he wrote to YOU to tell me they were OK -- his not EMAILING (not calling on phone, which could be difficult), PROOF to me of his GUILT!!! I was SUPER-SHOCKED that when you passed that info along, you didn't YOURSELF say that proves he was one of those trying to murder me -- although not by his own hand.
And he DID lie to you claiming I was needing commitment, I assume because his friend Patrick Stansbury of had called Allen and told him to ACTIVATE THAT PRE-PLANNED PLAN of manipulating my gullible sister!!!
Sorry, but so many people are NOT what they claim -- AT ALL!!!
But one evening that December 2009, we ate at Julie's house with several of her and Joel's friends -- and I really liked hearing their stories of hunting with bows and arrows. I thought that was totally cool, if not my thing. This is the closest I've felt to Julie in years -- and to Joel, ever.
So I'm just going to ignore myself-of-yesterday, and continue on.
I think that Mom is such a big presence, that the rest of us won't fully relax and be able to be candid until after she dies -- which could easily take ten years. I was talking to Testosteroni about this this morning, and how I had at first wanted to CONDEMN the three of you for NOT offering to buy me a plane ticket for Dad's funeral, but later realized that I was still too crazed to be trusted in public, so I THANK all of you for not offering. I expect to have my own earned money by the time Mom dies, but if not, I hope you can each kick in a couple of hundred dollars for me.
Naturally, I am copying dear Mike and Julie (BTW: I have ALWAYS loved Gail and her family -- I hope that has come through, perhaps Joel has been more different than me, so it has taken more time for me to warm up to him), and will post this as a follow-up to yesterday's posting. And if you didn't check it, I late-added a cool shot of Connor in Asia with a monkey at the very bottom. Connor posted a LOT of cool pix of that trip, first on Pinterest, some also on Facebook, and I could send you some of the other best if you want.
On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Jane Kenan wrote:
I'm sorry u feel that way Scott but I certainly understand. Jane
On Wednesday, November 5, 2014, Scott Kenan wrote:
* * *

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