Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Fear-Mongering CNN TV Doubles, Triples, and even QUADRUPLES Its Dedication to NAZI/CIA Goals of Enslavement of the World!!!

CNN is THRILLED that Mr. Brady is going to appeal -- and they can GET MORE DISTRACTION from this CRUCIAL issue!!!

1. Coverage of all racial and policing issues also dominates CNN, and while we NEED to have this conversation, MOST of CNN's coverage is SPECULATION about the future that is about to unfold. I mean they discuss to DEATH what MIGHT happen in a press conference scheduled an hour in the future. A WASTE.

2. CNN has apparently BANNED ALL ACTUAL NEWS STORIES except for natural disasters -- and plane, ferry, or cruise-ship, etc., wrecks.

3. CNN has apparently BANNED discussion of what politicians are actually DOING in Congress, replacing it with SUPER MONSOONS of speculation about an election nearly two years away!!!

4, Unlike any online news source (including CNN online, usually), CNN has paraded TONS of experts who are convinced of SUPER-IMMANENT THREATS from various terrorists, pushing people to EMBRACE A POLICE STATE.

5. There simply is NO TIME of day or night that one can turn to CNN and get a reasonable report on actual NEWS STORIES.

6. And not so much CNN, but many news sources are pushing back at Seymour Hersh's story about the Obama Administration FAKING of info regarding Osama Bin Laden's assassination.

I decided when I first saw the story to wait and see what develops and NOT to bother even reading much until then -- because many in their resistance to it would force it to CLARIFY better. I'm VERY MUCH interested in the story, for one thing because Kevin Maurer who wrote No Easy Day about the assassination was interviewing ME in summer of 2012 right before his book was announced. 

Kevin (whom I'd not heard of before then -- but who had published several other books), told me he was interested in writing about MY story -- and possibly for publication in the Wilmington Star News, where he then was head of the City Desk, or possibly for a book. Turned out he was just spying for the CIA!!!

And Kevin's published account and Rob O'Neill's published account DIFFER in some important points INCLUDING WHO ACTUALLY SHOT BIN LADEN and under what circumstances

Here is a quote from Kevin's now former employer, the Wilmington Star News: When Kevin Maurer published the New York Times best-selling book "No Easy Day," he was called a "partner in treason" and a "sleazy propagandist." Read more herehttp://www.starnewsonline.com/article/20140105/ARTICLES/131219700?p=1&tc=pg

And not much has changed since then, but he's published a NEW book now, also in cooperation with "Mark Owen" who is actually Matt Bissonnette, and everyone knows that now -- so WHY the FAKE NAME???

Mark Owen aka Matt Bissonnette

Assistant Shelby with Kevin at the Star News

Well, that article from the Wilmington newspaper reveals some important things. First of all Kevin plans to continue living in Wilmington PERIOD (and I'm glad of that -- it's a town full of eccentrics!!!), and he's married with two kids.

HOWEVER, as in the case of Kevin's hero (and Tennessee Williams told me Hemingway admitted to him he was gay -- even having his maid I worked with, Leoncia McGee, who'd been Hemingway's maid and was KNOWN FOR HER DISCRETION about Papa Hemingway's male lovers (not that Tennessee cared about discretion).

Hemingway's macho ways were native to him -- he fundamentally more gay than straight -- but also kept people from suspecting his REAL LIFE (but this ONLY worked back then -- I know FEW people now who don't know Hemingway was gay!!!)

Another quote from the article above linked: What famous person, living or dead, would you like to spend a day with, and how would you spend it? I think it would be great to spend the day with Ernest Hemingway. But I don't want to talk about writing or books. I want to drink and fish and cause general mayhem.

And I am afraid I CANNOT publish any results of image-googling "bisexual mayhem", but in SALUTE TO THE FACT that Kevin probably IS available for sex (if only discretely), here is his latest book:

4.5 Stars and 262 customer reviews -- CHECK IT OUT!!!http://www.amazon.com/No-Hero-Evolution-Navy-SEAL/dp/052595452X

And I DO still have Kevin's cell phone number -- but last I called him about a year ago, he wasn't much interested in talking -- LOL!!!


PS: I don't think Kevin is a "Bathhouse Addict" like President Obama and Rahm Emanuel:

In Wilmington, North Carolina, Gold's Gym and Duck n' Dive Bar (which accepts Bit Coin), are where the bisexual guys find their kind.

Duck n' Dive bar painted by Mark Herbert.

And the bar always keeps things MANLY so that even many women there don't know what's up!!!

I'm sure Kevin would like it -- no???


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