Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Clash of the Titans???

US Troops showing NAZI SS allegiance -- recently in the Middle East Wars

Completely unbeknownst to me, Jim Grissom will be in New Orleans at a book-signing of his Tennessee Williams: (whatever), at a book store on Tuesday, March 24, and is NOT a speaker at the Festival, but I imagine plans to stay there through it all – and will be at many of the panel discussions I plan to attend.

I really had had no idea of this, except I had checked a while back and did not see his name on the list of speakers. So today, the same friend who had read the book told me about this by phone.

Now had I KNOWN this, I would have made my same points, but would have challenged Jim to meet with me so I could vet him – and vice-versa -- and in anticipation of that would have written in a less strident tone.

Perhaps funniest, is that I already wrote to Paul Willis explaining my intention to fully respect the Festival – and even stay away from anyone who thinks they might have a problem with what I know. So, now, I expect I will figure out who Jim Grissom is (I couldn’t google up his image, as his images from his blog come in in cascades, and no photo there of him), and then see if he and I can meet over coffee or a beer.

If we are copacetic, great – and if not, agree to a respectful détente so we can be at the same events. And with my height, he will certainly always see me coming in advance, no???

Really, it is that simple.

>>> I HAD TO LAUGH MY BUTT OFF THIS MORNING, when I heard that Hillary Clinton had scheduled to speak about her emails at the UN (at first because it is so pretentious), and then I heard that the WHOLE POINT was because it takes about eight hours for Press to get passes there, and she was only giving six-hour notice, guaranteeing that only usual press will be there, and NOT the people who most want to speak with her – LOL!!!

I bet they speed the Press credentials, however.

I predict COMPLETE IMPLOSION within a couple of days – just like I said would happen to Hillary when my old Congressman Cooter (Ben Jones, who played Cooter in The Dukes of Hazzard), from his new Virginia location, with others plotted and OUSTED Eric Cantor, shocking the Republicans.

I also had to laugh at my experience of the last two days – that the hackers have escalated -- making NO SENSE to me, since I’ve blogged everything already, and so much is improving in the USA, despite these horrid events that really SEEM TO BE waking people up to the lies in American Society.

But Mr. Grissom may be a far more important player in the Sewanee/Episcopal Church, CIA/Republican Party crap about Tennessee Williams than I had had any idea of – and then I BOLDLY suggested a new autopsy – by modern standards.

NOW my hackers are cooking with GAS, so I guess that is confirmation that this should be done.

And not thinking of Mom’s bridge club that meets every Tuesday, I tried to call her. I just wanted to get a feel for how the family is thinking, the deadline for their decision is midnight at the end of tomorrow. After that – if they don’t want to “invest”, I will, like Miles O’Brien of CNN, cut off the arm that threatens my demise. They have each either directly or indirectly tried to murder me or permanently commit me to a nut-house or prison, too many times.

Now, I should say that my mother has never admitted to any crimes – except that when she and Dad lived in Wilmington, she did brag to me twice how her duplicate bridge club at St. Mark’s Catholic was very effective smuggling out wealth from South Africa in artwork. And she DID say it was for the White People who had then been TOTALLY SCREWED.

THIS is why I condemn “good Christians” like Father Bob Kus, who was her pastor there. I don’t think he knew about it – just like all the FAILED PARENTS don’t know their teenager has radicalized until they are nearly in Syria. WILLFUL IGNORANCE!!!

EVERY Catholic knows how the Church supported Adolf Hitler – and that both Popes John Paul II and Alexander the Ratzinger were DEEP in Nazism in their youth. Even Pope Francis had the CHUMMIEST ties to Argentine Dictators and the CIA 20 or so years ago, but “nicend-up”, so people would think he’s a nice guy.

In the last ten days, Mexico was so offended by the Pope the government sent him a scathing letter, and for another reason, the same thing happened with another Latin American country.

This in Catholic Latin America!!!

Well, all in my family want to deride me for how I view our past, but they only criticize my STYLE and my SANITY, rather than offer a different meaning of events – which I would LOVE to see. They are relatively wealthy, comfortable, have so many treats from Costco they can’t fit them all in cupboards – especially Jane. NO ONE has lost a job or a place in college.

And they are MAD AS HELL at me, and act like all the difficulties I have suffered are IMMATERIAL BECAUSE I AM A FUCKING FAGGOT!!!

Well, my brother Mike is too, largely – and probably nephew Connor as well. They NEVER have expressed empathy about a single one of my difficulties – and never expressed congratulations over my many practical real-world victories.

THIS is why it is best that they pay me this amount and then I don’t feature info about them. They will reap enormous financial benefits when I share my winnings/earnings, and then we can begin laughing about it all.

But this DOES require a leap of faith on their part, and I have never seen evidence that they know that God is Lovethey act like they worship Fear and Hate.

Well, they’ve still got time.


Pope Alexander in his youth.

Chava Gonzales Resendez, the most previous Mayor of Puerto Vallarta -- known for his FAMOUS narco-trafficking family, and his COZY relationship with US Consular Agent Kelly Trainor de O and the CIA, gives THE SALUTE!!!




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