Sunday, January 5, 2014

After Two Days of Waiting for Clarity, the Only COMPLETELY CLEAR Thing Is That I MUST Offer My Services to the CIA and/or NSA TOMORROW (let the chips fall where they may)!!!

>>> SO MANY THINGS have occurred the last two days, I can’t write all the TRULY significant ones, even, but let me enumerate the most significant of them:

1.      Stopping to pick up a package at MBE, I crossed the street to speak with my landlord to tell him some of my news. There, he was excited to introduce me to an old friend of his who just happened to stop in, an Italian from South Philly (Philadelphia, for my foreign readers). This man was up to ten years older than my 62 years, his body healthy but misshapen like old Italian men often get when they know their wealth or power keep the sex coming – regardless their appearance. And it was QUITE POSSIBLE that it was actually black shoe polish that he used in his hair. In other words, an old-style Philly Mafia type – whether or not he was ACTUALLY ever true Mafia.

This Italian and I got into the most spirited and friendly conversation imaginable, especially since he personally knew the Sinatra Family (more of them than I met) – as well as the Gambinos (whom I’ve never knowingly met). And when I told him that Patricia Sinatra had casually told me her family had put Jack Kennedy in power at the request of Joe Kennedy, he IMMEDIATELY protested that the Gambino Family had actually stuffed those Chicago ballot boxes, and I returned that it was at the urging or ever arm-twisting of the Sinatras, pure LOGICAL conjecture on my part – but he accepted it.

And I thanked him and the “Italian people” for being so kind and helpful to me in 1978, right after I was discharged from a month in THE INSTITUTE, the University of Pennsylvania’s Mental Health Hospital, originally founded by Ben Franklin. I was then not only STRIPPED of all self-esteem, but “stabilized” on Lithium, so that I let GO of all my concerns about the criminals who had committed me (actually illegally and on my mother’s word, since NO judge or doctor did it as was then required by Law in New Jersey).

You see, this was the first time I was to live in a downtown urban area – and alone – so always having heard that the Italian section of South Philly was SAFEST, due to the Mafia making certain it WAS safe, as well as my love of the Italian Market there, there I landed, and the specifics of how they helped me (absolutely legal activities, only), you will just have to accept (or not), without my boring you.

BOTTOM LINE: In MY experience, the Italian people are JUST AS GOOD AS MEXICANS – Praise Jesus!!!

2.      My tooth – or hole, now – passed the dentist’s approval, but since I now still have some temperature sensitivity in the NEXT tooth, I know I have a cavity to fill and am due for a cleaning anyway. I’ll take care of that soon.

3.      Bank of America has long amazed me for their customer service, usually taking TWO overnights after I transfer money that has come via PayPal, while I know it takes longer at most other banks. Since I had transferred funds on New Year’s Day, a holiday, I figured the money would be available to me at the earliest on Saturday – but there it was on FRIDAY, so I went to Costco, primarily to get a new tire.

Looking for an image of Medea BITING A TIRE HALF OFF (which I'm sure I've seen) -- to show what I will now do to the tires of DRUG MAFIA, I could only find THIS, LOL!!!:

4.      After arranging for that, I ran immediately into the young demo-guy who has been so helpful and interesting. He was very busy with many customers in a sort of temp small electronics accessories booth, so we greeted and I ended up giving him my phone number so we can discuss some history and such over coffee or even dinner. This guy is actually planning to further his education before too long, so I was RIGHT about his unusually promising future.

5.      Weeks ago (perhaps only one), I gave up trying to engage Gringos and others at Costco in serious conversation – because the ones that happen SPONTANEOUSLY are actually far better, and only about five steps further into the store, I met a threesome, two BIG GUYS (white) – curious about my height -- and an interpreter. I didn’t get full details, but one was either a high Russian Government Official – or big businessman from Russia, the other a US Government Official, incognito. You have to be IMPORTANT to pay for an interpreter to accompany you even to Costco, no???

And THIS incident should have been electronically recorded so ALL could see what an IDIOT I can be when I worry about anyone’s judgment of me. They asked me what I thought of Vladimir Putin, and I said that while I disagree with many of his policies, I respect his LEADERSHIP QUALITIES (a misuse of vocabulary), and THAT got them pounding me for what ON EARTH good could I possibly see in Putin. I stumbled about defending myself, when I should have said I meant that he is the current WINNER in the Power Game there – and you DO have to respect winners (as well as I THANK HIM for giving Ed Snowden temporary safety), and of course I BRAGGED that President Putin is on my email list.

6.      Then I met a fine strapping family of Coloradoans, the three sons at least in high school, and we had a fun time agreeing with each other politically, the sons old enough I did NOT have to watch my subject matter.

7.      But there was another Big American Guy Tourist I had had a slight kerfuffle with, and feeling I had violated my own new standard of MAKING PEACE NOT WAR, I sought him out and apologized for my obnoxious behavior, we then getting into a TOTALLY COOL conversation, he clearly a Republican.

The first thing we agreed on is that Barack Obama is currently destined to go down as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER: 

The BIGGEST LIAR in US Political History – and the BIGGEST PROMOTER of International Narco-Trafficking – FAR WORSE than either of the Bushes, and pushing the Drug-Mafia achievements of even Bill Clinton (for Bush/Cheney). And we BOTH AGREED that neither of us knows a single self-identifying Democrat who is NOT completely DISGUSTED with that Traitor (or at least blackmailed homosexual), giving the Obstructionist (my view, not his), Republicans a well-earned REST after so much money, blather, and EFFORT at constructing the Tower of Babble of Bull Shit, COMPLETELY obscuring their ACTUAL VALID POINTS, few as they seem to actually have – BUT WHO REALLY KNOWS, they stand on emotional terrorism rather than logic – let alone possessing even a single DOLLOP of Love or Kindness!!!

I found it interesting that this man completely discounted ANY good from Nancy Pelosi or Harry Reed – he even complaining that he has NEVER understood Senator Reid, because he claims he’s never heard Reid utter a SINGLE SENTENCE that was understandable – not considering what anyone thought of the sentence’s content.

CLEARLY he suffers from true BIPOLAR ILLNESS – the mindset that everything and everyone is either GOOD OR BAD, completely, and life is as simple as an ionic bond when sodium and chlorine bind FAST and HARD to form the super-stable table salt. This kind of thinking dominated human thought when we were still only animal, but loosened for the transitional phase I, at least, would call HUMAN. In today’s world of the already HERE Age of the Artist, Mahalalel, or the promised “Heaven on Earth” – call it what you prefer, these kinds of thinkers must either EVOLVE VERY QUICKLY or go the way of the dinosaurs. Even I find some good in John Boehner as well as “Old Wax-Face” (I love watching to see if the hot lights of television will finally melt his face RIGHT OFF!!!), Mitch McConnell.

But I CHANGED my conversational tone and showed him the respect due ALL GOD’S CHILDREN, and we were soon both in near ecstasy to be having on BOTH OUR PARTS such an excellent conversation – the trend that to me is so apparent, now, in the USA, and which GUARANTEES that Americans will surprisingly quickly HEAL OUR COUNTRY and OURSELVES!!! We parted, both expressing that we hope to run back into each other again.

8.      And THAT leads me back to Dear Old CNN.

The Crossfire on Legalization of Marijuana the other night was OUTSTANDING (it sure gave ME some things to consider which I HAVE NOT THOUGHT ABOUT). Please go to You-Tube or wherever to view it if you haven’t. Gingrich was uncommonly quiet, while MOST of the talk-action involved the “liberal” black guy whom I always respect, and former Congressman Patrick Kennedy, making his case of the dangers to those like himself who are prone to addictions (Patrick actually sitting on the conservative side and giving Gingrich his due for similar position on THIS subject).

My position on that remains that in addition to the many intelligent controls being developed, NOTHING should be sold except the herb itself and possibly hashish – but NOT opiated hash, which was so popular when I was in college in the early 1970s. Eat turkey whilest smoking pot for an effect similar to opium.

Another thing to consider, forgetting that demand pushed 1/8 ounce from $25.00 USD to at least $45.00 in much of Colorado, so using the lower, intended $25.00/eight for reference – and the $38.45 price of 1.75 ounces pot was going for in Mismaloya, Mexico a couple of weeks ago – or mere $21.98 PER FULL OUNCE or $2.75 USD per eighth ounce, there is PLENTY OF PROFIT INCENTIVE for illegal smuggling STILL!!!

My advice: Coloradoans, please legally GROW YER OWN and save some lives of citizens in Mexico to boot – PLEASE!!!

Now very long-term readers of my former blog, , will recall that I developed a BIG CRUSH on Patrick Kennedy when he was in crisis over his “bipolar illness”, and left Congress, hoping to advocate for fellow sufferers. I’m fairly certain that I actually met Patrick when he was a child at the 1981 Kennedy Center Honors, me accompanying Tennessee Williams.

Tom and I stood talking for a while with Pat Lawford and Jean Smith during intermission, and they had not only their own kids, but other young Kennedy children with them as well. The whole thing reminded me sort of of TWO Julie Andrewses shepherding a bunch of Von Trapp chirren. I wrote it that way in my memoir of working for Tennessee Williams, which ALL can now read for FREE, here: .

But what I found SADDEST is that Patrick has NOT found the root(s) of his own “mental illness” (historically, bipolar/manic-depression is the diagnosis of CHOICE given by Christians to those exhibiting gay or bisexual tendencies, why Jesse Jackson, Jr. got the diagnosis FOR SURE!!!  – the solution to medicate then even to OBLIVION, if necessary). And I see that Patrick’s face is now “drug-fat” like so many medicated “bipolars” end up exhibiting.

TOO BAD he didn’t turn out more like his cousin Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., whom Jackie NEVER allowed to play with her children because RFK SENIOR’s kids were allowed so much freedom and ran nearly WILD IN THE STREETS -- RFK, JUNIOR then even having a small ZOO in the basement, including a baby elephant – LOL!!!

9.      And then this morning on CNN, Candy Crowley proved she is becoming ENTIRELY IRRELEVANT by interviewing the stunningly boring Scott Walker (he is so CHARACTERLESS in face and body – to say nothing of ideas I’ve ever heard him express, that I have never researched a THING about his recall, etc.), and he talked about all that without naming A SINGLE CORROBERATING FACT, which Candy was MORE THAN COMFORTABLE WITH. It was the MOST WASTED piece I’ve seen on CNN since Wolf Blitzer went on vacation – and THAT is saying A LOT!!!

And as a complete surprise to me, Candy mentioned the “wildly popular” tax reforms of Gov. McCrory in North Carolina. Stupidly, I have subscribed to the Wilmington Star News’s daily top news stories emails that have NEVER mentioned a thing about tax-law changes (mostly, they protect the narco-trafficking in Port Wilmington). I don’t doubt that after YEARS of Democratic control of NC that MANY reforms are needed (too long in power NECESSARILY CORRUPTS – just ask any Mexican about the PRI Party) – I just never got a whiff of a news story about this. I’ll try to subscribe to a similar email feed from THE RALEIGH OBSERVER, today. I trust IT is more a REAL NEWSPAPER.

10.  Then (THANK GOD!!!) Fareed Zacharia came on with the BEST show on the nature of creativity, whether in “art” like his guest Bono – or science and business, like his guest Elon Musk.


And Brian Stelter (I see I’ve misspelled his name in the past), was quite good TOO, except if CNN put him up to defending their 24/7 cold and snow reporting – rather than on REAL NEWS – CNN should CLEARLY STATE they are only in it for the RATINGS/AD SALES, and News is just an occasional side effect when no storm or VIOLENCE FEST can be exploited.

11.  Give me Kenan-Family-Associated Huffington Post ANY DAY, rather than CIA-Controlled CNN!!! At THIS point, the employees of CNN – who all know better – need to “scalp” the TIME/Warner Republican bosses if they don’t allow them to report REAL NEWS. Otherwise, and quite soon enough, they should ALL be charged and tried for HIGH TREASON, despite the VALIENT EFFORTS of those like the entire morning/mid-day team (up until Wolf Blitzer, a seriously improving Anderson Cooper-Vanderbilt, and Piers-the-Poof Morgan take over).

AMEN, baby!!!



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